module Admin::TableHelper def build_typus_table(model, fields, items, link_options = {}, association = nil) returning( do |html| html << <<-HTML HTML html << typus_table_header(model, fields) items.each do |item| html << <<-HTML HTML fields.each do |key, value| case value when :boolean then html << typus_table_boolean_field(key, item) when :datetime then html << typus_table_datetime_field(key, item, link_options) when :date then html << typus_table_datetime_field(key, item, link_options) when :file then html << typus_table_file_field(key, item, link_options) when :time then html << typus_table_datetime_field(key, item, link_options) when :belongs_to then html << typus_table_belongs_to_field(key, item) when :tree then html << typus_table_tree_field(key, item) when :position then html << typus_table_position_field(key, item) when :has_and_belongs_to_many then html << typus_table_has_and_belongs_to_many_field(key, item) else html << typus_table_string_field(key, item, link_options) end end action = if model.typus_user_id? && !@current_user.is_root? # If there's a typus_user_id column on the table and logged user is not root ... item.owned_by?(@current_user) ? item.class.typus_options_for(:default_action_on_item) : 'show' elsif !@current_user.can_perform?(model, 'edit') 'show' else item.class.typus_options_for(:default_action_on_item) end content = link_to _(action.capitalize), :controller => "admin/#{}", :action => action, :id => html << <<-HTML HTML ## # This controls the action to perform. If we are on a model list we # will remove the entry, but if we inside a model we will remove the # relationship between the models. # # Only shown is the user can destroy/unrelate items. # trash = "
" unrelate = "
" case params[:action] when 'index' condition = if model.typus_user_id? && !@current_user.is_root? item.owned_by?(@current_user) else @current_user.can_perform?(model, 'destroy') end perform = link_to trash, { :action => 'destroy', :id => }, :title => _("Remove"), :confirm => _("Remove entry?"), :method => :delete if condition when 'edit' # If we are editing content, we can relate and unrelate always! perform = link_to unrelate, { :action => 'unrelate', :id => params[:id], :resource => model, :resource_id => }, :title => _("Unrelate"), :confirm => _("Unrelate {{unrelate_model}} from {{unrelate_model_from}}?", :unrelate_model => model.typus_human_name, :unrelate_model_from => @resource[:human_name]) when 'show' # If we are showing content, we only can relate and unrelate if we are # the owners of the owner record. # If the owner record doesn't have a foreign key (Typus.user_fk) we look # each item to verify the ownership. condition = if @resource[:class].typus_user_id? && !@current_user.is_root? @item.owned_by?(@current_user) end perform = link_to unrelate, { :action => 'unrelate', :id => params[:id], :resource => model, :resource_id => }, :title => _("Unrelate"), :confirm => _("Unrelate {{unrelate_model}} from {{unrelate_model_from}}?", :unrelate_model => model.typus_human_name, :unrelate_model_from => @resource[:human_name]) if condition end html << <<-HTML HTML end html << "
" end end ## # Header of the table # def typus_table_header(model, fields) returning( do |html| headers = [] fields.each do |key, value| content = model.human_attribute_name(key) content += " (#{key})" if key.include?('_id') if ( { |i| i.to_s }.include?(key) || model.reflect_on_all_associations(:belongs_to).map(&:name).include?(key.to_sym)) && params[:action] == 'index' sort_order = case params[:sort_order] when 'asc' then ['desc', '↓'] when 'desc' then ['asc', '↑'] else [nil, nil] end order_by = model.reflect_on_association(key.to_sym).primary_key_name rescue key switch = sort_order.last if params[:order_by].eql?(order_by) options = { :order_by => order_by, :sort_order => sort_order.first } content = (link_to "#{content} #{switch}", params.merge(options)) end headers << "#{content}" end headers << " " if @current_user.can_perform?(model, 'delete') html << <<-HTML #{headers.join("\n")} HTML end end def typus_table_belongs_to_field(attribute, item) action = item.send(attribute).class.typus_options_for(:default_action_on_item) rescue 'edit' att_value = item.send(attribute) content = if !att_value.nil? if @current_user.can_perform?(, action) link_to item.send(attribute).typus_name, :controller => "admin/#{attribute.pluralize}", :action => action, :id => else att_value.typus_name end end <<-HTML #{content} HTML end def typus_table_has_and_belongs_to_many_field(attribute, item) <<-HTML #{item.send(attribute).map { |i| i.typus_name }.join('
')} HTML end def typus_table_string_field(attribute, item, link_options = {}) <<-HTML #{h(item.send(attribute))} HTML end def typus_table_file_field(attribute, item, link_options = {}) <<-HTML #{item.typus_preview_on_table(attribute)} HTML end def typus_table_tree_field(attribute, item) <<-HTML #{item.parent.typus_name if item.parent} HTML end def typus_table_position_field(attribute, item) html_position = [] [['Up', 'move_higher'], ['Down', 'move_lower']].each do |position| options = { :controller =>, :action => 'position', :id =>, :go => position.last } first_or_last = (item.respond_to?(:first?) && (position.last == 'move_higher' && item.first?)) || (item.respond_to?(:last?) && (position.last == 'move_lower' && item.last?)) html_position << link_to_unless(first_or_last, _(position.first), params.merge(options)) do |name| %(#{name}) end end <<-HTML #{html_position.join(' / ')} HTML end def typus_table_datetime_field(attribute, item, link_options = {} ) date_format = item.class.typus_date_format(attribute) content = !item.send(attribute).nil? ? item.send(attribute).to_s(date_format) : item.class.typus_options_for(:nil) <<-HTML #{content} HTML end def typus_table_boolean_field(attribute, item) boolean_hash = item.class.typus_boolean(attribute) status = item.send(attribute) link_text = !item.send(attribute).nil? ? boolean_hash["#{status}".to_sym] : item.class.typus_options_for(:nil) options = { :controller =>, :action => 'toggle', :field => attribute.gsub(/\?$/,''), :id => } content = if item.class.typus_options_for(:toggle) && !item.send(attribute).nil? link_to link_text, params.merge(options), :confirm => _("Change {{attribute}}?", :attribute => item.class.human_attribute_name(attribute).downcase) else link_text end <<-HTML #{content} HTML end end