# frozen_string_literal: true module ActionDispatch # This middleware guards from DNS rebinding attacks by explicitly permitting # the hosts a request can be sent to, and is passed the options set in # +config.host_authorization+. # # Requests can opt-out of Host Authorization with +exclude+: # # config.host_authorization = { exclude: ->(request) { request.path =~ /healthcheck/ } } # # When a request comes to an unauthorized host, the +response_app+ # application will be executed and rendered. If no +response_app+ is given, a # default one will run, which responds with 403 Forbidden. class HostAuthorization class Permissions # :nodoc: def initialize(hosts) @hosts = sanitize_hosts(hosts) end def empty? @hosts.empty? end def allows?(host) @hosts.any? do |allowed| allowed === host rescue # IPAddr#=== raises an error if you give it a hostname instead of # IP. Treat similar errors as blocked access. false end end private def sanitize_hosts(hosts) Array(hosts).map do |host| case host when Regexp then sanitize_regexp(host) when String then sanitize_string(host) else host end end end def sanitize_regexp(host) /\A#{host}\z/ end def sanitize_string(host) if host.start_with?(".") /\A(.+\.)?#{Regexp.escape(host[1..-1])}\z/i else /\A#{Regexp.escape host}\z/i end end end DEFAULT_RESPONSE_APP = -> env do request = Request.new(env) format = request.xhr? ? "text/plain" : "text/html" template = DebugView.new(host: request.host) body = template.render(template: "rescues/blocked_host", layout: "rescues/layout") [403, { "Content-Type" => "#{format}; charset=#{Response.default_charset}", "Content-Length" => body.bytesize.to_s, }, [body]] end def initialize(app, hosts, deprecated_response_app = nil, exclude: nil, response_app: nil) @app = app @permissions = Permissions.new(hosts) @exclude = exclude unless deprecated_response_app.nil? ActiveSupport::Deprecation.warn(<<-MSG.squish) `action_dispatch.hosts_response_app` is deprecated and will be ignored in Rails 7.0. Use the Host Authorization `response_app` setting instead. MSG response_app ||= deprecated_response_app end @response_app = response_app || DEFAULT_RESPONSE_APP end def call(env) return @app.call(env) if @permissions.empty? request = Request.new(env) if authorized?(request) || excluded?(request) mark_as_authorized(request) @app.call(env) else @response_app.call(env) end end private HOSTNAME = /[a-z0-9.-]+|\[[a-f0-9]*:[a-f0-9.:]+\]/i VALID_ORIGIN_HOST = /\A(#{HOSTNAME})(?::\d+)?\z/ VALID_FORWARDED_HOST = /(?:\A|,[ ]?)(#{HOSTNAME})(?::\d+)?\z/ def authorized?(request) origin_host = request.get_header("HTTP_HOST")&.slice(VALID_ORIGIN_HOST, 1) || "" forwarded_host = request.x_forwarded_host&.slice(VALID_FORWARDED_HOST, 1) || "" @permissions.allows?(origin_host) && (forwarded_host.blank? || @permissions.allows?(forwarded_host)) end def excluded?(request) @exclude && @exclude.call(request) end def mark_as_authorized(request) request.set_header("action_dispatch.authorized_host", request.host) end end end