class SlackSmartBot def upgrade_to_use_team_ids() team_id = config.team_id if Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/rules/") #admins_channels.yaml and access_channels.yaml files_updated = [] Dir.glob(config.path + "/rules/**/*").select { |i| i[/admins_channels.yaml$/] }.each do |f| t = YAML.load_file(f) n = {} t.each do |k, v| if v.length > 0 # do it only if it is not already a team_id: /^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/ # if it matches the pattern, it is already with a team_id # if it doesn't match the pattern, it is not with a team_id n[k] = [] v.each do |m| if !m.to_s.match?(/^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/) n[k] << team_id.to_s + "_" + m files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) else n[k] << m end end else n[k] = v end end, "w") { |f| f.write n.to_yaml } if files_updated.include?(f) end "Updated admins_channels.yaml files to use team ids" unless files_updated.empty? files_updated = [] Dir.glob(config.path + "/rules/**/*").select { |i| i[/access_channels.yaml$/] }.each do |f| t = YAML.load_file(f) n = {} t.each do |k, v| n[k] = {} v.each do |k2, v2| if v2.length > 0 # do it only if it is not already a team_id: /^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/ # if it matches the pattern, it is already with a team_id # if it doesn't match the pattern, it is not with a team_id n[k][k2] = [] v2.each do |m| if !m.to_s.match?(/^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/) n[k][k2] << team_id.to_s + "_" + m files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) else n[k][k2] << m end end else n[k][k2] = v2 end end end, "w") { |f| f.write n.to_yaml } if files_updated.include?(f) end "Updated access_channels.yaml files to use team ids" unless files_updated.empty? files_updated = [] Dir.glob(config.path + "/rules/*").select { |i| i[/rules_imported.yaml$/] }.each do |f| t = YAML.load_file(f) n = {} t.each do |k, v| if !k.to_s.match?(/^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/) n["#{team_id.to_s}_#{k}"] = v files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) else n[k] = v end end, "w") { |f| f.write n.to_yaml } if files_updated.include?(f) end "Updated rules_imported.yaml files to use team ids" unless files_updated.empty? end if Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/teams/") files_updated = [] #todo: do it also for deleted memos files Dir.entries("#{config.path}/teams/").select { |i| i[/\.yaml$/] }.each do |f| t = YAML.load(Utils::Encryption.decrypt("#{config.path}/teams/#{f}"), config)) t[:members].each do |k, v| n = [] v.each do |m| if !m.to_s.match?(/^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/) n << team_id.to_s + "_" + m files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) else n << m end end t[:members][k] = n end # update memos.user and memos.comments.user_name if t.key?(:memos) t[:memos].each do |m| if !m[:user].to_s.match?(/^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/) m[:user] = team_id.to_s + "_" + m[:user] files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) end if m.key?(:comments) m[:comments].each do |c| if !c[:user_name].to_s.match?(/^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/) c[:user_name] = team_id.to_s + "_" + c[:user_name] files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) end end end end end if !t[:user].to_s.match?(/^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/) t[:user] = team_id.to_s + "_" + t[:user] files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) end if !t[:creator].to_s.match?(/^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/) t[:creator] = team_id.to_s + "_" + t[:creator] files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) end if files_updated.include?(f)"#{config.path}/teams/#{f}", "w") { |file| file.flock(File::LOCK_EX) file.write(Utils::Encryption.encrypt(t.to_yaml, config)) file.flock(File::LOCK_UN) } end end "Updated teams files to use team ids" unless files_updated.empty? end #add team_id to the user_name: team_id_user_name, exclude the key :all if Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/shortcuts/") files_updated = [] Dir.entries("#{config.path}/shortcuts/").select { |i| i[/\.yaml$/] }.each do |f| t = YAML.load_file("#{config.path}/shortcuts/#{f}") n = {} t.each do |k, v| if k != :all and !k.to_s.match?(/^[A-Z0-9]{7,11}_/) n[team_id.to_s + "_" + k.to_s] = t[k] files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) else n[k] = t[k] end end"#{config.path}/shortcuts/#{f}", "w") { |f| f.write n.to_yaml } if files_updated.include?(f) end "Updated shortcuts files to use team ids" unless files_updated.empty? end #repl files are yaml if Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/repl/") files_updated = [] Dir.entries("#{config.path}/repl/").select { |i| i[/\.yaml$/] }.each do |f| t = YAML.load_file("#{config.path}/repl/#{f}") t.each do |k, v| if v[:creator_team_id].to_s == "" v[:creator_team_id] = team_id files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) end end"#{config.path}/repl/#{f}", "w") { |f| f.write t.to_yaml } if files_updated.include?(f) end "Updated repl files to use team ids" unless files_updated.empty? end if Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/routines/") files_updated = [] Dir.entries("#{config.path}/routines/").select { |i| i[/\.yaml$/] }.each do |f| t = YAML.load_file("#{config.path}/routines/#{f}") t.each do |k, v| v.each do |k2, v2| if v2[:creator_team_id].to_s == "" v2[:creator_team_id] = team_id files_updated << f unless files_updated.include?(f) end end end"#{config.path}/routines/#{f}", "w") { |f| f.write t.to_yaml } if files_updated.include?(f) end "Updated routines files to use team ids" unless files_updated.empty? end #shares files are csv if Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/shares/") Dir.entries("#{config.path}/shares/").select { |i| i[/\.csv$/] }.each do |f| #verify if the file has the team_id already, in that case the number of columns should be 10 t = CSV.table("#{config.path}/shares/#{f}") if t.headers.length == 8 t = CSV.table("#{config.path}/shares/#{f}", headers: ["share_id", "user_deleted", "user_created", "date", "time", "type", "to_channel", "condition"]) #save it in this order: new_headers = ["share_id", "user_team_id_deleted", "user_deleted", "user_team_id_created", "user_created", "date", "time", "type", "to_channel", "condition"] new_t = [] t.each do |m| if m[:user_deleted].to_s == "" user_team_id_deleted = "" else user_team_id_deleted = team_id end new_t << [m[:share_id], user_team_id_deleted, m[:user_deleted], team_id, m[:user_created], m[:date], m[:time], m[:type], m[:to_channel], m[:condition]] end"#{config.path}/shares/#{f}", "wb") do |csv| new_t.each do |row| csv << row end end "Updated shares to use team ids" end end end #announcements if Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/announcements/") Dir.entries("#{config.path}/announcements/").select { |i| i[/\.csv$/] }.each do |f| #verify if the file has the team_id already, in that case the number of columns should be 9 t = CSV.table("#{config.path}/announcements/#{f}") if t.headers.length == 7 t = CSV.table("#{config.path}/announcements/#{f}", headers: ["message_id", "user_deleted", "user_created", "date", "time", "type", "message"]) #save it in this order: new_headers = ["message_id", "user_team_id_deleted", "user_deleted", "user_team_id_created", "user_created", "date", "time", "type", "message"] new_t = [] t.each do |m| if m[:user_deleted].to_s == "" user_team_id_deleted = "" else user_team_id_deleted = team_id end new_t << [m[:message_id], user_team_id_deleted, m[:user_deleted], team_id, m[:user_created], m[:date], m[:time], m[:type], m[:message]] end"#{config.path}/announcements/#{f}", "wb") do |csv| new_t.each do |row| csv << row end end "Updated announcements to use team ids" end end end if Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/vacations/") and !Dir.exist?(config.path + "/vacations/" + team_id.to_s) FileUtils.mkdir_p(config.path + "/vacations/" + team_id.to_s) files_updated = [] Dir.glob(config.path + "/vacations/*").select { |i| i[/\.yaml$/] }.each do |f|, config.path + "/vacations/" + team_id.to_s) files_updated << f end "Updated vacations to use team ids. All moved to #{config.path}/vacations/#{team_id}/" unless files_updated.empty? end if Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/openai/") and !Dir.exist?(config.path + "/openai/" + team_id.to_s) FileUtils.mkdir_p(config.path + "/openai/" + team_id.to_s) files_updated = [] Dir.glob(config.path + "/openai/*").each do |file_or_dir| next if file_or_dir == config.path + "/openai/" + team_id.to_s, config.path + "/openai/" + team_id.to_s) files_updated << file_or_dir end "Updated openai to use team ids. All moved to #{config.path}/openai/#{team_id}/" unless files_updated.empty? end if Dir.exist?("#{config.path}/personal_settings/") and !Dir.exist?(config.path + "/personal_settings/" + team_id.to_s) FileUtils.mkdir_p(config.path + "/personal_settings/" + team_id.to_s) files_updated = [] Dir.glob(config.path + "/personal_settings/*").each do |file_or_dir| next if file_or_dir == config.path + "/personal_settings/" + team_id.to_s, config.path + "/personal_settings/" + team_id.to_s) files_updated << file_or_dir end "Updated personal_settings to use team ids. All moved to #{config.path}/personal_settings/#{team_id}/" unless files_updated.empty? end end end