module SPARQL; module Algebra class Operator ## # The SPARQL ascending sort operator. # # @example # (prefix ((foaf: )) # (project (?name) # (order ((asc ?name)) # (bgp (triple ?x foaf:name ?name))))) # # @see class Asc < Operator::Unary include Evaluatable NAME = :asc ## # Returns the evaluation of it's operand. Default comparison is in # ascending order. Ordering is applied in {Order}. # # @param [RDF::Query::Solution] bindings # a query solution containing zero or more variable bindings # @param [Hash{Symbol => Object}] options ({}) # options passed from query # @return [RDF::Term] def evaluate(bindings, options = {}) operand(0).evaluate(bindings, options.merge(:depth => options[:depth].to_i + 1)) end end # Asc end # Operator end; end # SPARQL::Algebra