require 'savon' require 'gyoku' require 'nokogiri' module PagoEfectivo CURRENCIES = {soles: {id: 1, symbol: 'S/.'}, dolares: {id: 2, symbol: '$'}} PAY_METHODS = [1,2] #[{'bancos' => 1}, {'cuenta_virtual' => 2}] class Client SCHEMA_TYPES = { 'xmlns:xsd' => '', 'xmlns:xsi' => '', 'xmlns:soap' => '' } def initialize env=nil if env == 'production' @api_server = '' else @api_server = '' end if ENV['PROXY_URL'] != nil @proxy = ENV['PROXY_URL'] end @crypto_path = '/PagoEfectivoWSCrypto/WSCrypto.asmx?WSDL' @cip_path = '/PagoEfectivoWSGeneralv2/service.asmx?WSDL' end def set_key type, path raise 'path to your key is not valid' unless File.exists?(path) if type == 'private' @private_key =, 'rb') {|f| Base64.encode64(} elsif type == 'public' @public_key =, 'rb') {|f| Base64.encode64(} end end def create_markup(body) xml_markup = Nokogiri.XML(body).to_xml end def signature(text) server = @api_server + @crypto_path client = Savon.client(wsdl: server, proxy: @proxy) response =, message: { plain_text: text, private_key: @private_key }) response.to_hash[:signer_response][:signer_result] end def encrypt_text(text) server = @api_server + @crypto_path client = Savon.client(wsdl: server, proxy: @proxy) response =, message: { plain_text: text, public_key: @public_key }) response.to_hash[:encrypt_text_response][:encrypt_text_result] end def unencrypt enc_text server = @api_server + @crypto_path client = Savon.client(wsdl: server, proxy: @proxy) response =, message: { encrypt_text: enc_text, private_key: @private_key }) response.to_hash[:decrypt_text_response][:decrypt_text_result] end # after unencrypt cip result this return like string so we need parse this # for access cip data in more easy way def parse_cip_result uncrypt_text parser = cip = parser.parse uncrypt_text cip['ConfirSolPago']['CIP'] end def generate_xml(cod_serv, currency, total, pay_methods, cod_trans, email, user, additional_data, exp_date, place, pay_concept, origin_code, origin_type) # cod_serv => código de servicio asignado # signer => trama firmada con llave privada child_hash = { sol_pago: { id_moneda: currency[:id], total: total, # 18 enteros, 2 decimales. Separados por `,` metodos_pago: pay_methods, cod_servicio: cod_serv, codtransaccion: cod_trans, # referencia al pago email_comercio: email, fecha_a_expirar: exp_date, # ( + 4).to_s(:db) usuario_id: user[:id], data_adicional: additional_data, usuario_nombre: user[:first_name], usuario_apellidos: user[:last_name], usuario_localidad: place[:loc], usuario_provincia: place[:prov], usuario_pais: place[:country], usuario_alias: '', usuario_tipo_doc: user[:doc_type], # tipo de documento DNI, LE, RUC usuario_numero_doc: user[:doc_num], usuario_email: user[:email], concepto_pago: pay_concept, detalles: { detalle: { cod_origen: origin_code, tipo_origen: origin_type, concepto_pago: pay_concept, importe: total, campo1: '', campo2: '', campo3: '', } }, params_url: { param_url: { nombre: 'IDCliente', valor: user[:id] }, params_email: { param_email: { nombre: '[UsuarioNombre]', valor: user[:first_name] }, param_email: { nombre: '[Moneda]', valor: currency[:symbol] } } } } } child_options = { key_converter: :camelcase} gyoku_xml = Gyoku.xml(child_hash, child_options) xml_child = create_markup(gyoku_xml) end def generate_cip(cod_serv, signer, xml) server = @api_server + @cip_path client = Savon.client(wsdl: server, proxy: @proxy) response =, message: { request: { 'CodServ' => cod_serv, 'Firma' => signer, 'Xml' => xml }}) response.to_hash[:generar_cip_mod1_response][:generar_cip_mod1_result] end # cod_serv: service code, provided by pago efectivo # cips: string of cips separated with comma (,) # signed_cips: cips passed by signer method # encrypted_cips: cips passed by encrypted method # info_request: no specified in pago efectivo documentation, send blank # for now def consult_cip cod_serv, signed_cips, encrypted_cips, info_request='' server = @api_server + @cip_path client = Savon.client(wsdl: server, proxy: @proxy) response =, message: { 'request' => { 'CodServ' => cod_serv, 'Firma' => signed_cips, 'CIPS' => encrypted_cips, info_request: info_request } }) response.to_hash[:consultar_cip_mod1_response][:consultar_cip_mod1_result] end # after unencrypt consult cip result this return string so we need parse # this for access cip data in more easy way def parse_consult_cip_result uncrypt_text parser = cip = parser.parse uncrypt_text # TODO: parse response for multiple cips cip['ConfirSolPagos']['ConfirSolPago']['CIP'] end # cod_serv: service code, provided by pago efectivo # signed_cip: number of cip to delete passed by signer method # encrypted_cip: number of cip to delete passed by encrypted method # info_request: no specified in pago efectivo documentation, send blank # for now def delete_cip cod_serv, signed_cip, encrypted_cip, info_request='' server = @api_server + @cip_path client = Savon.client(wsdl: server, proxy: @proxy) response =, message: { 'request' => { 'CodServ' => cod_serv, 'Firma' => signed_cip, 'CIP' => encrypted_cip, 'InfoRequest' => info_request } }) response.to_hash[:eliminar_cip_mod1_response][:eliminar_cip_mod1_result] end # cod_serv: service code, provided by pago efectivo # signed_cip: number of cip to modify passed by signer method # encrypted_cip: number of cip to modify passed by encrypted method # exp_date: new expiration date, should be DateTime class # info_request: no specified in pago efectivo documentation, send blank # for now def update_cip cod_serv,signed_cip,encrypted_cip,exp_date,info_request='' server = @api_server + @cip_path client = Savon.client(wsdl: server, proxy: @proxy) response =, message: { 'request' => { 'CodServ' => cod_serv, 'Firma' => signed_cip, 'CIP' => encrypted_cip, 'FechaExpira' => exp_date, 'InfoRequest' => info_request } }) response.to_hash[:actualizar_cip_mod1_response][:actualizar_cip_mod1_result] end end end