#!/usr/bin/env ruby # # BioRuby <%= project_name %> Plugin <%= constant_name %> # Author:: <%= user_name %> # Copyright:: <%= Time.now.year %> USAGE = "Describe <%= bin_name %>" gempath = File.dirname(File.dirname(__FILE__)) $: << File.join(gempath,'lib') VERSION_FILENAME=File.join(gempath,'VERSION') version = File.new(VERSION_FILENAME).read.chomp # print banner print "<%= bin_name %> #{version} by <%= user_name %> <%= Time.now.year %>\n" if ARGV.size == 0 print USAGE end require '<%= project_name %>' require 'optparse' # Uncomment when using the bio-logger # require 'bio-logger' # Bio::Log::CLI.logger('stderr') # Bio::Log::CLI.trace('info') options = {:example_switch=>false,:show_help=>false} opts = OptionParser.new do |o| o.banner = "Usage: #{File.basename($0)} [options] reponame\ne.g. #{File.basename($0)} the-perfect-gem" o.on('--example_parameter [EXAMPLE_PARAMETER]', 'TODO: put a description for the PARAMETER') do |example_parameter| # TODO: your logic here, below an example options[:example_parameter] = 'this is a parameter' end o.separator "" o.on("--switch-example", 'TODO: put a description for the SWITCH') do # TODO: your logic here, below an example self[:example_switch] = true end # Uncomment the following when using the bio-logger # o.separator "" # o.on("--logger filename",String,"Log to file (default stderr)") do | name | # Bio::Log::CLI.logger(name) # end # # o.on("--trace options",String,"Set log level (default INFO, see bio-logger)") do | s | # Bio::Log::CLI.trace(s) # end # # o.on("-q", "--quiet", "Run quietly") do |q| # Bio::Log::CLI.trace('error') # end # # o.on("-v", "--verbose", "Run verbosely") do |v| # Bio::Log::CLI.trace('info') # end # # o.on("--debug", "Show debug messages") do |v| # Bio::Log::CLI.trace('debug') # end o.separator "" o.on_tail('-h', '--help', 'display this help and exit') do options[:show_help] = true end end begin opts.parse!(ARGV) # Uncomment the following when using the bio-logger # Bio::Log::CLI.configure('<%= project_name %>') # TODO: your code here # use options for your logic rescue OptionParser::InvalidOption => e options[:invalid_argument] = e.message end