module Netzke # == BaseJs # *TODO: outdated* # # Module which provides JS-class generation functionality for the widgets ("client-side"). The generated code # is evaluated once per widget class, and the results are cached in the browser. Included into Netzke::Base class. # # == Widget javascript code # Here's a brief explanation on how a javascript class for a widget gets built. # Widget gets defined as a constructor (a function) by +js_class+ class method (see "Inside widget's contstructor"). # +Ext.extend+ provides inheritance from an Ext class specified in +js_base_class+ class method. # # == Inside widget's constructor # * Widget's constructor gets called with a parameter that is a configuration object provided by +js_config+ instance method. This configuration is specific for the instance of the widget, and, for example, contains this widget's unique id. As another example, by means of this configuration object, a grid receives the configuration array for its columns, a form - for its fields, etc. With other words, everything that may change from instance to instance of the same widget's class, goes in here. # * Widget executes its specific initialization code which is provided by +js_before_consttructor+ class method. # For example, a grid may define its column model, a form - its fields, a tab panel - its tabs ("items"). # * Widget calls the constructor of the inherited class (see +js_class+ class method) with a parameter that is a merge of # 1) configuration parameter passed to the widget's constructor. module BaseJs def self.included(base) base.extend ClassMethods end # # Instance methods # # Config that is used for instantiating the widget in javascript def js_config res = {} # Unique id of the widget res.merge!(:id => global_id) # Recursively include configs of all non-late aggregatees, so that the widget can instantiate them # in javascript immediately. non_late_aggregatees.each_pair do |aggr_name, aggr_config| aggr_instance = aggregatee_instance(aggr_name.to_sym) aggr_instance.before_load res["#{aggr_name}_config".to_sym] = aggr_instance.js_config end # Api (besides the default "load_aggregatee_with_cache" - JavaScript side already knows about it) api_points = self.class.api_points.reject{ |p| p == :load_aggregatee_with_cache } res.merge!(:netzke_api => api_points) unless api_points.empty? # Widget class name. Needed for dynamic instantiation in javascript. # res.merge!(:widget_class_name => short_widget_class_name) res.merge!(:scoped_class_name => self.class.js_scoped_class_name) # Actions, toolbars and menus # tools && res.merge!(:tools => tools) actions && res.merge!(:actions => actions) menu && res.merge!(:menu => menu) # Inform the JavaScript side if persistent_config is enabled res[:persistent_config] = persistent_config_enabled? # Merge with all config options passed as hash to config[:ext_config] logger.debug "!!! ext_config: #{ext_config.inspect}\n" res.merge!(ext_config) res end # All the JS-code required by this instance of the widget to be instantiated in the browser. # It includes the JS-class for the widget itself, as well as JS-classes for all widgets' (non-late) aggregatees. def js_missing_code(cached_dependencies = []) code = dependency_classes.inject("") do |r,k| cached_dependencies.include?(k) ? r : r + "Netzke::#{k}".constantize.js_code(cached_dependencies).strip_js_comments end code.blank? ? nil : code end def css_missing_code(cached_dependencies = []) code = dependency_classes.inject("") do |r,k| cached_dependencies.include?(k) ? r : r + "Netzke::#{k}".constantize.css_code(cached_dependencies) end code.blank? ? nil : code end # # The following methods are used when a widget is generated stand-alone (as a part of a HTML page) # # instantiating def js_widget_instance %Q{var #{name.jsonify} = new #{self.class.js_full_class_name}(#{js_config.to_nifty_json});} end # rendering def js_widget_render %Q{ if (#{name.jsonify}.isXType("netzkewindow")) { #{name.jsonify}.show(); } else { #{name.jsonify}.render("#{name.to_s.split('_').join('-')}-div"); } } end # container for rendering def js_widget_html %Q{
} end # # # # Widget's actions, tools and menus that are loaded at the moment of instantiation def actions; nil; end def menu; nil; end # def tools; nil; end # Little helpers def this; "this".l; end def null; "null".l; end # Methods used to create the javascript class (only once per widget class). # The generated code gets cached at the browser, and the widget intstances (at the browser side) # get instantiated from it. # All these methods can be overwritten in case you want to extend the functionality of some pre-built widget # instead of using it as is (using both would cause JS-code duplication) module ClassMethods # the JS (Ext) class that we inherit from on JS-level def js_base_class "Ext.Panel" end # Properties (including methods) that will be used to extend the functionality of (Ext) JS-class specified in js_base_class def js_extend_properties {} end # Returns the scope of this widget, # e.g. "Netzke.GridPanelLib" def js_scope js_full_class_name.split(".")[0..-2].join(".") end # Returns the name of the JavaScript class for this widget, including the scopes, # e.g.: "Netzke.GridPanelLib.RecordFormWindow" def js_scoped_class_name name.gsub("::", ".") end # Returns the full name of the JavaScript class, including the scopes *and* the common scope, which is # Netzke.classes. # E.g.: "Netzke.classes.Netzke.GridPanelLib.RecordFormWindow" def js_full_class_name "Netzke.classes." + js_scoped_class_name end # Builds this widget's xtype # E.g.: netzkewindow, netzkegridpanel def js_xtype name.gsub("::", "").downcase end # widget's menus def js_menus; []; end # are we using JS inheritance? for now, if js_base_class is a Netzke class - yes def js_inheritance? superclass != Netzke::Base end # Declaration of widget's class (stored in the cache storage (Ext.netzke.cache) at the client side # to be reused at the moment of widget instantiation) def js_class if js_inheritance? # In case of using javascript inheritance, little needs to be done <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT // Define the scope Ext.ns("#{js_scope}"); // Create the class #{js_full_class_name} = function(config){ #{js_full_class_name}, config); }; // Extend it with the class that we inherit from, and mix in js_extend_properties Ext.extend(#{js_full_class_name}, #{superclass.js_full_class_name}, Ext.applyIf(#{js_extend_properties.to_nifty_json}, Ext.widgetMixIn)); // Register xtype Ext.reg("#{js_xtype}", #{js_full_class_name}); END_OF_JAVASCRIPT else js_add_menus = "this.addMenus(#{js_menus.to_nifty_json});" unless js_menus.empty? <<-END_OF_JAVASCRIPT // Define the scope Ext.ns("#{js_scope}"); // Constructor #{js_full_class_name} = function(config){ // Do all the initializations that every Netzke widget should do: create methods for API-points, // process actions, tools, toolbars this.commonBeforeConstructor(config); // Call the constructor of the inherited class #{js_full_class_name}, config); // What every widget should do after calling the constructor of the inherited class, like // setting extra events this.commonAfterConstructor(config); }; Ext.extend(#{js_full_class_name}, #{js_base_class}, Ext.applyIf(#{js_extend_properties.to_nifty_json}, Ext.widgetMixIn)); // Register xtype Ext.reg("#{js_xtype}", #{js_full_class_name}); END_OF_JAVASCRIPT end end # # Extra JavaScript # # Override this method. Must return an array of paths to javascript files that we depend on. # This javascript code will be loaded along with the widget's class, and before it. def include_js [] end # Returns all extra JavaScript-code (as string) required by this widget's class def js_included res = "" include_js.each do |path| f = res << << "\n" end res end # All JavaScript code needed for this class, including one from the ancestor widget def js_code(cached_dependencies = []) res = "" # include the base-class javascript if doing JS inheritance res << superclass.js_code << "\n" if js_inheritance? && !cached_dependencies.include?(superclass.short_widget_class_name) # include static javascripts res << js_included << "\n" # our own JS class definition res << js_class res end # # Extra CSS # # Override this method. Must return an array of paths to css files that we depend on. def include_css [] end # Returns all extra CSS code (as string) required by this widget's class def css_included res = "" include_css.each do |path| f = res << << "\n" end res end # All CSS code needed for this class including the one from the ancestor widget def css_code(cached_dependencies = []) res = "" # include the base-class javascript if doing JS inheritance res << superclass.css_code << "\n" if js_inheritance? && !cached_dependencies.include?(superclass.short_widget_class_name) res << css_included << "\n" res end # Little helper def this; "this".l; end # Little helper def null; "null".l; end end end end