namespace :foreman do task :setup do invoke :'foreman:export' invoke :'foreman:start' end desc 'Export the Procfile' task :export do on roles fetch(:foreman_roles) do opts = { app: fetch(:application), log: File.join(shared_path, 'log'), }.merge fetch(:foreman_options, {}) opts.merge!( || {}) execute(:mkdir, "-p", opts[:log]) within release_path do foreman_exec :foreman, 'export', fetch(:foreman_init_system), fetch(:foreman_export_path), { |opt, value| "--#{opt}=\"#{value}\"" }.join(' ') end if fetch(:foreman_init_system) == 'systemd' foreman_exec :systemctl, :'daemon-reload' end end end desc 'Start the application services' task :start do on roles fetch(:foreman_roles) do case fetch(:foreman_init_system) when 'systemd' foreman_exec :systemctl, :enable, fetch(:foreman_app_name_systemd) foreman_exec :systemctl, :start, fetch(:foreman_app_name_systemd) else foreman_exec :start, fetch(:foreman_app) end end end desc 'Stop the application services' task :stop do on roles fetch(:foreman_roles) do case fetch(:foreman_init_system) when 'systemd' foreman_exec :systemctl, :stop, fetch(:foreman_app_name_systemd) foreman_exec :systemctl, :disable, fetch(:foreman_app_name_systemd) else foreman_exec :stop, fetch(:foreman_app) end end end desc 'Restart the application services' task :restart do on roles fetch(:foreman_roles) do case fetch(:foreman_init_system) when 'systemd' foreman_exec :systemctl, :restart, fetch(:foreman_app_name_systemd) else foreman_exec :restart, fetch(:foreman_app) end end end def foreman_exec(*args) sudo_type = fetch(:foreman_use_sudo) case sudo_type.to_s when 'rbenv' # this is required because 'rbenv sudo' # is not recognized by bundle_bins args.unshift(:bundle, :exec) if args[0].to_s == "foreman" execute(:rbenv, :sudo, *args) when 'rvm' execute(:rvmsudo, *args) when 'chruby' execute(:sudo, 'chruby-exec', fetch(:chruby_ruby), '--', *args) else sudo_type ? sudo(*args) : execute(*args) end end end namespace :load do task :defaults do set :bundle_bins, fetch(:bundle_bins, []).push(:foreman) set :foreman_use_sudo, false set :foreman_init_system, 'upstart' set :foreman_export_path, '/etc/init/sites' set :foreman_roles, :all set :foreman_app, -> { fetch(:application) } set :foreman_app_name_systemd, -> { "#{ fetch(:foreman_app) }.target" } if !fetch(:rvm_map_bins).nil? set :rvm_map_bins, fetch(:rvm_map_bins).push('foreman') end end end