#!/bin/sh source remove_temp_directories.sh echo "Create a MyPdfProject" cd ~/hyla hyla new --blank -d MyPdfProject --force cd MyPdfProject echo "Create one Asciidoc file from sample (book)" hyla add -a book --t asciidoc -d . echo "Generate HTML content using foundation stylesheet" hyla generate --style foundation echo "We change the rendering from adoc2html to html2pdf" ruby -i.bak -pe 'sub(%r{rendering: adoc2html},"rendering: html2pdf")' _config.yaml echo "Adapt source directory & destination directory" ruby -i.bak -pe 'sub(%r{source: .},"source: ./generated_content")' _config.yaml ruby -i.bak -pe 'sub(%r{destination: generated_content},"destination: ./generated_content/pdf")' _config.yaml echo "Generate the PDF file for the image and book" hyla generate -f asciidoc_book.html #hyla generate -f asciidoc_image.html echo "Result can be opened and viewed" open generated_content/pdf/asciidoc_book.pdf #open generated_content/pdf/asciidoc_image.pdf