module Nucleus module Adapters module HttpTailClient # Executes a request to the given URL and expects a streaming response.
# Each new chunk (usually lines) will be forwarded to the client via the api_stream. # # @param [String] url url to call # @param [Nucleus::API::StreamCallback] api_stream stream to which new chunks will be forwarded # @param [Symbol] http_method HTTP method to use def tail_http_response(url, api_stream, http_method = :get) http_connection =, inactivity_timeout: 0) http_client = http_connection.send(http_method, keepalive: true) # close stream on error http_client.on_error do log.debug('HttpTailClient detected an error, close stream...') api_stream.close end # tail and immediately push the results to the stream { |chunk| api_stream.send_message(chunk) } # return object that responds to :stop and cancels the tailing request, :close) end end end end