#!/usr/bin/env bash # TODO: make sure not to show role in prompt if no role differentiation is used. # TODO: put rvm and pythonbrew "source" lines here in case they weren't # installed beforehand so there's only one line to add to the user's # bashrc etc. mvm(){ # Essentially just let metacon do its thing but then do in the current # context anything it tells us to do (such as setting environment variables) tmpout=`mktemp /tmp/mc.XXXXXXXX` metacon -s $@ | tee $tmpout | grep -v '^:bash' # Run & display results eval `grep '^:bash' $tmpout | cut -d' ' -f2-` # Process any bash commands unlink $tmpout } metacon_ps1(){ [ -v "$ORIG_PS1" ] || export ORIG_PS1="$PS1" export PROMPT_COMMAND='export PS1="$( metacon ps1 )"' }