development: * prevent tux to be required * add sinatra assets pipeline extension * restructure generated app * use erb for app templates * create Rakefile generator with and without database * add new Sequel configuration when generating app with database * add Sinatra::Cache extension * remove Melodiest::Setting. Rename setup method to cookie_secret. * restructure generated app * add some configurations from h5bp 0.4.0: * add SQL logger to development environment * generate public dir when running generator * use tux as Sinatra console * when has no option, melodiest command will use --help option 0.3.0: * remove Melodiest::Auth::Http module, it's better to use sinatra-authorization extension * refactor Melodiest::Setting.setup so that it can be overridden via app and remove thin as dependency * add generator for sequel orm and postgres sql * use encrypted cookie * add generator for Rack::Csrf 0.2.x: * add sinatra application boilerplate generator * add melodiest command to run generator 0.1.x: * add http authorization module * set thin as server