require 'spec_helper' RSpec.describe NewspaperWorks::PDFDerivativeService do let(:valid_file_set) do file_set =!(validate: false) file_set end let(:fixture_path) do File.join( NewspaperWorks::GEM_PATH, 'spec', 'fixtures', 'files' ) end describe "Creates PDF derivatives" do def source_image(name) File.join(fixture_path, name) end def expected_path(file_set) Hyrax::DerivativePath.derivative_path_for_reference(file_set, 'pdf') end # given output file name, check DPI is 150 def check_dpi(expected) desc = `gm identify #{expected}` # get total width of pdf in points from identify, should be 864x == 12in page_width = 864 expect(desc).to include "#{page_width}x" # get total width of image in pixels from pdfimages -list, ==> 1800 image_width = 1800 im_list = `pdfimages -list #{expected}` expect(im_list.lines[-1].split(' ')[3]).to eq image_width.to_s # this combination of page pt width, image px width ==> 150ppi expect(image_width / (page_width / 72.0)).to eq 150.0 end def makes_pdf(filename) expected = expected_path(valid_file_set) expect(File.exist?(expected)).to be false svc = svc.create_derivatives(source_image(filename)) expect(File.exist?(expected)).to be true desc = `gm identify #{expected}` expect(desc).to include 'PDF' check_dpi(expected) svc.cleanup_derivatives end it "creates gray PDF derivative from one-bit source" do makes_pdf('page1.tiff') end it "creates gray PDF from grayscale source" do makes_pdf('lowres-gray-via-ndnp-sample.tiff') end it "creates color PDF from color source" do makes_pdf('4.1.07.tiff') end end end