# Cistern [![Build Status](https://secure.travis-ci.org/lanej/cistern.png)](http://travis-ci.org/lanej/cistern) [![Dependencies](https://gemnasium.com/lanej/cistern.png)](https://gemnasium.com/lanej/cistern.png) Cistern helps you consistenly build your API clients and faciliates building mock support. ## Usage ### Service This represents the remote service that you are wrapping. If the service name is 'foo' then a good name is 'Foo::Client'. Service initialization parameters are enumerated by `requires` and `recognizes`. `recognizes` parameters are optional. ```ruby class Foo::Client < Cistern::Service requires :hmac_id, :hmac_secret recognizes :url end # Acceptable Foo::Client.new(hmac_id: "1", hmac_secret: "2") # Foo::Client::Real Foo::Client.new(hmac_id: "1", hmac_secret: "2", url: "http://example.org") # Foo::Client::Real # ArgumentError Foo::Client.new(hmac_id: "1", url: "http://example.org") Foo::Client.new(hmac_id: "1") ``` Cistern will define for you two classes, `Mock` and `Real`. ### Mocking Cistern strongly encourages you to generate mock support for service. Mocking can be enabled using `mock!`. ```ruby Foo::Client.mocking? # falsey real = Foo::Client.new # Foo::Client::Real Foo::Client.mock! Foo::Client.mocking? # true fake = Foo::Client.new # Foo::Client::Mock Foo::Client.unmock! Foo::Client.mocking? # false real.is_a?(Foo::Client::Real) # true fake.is_a?(Foo::Client::Mock) # true ``` ### Requests Requests are defined by subclassing `#{service}::Request`. * `service` represents the associated `Foo::Client` instance. ```ruby class Foo::Client::GetBar < Foo::Client::Request def real(params) # make a real request "i'm real" end def mock(params) # return a fake response "imposter!" end end Foo::Client.new.get_bar # "i'm real" ``` The `#service_method` function allows you to specific the name of generated method. ```ruby class Foo::Client::GetBars < Foo::Client::Request service_method :get_all_the_bars def real(params) "all the bars" end end Foo::Client.new.respond_to?(:get_bars) # false Foo::Client.new.get_all_the_bars # "all the bars" All declared requests can be listed via `Cistern::Service#requests`. ```ruby Foo::Client.requests # => [Foo::Client::GetBars, Foo::Client::GetBar] ``` ### Models * `service` represents the associated `Foo::Client` instance. * `collection` represents the related collection (if applicable) * `new_record?` checks if `identity` is present * `requires(*requirements)` throws `ArgumentError` if an attribute matching a requirement isn't set * `merge_attributes(attributes)` sets attributes for the current model instance #### Attributes Attributes are designed to be a flexible way of parsing service request responses. `identity` is special but not required. `attribute :flavor` makes `Foo::Client::Bar.new.respond_to?(:flavor)` * `:aliases` or `:alias` allows a attribute key to be different then a response key. `attribute :keypair_id, alias: "keypair"` with `merge_attributes("keypair" => 1)` sets `keypair_id` to `1` * `:type` automatically casts the attribute do the specified type. `attribute :private_ips, type: :array` with `merge_attributes("private_ips" => 2)` sets `private_ips` to `[2]` * `:squash` traverses nested hashes for a key. `attribute :keypair_id, aliases: "keypair", squash: "id"` with `merge_attributes("keypair" => {"id" => 3})` sets `keypair_id` to `3` Example ```ruby class Foo::Client::Bar < Foo::Client::Model identity :id attribute :flavor attribute :keypair_id, aliases: "keypair", squash: "id" attribute :private_ips, type: :array def destroy params = { "id" => self.identity } self.service.destroy_bar(params).body["request"] end def save requires :keypair_id params = { "keypair" => self.keypair_id, "bar" => { "flavor" => self.flavor, }, } if new_record? merge_attributes(service.create_bar(params).body["bar"]) else requires :identity merge_attributes(service.update_bar(params).body["bar"]) end end end ``` ### Collection * `model` tells Cistern which class is contained within the collection. * `service` is the associated `Foo::Client` instance * `attribute` specifications on collections are allowed. use `merge_attributes` * `load` consumes an Array of data and constructs matching `model` instances ```ruby class Foo::Client::Bars < Cistern::Collection attribute :count, type: :integer model Foo::Client::Bar def all(params = {}) response = service.get_bars(params) data = response.body self.load(data["bars"]) # store bar records in collection self.merge_attributes(data) # store any other attributes of the response on the collection end def discover(provisioned_id, options={}) params = { "provisioned_id" => provisioned_id, } params.merge!("location" => options[:location]) if options.key?(:location) service.requests.new(service.discover_bar(params).body["request"]) end def get(id) if data = service.get_bar("id" => id).body["bar"] new(data) else nil end end end ``` #### Data A uniform interface for mock data is mixed into the `Mock` class by default. ```ruby Foo::Client.mock! client = Foo::Client.new # Foo::Client::Mock client.data # Cistern::Data::Hash client.data["bars"] += ["x"] # ["x"] ``` Mock data is class-level by default ```ruby Foo::Client::Mock.data["bars"] # ["x"] ``` `reset!` dimisses the `data` object. ```ruby client.data.object_id # 70199868585600 client.reset! client.data["bars"] # [] client.data.object_id # 70199868566840 ``` `clear` removes existing keys and values but keeps the same object. ```ruby client.data["bars"] += ["y"] # ["y"] client.data.object_id # 70199868378300 client.clear client.data["bars"] # [] client.data.object_id # 70199868566840 ``` * `store` and `[]=` write * `fetch` and `[]` read You can make the service bypass Cistern's mock data structures by simply creating a `self.data` function in your service `Mock` declaration. ```ruby class Foo::Client < Cistern::Service class Mock def self.data @data ||= {} end end end ``` #### Storage Currently supported storage backends are: * `:hash` : `Cistern::Data::Hash` (default) * `:redis` : `Cistern::Data::Redis` Backends can be switched by using `store_in`. ```ruby # use redis with defaults Patient::Mock.store_in(:redis) # use redis with a specific client Patient::Mock.store_in(:redis, client: Redis::Namespace.new("cistern", redis: Redis.new(host: "")) # use a hash Patient::Mock.store_in(:hash) ``` #### Dirty Dirty attributes are tracked and cleared when `merge_attributes` is called. * `changed` returns a Hash of changed attributes mapped to there initial value and current value * `dirty_attributes` returns Hash of changed attributes with there current value. This should be used in the model `save` function. ```ruby bar = Foo::Client::Bar.new(id: 1, flavor: "x") # => <#Foo::Client::Bar> bar.dirty? # => false bar.changed # => {} bar.dirty_attributes # => {} bar.flavor = "y" bar.dirty? # => true bar.changed # => {flavor: ["x", "y"]} bar.dirty_attributes # => {flavor: "y"} bar.save bar.dirty? # => false bar.changed # => {} bar.dirty_attributes # => {} ``` ## Examples * [zendesk2](https://github.com/lanej/zendesk2) ## Releasing $ gem bump -trv (major|minor|patch) ## Contributing 1. Fork it 2. Create your feature branch (`git checkout -b my-new-feature`) 3. Commit your changes (`git commit -am 'Added some feature'`) 4. Push to the branch (`git push origin my-new-feature`) 5. Create new Pull Request