namespace :pg do # Creates a new backup on remote server, downloads that backup to latest.dump, and then calls pg:load # # bundle exec rake pg:pull # bundle exec rake pg:pull[staging] # bundle exec rake pg:pull[] desc 'Creates a new backup on remote server and downloads it to latest.dump' task :pull, [:remote] => :environment do |t, args| # Heroku mode if `git remote -v | grep heroku`.length > 0 args.with_defaults(remote: 'heroku') puts "=== Pulling remote '#{args.remote}' database into latest.dump" # Create a backup on heroku unless system("heroku pg:backups:capture --remote #{args.remote}") abort("Error capturing heroku backup") end # Download it to local unless system("curl -o latest.dump `heroku pg:backups:public-url --remote #{args.remote}`") abort("Error downloading database") end # Load it Rake::Task['pg:load'].invoke exit end # Hatchbox mode if (ENV['HATCHBOX_IP'] || args[:remote]).count('.') == 3 args.with_defaults( remote: ENV.fetch('HATCHBOX_IP'), app: ENV['HATCHBOX_APP'] || `pwd`.split('/').last.chomp, user: ENV['HATCHBOX_USER'] || 'deploy' ) puts "=== Pulling hatchbox '#{args.remote}' #{} database into latest.dump" # SSH into hatchbox and call rake pg:save there to create latest.dump unless(result = `ssh #{args.user}@#{args.remote} << EOF cd ~/#{}/current/ bundle exec rake pg:save[latest.dump] `).include?('Saving database completed') # The output of pg:save down below puts("Error calling ssh #{args.user}@#{args.remote} and running rake pg:save on hatchbox from ~/#{}/current/") abort(result) end # SCP to copy the hatchkbox latest.dump to local unless system("scp deploy@ ./") abort("Error downloading database") end # Load it Rake::Task['pg:load'].invoke exit end puts "Unable to find pg:pull provider." puts "Please add a heroku git remote or a HATCHBOX_IP environment variable and try again" abort end # Drops and re-creates the local database then initializes database with latest.dump # # bundle exec rake pg:load => Will replace the current database with latest.dump # bundle exec rake pg:load[something.dump] => Will replace the current database with something.dump desc 'Loads a postgresql .dump file into the development database (latest.dump by default)' task :load, [:file_name] => :environment do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:file_name => 'latest.dump') config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] db = { username: (config['username'] || `whoami`), password: config['password'], host: config['host'], port: (config['port'] || 5432), database: config['database'] } puts "=== Loading #{args.file_name} into local '#{db[:database]}' database" # bin/rails db:environment:set RAILS_ENV=development if Rails.env != 'production' ENV['DISABLE_DATABASE_ENVIRONMENT_CHECK'] = '1' end Rake::Task['db:drop'].invoke Rake::Task['db:create'].invoke if system("export PGPASSWORD=#{db[:password]}; pg_restore --no-acl --no-owner --clean --if-exists -h #{db[:host]} -U #{db[:username]} -d #{db[:database]} #{args.file_name}") puts "Loading database completed" else abort "Error loading database" end end # bundle exec rake pg:save => Will dump the database to latest.dump # bundle exec rake pg:save[something.dump] => Will dump the database to something.dump desc 'Saves the development database to a postgresql .dump file (latest.dump by default)' task :save, [:file_name] => :environment do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:file_name => 'latest.dump') db = if ENV['DATABASE_URL'].to_s.length > 0 uri = URI.parse(ENV['DATABASE_URL']) rescue nil abort("Invalid DATABASE_URL") unless uri.present? { username: uri.user, password: uri.password, host:, port: (uri.port || 5432), database: uri.path.sub('/', '') } else config = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] { username: (config['username'] || `whoami`.chomp), password: config['password'], host: config['host'], port: (config['port'] || 5432), database: config['database'] } end puts "=== Saving local '#{db[:database]}' database to #{args.file_name}" if system("export PGPASSWORD=#{db[:password]}; pg_dump -Fc --no-acl --no-owner -h #{db[:host]} -p #{db[:port]} -U #{db[:username]} #{db[:database]} > #{args.file_name}") puts "Saving database completed" else abort "Error saving database" end end desc 'Clones the production (--remote heroku by default) database to staging (--remote staging by default)' task :clone, [:source_remote, :target_remote] => :environment do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:source_remote => 'heroku', :target_remote => 'staging') db = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] puts "=== Cloning remote '#{args.source_remote}' to '#{args.target_remote}'" Bundler.with_clean_env do unless system("heroku pg:backups:capture --remote #{args.source_remote}") abort "Error capturing heroku backup" end url = (`heroku pg:backups:public-url --remote #{args.source_remote}`).chomp unless (url || '').length > 0 abort "Error reading public-url from remote #{args.source_remote}" end unless system("heroku pg:backups:restore '#{url}' DATABASE_URL --remote #{args.target_remote}") abort "Error cloning heroku backup" end end puts 'Cloning database complete' end desc 'Copies a local database table to production (--remote heroku by default) database' task :push_table, [:table, :remote] => :environment do |t, args| args.with_defaults(:remote => 'heroku') if args.table.blank? abort "Error, no table name specified. Expected usage: rake pg:push_table[prices]" end # Find and parse my heroku database info regex =\/\/(\w+):(\w+)@(.+):(\d+)\/(\w+)/) url = `heroku config --remote #{args.remote} | grep DATABASE_URL` info = url.match(regex) if info.blank? || info.length != 6 puts "Unable to find heroku DATABASE_URL" puts "Expected \"heroku config --remote #{args.remote} | grep DATABASE_URL\" to be present" abort end heroku = { username: info[1], password: info[2], host: info[3], port: info[4], database: info[5] } # Confirm destructive operation puts "WARNING: this task will overwrite the #{args.table} database table on #{args.remote}. Proceed? (y/n)" abort('Aborted') unless STDIN.gets.chomp.downcase == 'y' puts "=== Cloning local table '#{args.table}' to remote #{args.remote} database" # Dump my local database table db = ActiveRecord::Base.configurations[Rails.env] tmpfile = "tmp/#{args.table}.sql" unless system("pg_dump --data-only --table=#{args.table} -h localhost -U '#{db['username']}' '#{db['database']}' > #{tmpfile}") abort "Error dumping local database table" end # Now restore it to heroku psql = "export PGPASSWORD=#{heroku[:password]}; psql -h #{heroku[:host]} -p #{heroku[:port]} -U #{heroku[:username]} #{heroku[:database]}" delete = args.table.split(',').map { |table| "DELETE FROM #{table}" }.join(';') unless system("#{psql} -c \"#{delete}\"") abort "Error deleting remote table data" end unless system("#{psql} < #{tmpfile}") abort "Error pushing table to remote database" end # Delete tmpfile File.delete(tmpfile) # Finished puts "Pushing #{args.table} database table complete" end end