require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + "/../spec_helper") describe Braintree::Customer do describe "inspect" do it "includes the id first" do output = Braintree::Customer._new(:gateway, {:first_name => "Dan", :id => "1234"}).inspect output.should include("#<Braintree::Customer id: \"1234\",") end it "includes all customer attributes" do customer = Braintree::Customer._new( :gateway, :company => "Company", :email => "", :fax => "483-438-5821", :first_name => "Patrick", :last_name => "Smith", :phone => "802-483-5932", :website => "", :created_at =>, :updated_at =>, ) output = customer.inspect output.should include(%q(company: "Company")) output.should include(%q(email: "")) output.should include(%q(fax: "483-438-5821")) output.should include(%q(first_name: "Patrick")) output.should include(%q(last_name: "Smith")) output.should include(%q(phone: "802-483-5932")) output.should include(%q(website: "")) output.should include(%q(addresses: [])) output.should include(%q(credit_cards: [])) output.should include(%q(paypal_accounts: [])) output.should include(%q(tax_identifiers: [])) output.should include(%Q(created_at: #{customer.created_at.inspect})) output.should include(%Q(updated_at: #{customer.updated_at.inspect})) end end describe "self.create" do it "raises an exception if hash includes an invalid key" do expect do Braintree::Customer.create(:first_name => "Joe", :invalid_key => "foo") raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: invalid_key") end end describe "self.find" do it "raises an exception if the id is blank" do expect do Braintree::Customer.find(" ") raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "raises an exception if the id is nil" do expect do Braintree::Customer.find(nil) raise_error(ArgumentError) end it "does not raise an exception if the id is a fixnum" do Braintree::Http.stub(:new).and_return double.as_null_object expect do Braintree::Customer.find(8675309) end.to_not raise_error end end describe "self.update" do it "raises an exception if hash includes an invalid key" do expect do Braintree::Customer.update("customer_id", :first_name => "Joe", :invalid_key => "foo") raise_error(ArgumentError, "invalid keys: invalid_key") end end describe "self.create_signature" do it "should be what we expect" do expect(Braintree::CustomerGateway._create_signature).to match([ :company, :email, :fax, :first_name, :id, :last_name, :phone, :website, :device_data, :payment_method_nonce, {:risk_data => [:customer_browser, :customer_ip]}, {:credit_card => [ :billing_address_id, :cardholder_name, :cvv, :expiration_date, :expiration_month, :expiration_year, :number, :token, :venmo_sdk_payment_method_code, :device_data, :payment_method_nonce, {:external_vault=>[:network_transaction_id]}, {:options => match_array([:make_default, :skip_advanced_fraud_checking, :verification_merchant_account_id, :verify_card, :verification_amount, :venmo_sdk_session, :fail_on_duplicate_payment_method, :verification_account_type, :verification_currency_iso_code])}, {:billing_address => [ :company, :country_code_alpha2, :country_code_alpha3, :country_code_numeric, :country_name, :extended_address, :first_name, :last_name, :locality, :phone_number, :postal_code, :region, :street_address ]}, {:three_d_secure_pass_thru => [ :eci_flag, :cavv, :xid, :three_d_secure_version, :authentication_response, :directory_response, :cavv_algorithm, :ds_transaction_id, ]}, ]}, {:paypal_account => [ :email, :token, :billing_agreement_id, {:options => [:make_default]}, ]}, {:tax_identifiers => [ :country_code, :identifier ]}, {:options => [:paypal => [ :payee_email, :order_id, :custom_field, :description, :amount, {:shipping => [ :company, :country_code_alpha2, :country_code_alpha3, :country_code_numeric, :country_name, :extended_address, :first_name, :last_name, :locality, :phone_number, :postal_code, :region, :street_address, ]} ]] }, {:custom_fields => :_any_key_} ]) end end describe "self.update_signature" do it "should be what we expect" do expect(Braintree::CustomerGateway._update_signature).to match([ :company, :email, :fax, :first_name, :id, :last_name, :phone, :website, :device_data, :payment_method_nonce, :default_payment_method_token, {:credit_card => [ :billing_address_id, :cardholder_name, :cvv, :expiration_date, :expiration_month, :expiration_year, :number, :token, :venmo_sdk_payment_method_code, :device_data, :payment_method_nonce, {:external_vault=>[:network_transaction_id]}, {:options => match_array([ :make_default, :skip_advanced_fraud_checking, :verification_merchant_account_id, :verify_card, :verification_amount, :venmo_sdk_session, :fail_on_duplicate_payment_method, :verification_account_type, :verification_currency_iso_code, :update_existing_token ])}, {:billing_address => [ :company, :country_code_alpha2, :country_code_alpha3, :country_code_numeric, :country_name, :extended_address, :first_name, :last_name, :locality, :phone_number, :postal_code, :region, :street_address, {:options => [:update_existing]} ]}, {:three_d_secure_pass_thru => [ :eci_flag, :cavv, :xid, :three_d_secure_version, :authentication_response, :directory_response, :cavv_algorithm, :ds_transaction_id, ]}, ]}, {:tax_identifiers => [ :country_code, :identifier ]}, {:options => [:paypal => [ :payee_email, :order_id, :custom_field, :description, :amount, {:shipping => [ :company, :country_code_alpha2, :country_code_alpha3, :country_code_numeric, :country_name, :extended_address, :first_name, :last_name, :locality, :phone_number, :postal_code, :region, :street_address, ]} ]] }, {:custom_fields => :_any_key_} ]) end end describe "==" do it "returns true when given a customer with the same id" do first = Braintree::Customer._new(:gateway, :id => 123) second = Braintree::Customer._new(:gateway, :id => 123) first.should == second second.should == first end it "returns false when given a customer with a different id" do first = Braintree::Customer._new(:gateway, :id => 123) second = Braintree::Customer._new(:gateway, :id => 124) first.should_not == second second.should_not == first end it "returns false when not given a customer" do customer = Braintree::Customer._new(:gateway, :id => 123) customer.should_not == "not a customer" end end describe "initialize" do it "converts payment method hashes into payment method objects" do customer = Braintree::Customer._new( :gateway, :credit_cards => [ {:token => "credit_card_1"}, {:token => "credit_card_2"} ], :paypal_accounts => [ {:token => "paypal_1"}, {:token => "paypal_2"} ], :sepa_debit_accounts => [ {:token => "sepa_debit_1"}, {:token => "sepa_debit_2"} ], ) customer.credit_cards.size.should == 2 customer.credit_cards[0].token.should == "credit_card_1" customer.credit_cards[1].token.should == "credit_card_2" customer.paypal_accounts.size.should == 2 customer.paypal_accounts[0].token.should == "paypal_1" customer.paypal_accounts[1].token.should == "paypal_2" customer.sepa_direct_debit_accounts.size.should == 2 customer.sepa_direct_debit_accounts[0].token.should == "sepa_debit_1" customer.sepa_direct_debit_accounts[1].token.should == "sepa_debit_2" customer.payment_methods.count.should == 6 include("credit_card_1") include("credit_card_2") include("paypal_1") include("paypal_2") include("sepa_debit_1") include("sepa_debit_2") end end describe "new" do it "is protected" do expect do raise_error(NoMethodError, /protected method .new/) end end end