describe BubbleWrap::App do describe '.documents_path' do it 'should end in "/Documents"' do App.documents_path[-10..-1].should == '/Documents' end end describe '.resources_path' do it 'should end in "/"' do App.resources_path.should =~ /\/testSuite(_spec)?.app$/ end end describe '.notification_center' do it 'should be a NSNotificationCenter' do App.notification_center.should == NSNotificationCenter.defaultCenter end end describe '.user_cache' do it 'should be a NSUserDefaults' do App.user_cache.should == NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults end end describe '.alert' do after do @alert.dismissWithClickedButtonIndex(@alert.cancelButtonIndex, animated: false) end describe "with only one string argument" do before do @alert = App.alert('1.21 Gigawatts!') end it 'returns an alert' do @alert.class.should == UIAlertView end it 'is displaying the correct title' do @alert.title.should == '1.21 Gigawatts!' end describe 'cancelButton' do it 'is present' do @alert.cancelButtonIndex.should == 0 end it 'has the correct title' do @alert.buttonTitleAtIndex(@alert.cancelButtonIndex).should == 'OK' end end end describe "with only two string arguments" do before do @alert = App.alert('1.21 Gigawatts!', 'Great Scott!') end it 'returns an alert' do @alert.class.should == UIAlertView end it 'is displaying the correct title' do @alert.title.should == '1.21 Gigawatts!' end describe 'cancelButton' do it 'is present' do @alert.cancelButtonIndex.should == 0 end it 'has the correct title' do @alert.buttonTitleAtIndex(@alert.cancelButtonIndex).should == 'Great Scott!' end end end describe "with variable args" do before do @alert = App.alert('1.21 Gigawatts!', cancel_button_title: 'Great Scott!', message: 'Some random message') end it 'returns an alert' do @alert.class.should == UIAlertView end it 'is displaying the correct title' do @alert.title.should == '1.21 Gigawatts!' end it 'is displaying the correct message' do @alert.message.should == 'Some random message' end describe 'cancelButton' do it 'is present' do @alert.cancelButtonIndex.should == 0 end it 'has the correct title' do @alert.buttonTitleAtIndex(@alert.cancelButtonIndex).should == 'Great Scott!' end end end describe "with a block" do before do @alert = App.alert('1.21 Gigawatts!') do |alert| alert.message = 'My message!!' end end it 'returns an alert' do @alert.class.should == UIAlertView end it 'is displaying the correct title' do @alert.title.should == '1.21 Gigawatts!' end it 'is displaying the correct message' do @alert.message.should == 'My message!!' end describe 'cancelButton' do it 'is present' do @alert.cancelButtonIndex.should == 0 end it 'has the correct title' do @alert.buttonTitleAtIndex(@alert.cancelButtonIndex).should == 'OK' end end end end describe '.states' do it 'returns a hash' do App.states.class.should == Hash end it "returns the real instance variable" do App.states.should == App.instance_variable_get(:@states) end end describe '.name' do it 'returns the application name' do == 'testSuite' end end describe '.identifier' do it 'returns the application identifier' do App.identifier.should == 'io.bubblewrap.testSuite_spec' end end describe '.version' do it 'returns the application version' do App.version.should == '1.2.3' end end describe '.frame' do it 'returns Application Frame' do App.frame.should == UIScreen.mainScreen.applicationFrame end end describe '.bounds' do it 'returns Main Screen bounds' do App.bounds.should == UIScreen.mainScreen.bounds end end describe '.delegate' do it 'returns a TestSuiteDelegate' do App.delegate.should == UIApplication.sharedApplication.delegate end end describe '.app' do it 'returns UIApplication.sharedApplication' do App.shared.should == UIApplication.sharedApplication end end describe '.run_after' do class DelayedRunAfterTest; attr_accessor :test_value end it 'should run a block after the provided delay' do @test_obj = App.run_after(0.1){ @test_obj.test_value = true } wait_for_change(@test_obj, 'test_value') do @test_obj.test_value.should == true end end end describe ".open_url" do it "uses NSURL or converts NSString in NSURL and opens it" do application = UIApplication.sharedApplication def application.url; @url end def application.openURL(url); @url = url end url = NSURL.URLWithString('http://localhost') App.open_url(url) application.url.should.equal url url = 'http://localhost' App.open_url(url) application.url.class.should.equal NSURL application.url.description.should.equal url end end end