(function($, Modules) { 'use strict'; Modules.InPageNavigation = function InPageNavigation() { var $tocPane; var $contentPane; var $tocItems; var $targets; this.start = function start($element) { $tocPane = $element.find('.app-pane__toc'); $contentPane = $element.find('.app-pane__content'); $tocItems = $('.js-toc-list').find('a'); $targets = $contentPane.find('[id]'); $contentPane.on('scroll', _.debounce(handleScrollEvent, 100, { maxWait: 100 })); if (Modernizr.history) { // Popstate is triggered when using the back button to navigate 'within' // the page, i.e. changing the anchor part of the URL. $(window).on('popstate', function (event) { restoreScrollPosition(event.originalEvent.state); }); if (history.state && history.state.scrollTop) { // Restore existing state when e.g. using the back button to return to // this page restoreScrollPosition(history.state); } else { // Store the initial position so that we can restore it even if we // never scroll. handleInitialLoadEvent(); } } }; function restoreScrollPosition(state) { if (state && typeof state.scrollTop !== 'undefined') { $contentPane.scrollTop(state.scrollTop); } } function handleInitialLoadEvent() { var fragment = fragmentForTargetElement(); if (!fragment) { fragment = fragmentForFirstElementInView(); } handleChangeInActiveItem(fragment); } function handleScrollEvent() { handleChangeInActiveItem(fragmentForFirstElementInView()); } function handleChangeInActiveItem(fragment) { storeCurrentPositionInHistoryApi(fragment); highlightActiveItemInToc(fragment); } function storeCurrentPositionInHistoryApi(fragment) { if (Modernizr.history && fragment) { history.replaceState( { scrollTop: $contentPane.scrollTop() }, "", fragment ); } } function highlightActiveItemInToc(fragment) { var $activeTocItem = $tocItems.filter('[href="' + fragment + '"]'); if ($activeTocItem.get(0)) { $tocItems.removeClass('toc-link--in-view'); $activeTocItem.addClass('toc-link--in-view'); scrollTocToActiveItem($activeTocItem); } } function scrollTocToActiveItem($activeTocItem) { var paneHeight = $tocPane.height(); var linkTop = $activeTocItem.position().top; var linkBottom = linkTop + $activeTocItem.outerHeight(); var offset = null; if (linkTop < 0) { offset = linkTop; } else if (linkBottom >= paneHeight) { offset = -(paneHeight - linkBottom); } else { return; } var newScrollTop = $tocPane.scrollTop() + offset; $tocPane.scrollTop(newScrollTop); } function fragmentForTargetElement() { return window.location.hash; } function fragmentForFirstElementInView() { var result = null; $($targets.get().reverse()).each(function checkIfInView(index) { if (result) { return; } var $this = $(this); if (Math.floor($this.position().top) <= 0) { result = $this; } }); return result ? '#' + result.attr('id') : false; } }; })(jQuery, window.GOVUK.Modules);