Feature: Attributes on Elements

    Given I am on the nested elements page

  Scenario: Finding a link within a div
    When I search for a link located in a div
    Then I should be able to click the nested link
  Scenario: Finding a button within a div
    When I search for a button located in a div
    Then I should be able to click the nested button
  Scenario: Finding a text field within a div
    When I search for a text field located in a div
    Then I should be able to type "123abc" in the nested text field

  Scenario: Finding a hidden field within a div
    When I search for a hidden field located in a div
    Then I should be able to see that the nested hidden field contains "LeanDog"
  Scenario: Finding a text area within a div
    When I search for a text area located in a div
    Then I should be able to type "abcdefg" in the nested text area

  Scenario: Finding a select list within a div
    When I search for a select list located in a div
    Then I should be able to select "Test 2" in the nested select list

  Scenario: Finding a checkbox within a div
    When I search for a checkbox located in a div
    Then I should be able to check the nested checkbox

  Scenario: Finding a radio button witin a div
    When I search for a radio button located in a div
    Then I should be able to select the nested radio button

  Scenario: Finding a div within a div
    When I search for a div located in a div
    Then I should see the text "page-object rocks!" in the nested div

  Scenario: Finding a span within a div
    When I search for a span located in a div
    Then I should see the text "My alert" in the nested span

  Scenario: Finding a table within a div
    When I search for a table located in a div
    Then the data for row "1" of the nested table should be "Data1" and "Data2"

  Scenario: Finding a table cell within a div
    When I search the second table cell located in a table in a div
    Then the nested table cell should contain "Data2"

  Scenario: Finding an image within a div
    When I search for an image located in a div
    Then the nested image should be "106" pixels wide
    And the nested image should be "106" pixels tall
  Scenario: Finding a form within a div
    When I search for a form located in a div
    Then I should be able to submit the nested form
  Scenario: Finding an ordered list within a div
    When I search for an ordered list located in a div
    Then the first nested list items text should be "Number One"
  Scenario: Finding an unordered list within a div
    When I search for an unordered list located in a div
    Then the first nested list items text should be "Item One"
  Scenario: Finding a list item nested in an ordered list within a div
    When I search for a list item nested in an ordered list in a div
    Then I should see the nested list items text should be "Number One"