require 'rhom' require 'rhofsconnector' require 'rholang/localization_simplified' require 'rho/rhomsg' module Rho class RhoApplication attr_accessor :default_menu TOOLBAR_TYPE = 0 TABBAR_TYPE = 1 NOBAR_TYPE = 2 @@toolbar = [{:action => :back}, {:action => :forward}, {:action => :separator}, {:action => :home}, {:action => :refresh}, {:action => :options} ] def initialize LocalizationSimplified.requre_loc(Rho::RhoFSConnector::get_app_path('app') + 'lang/lang_',true) unless @rhom @rhom = end unless @default_menu @default_menu = { Rho::RhoMessages.get_message('home_menu') => :home, Rho::RhoMessages.get_message('refresh_menu') => :refresh, Rho::RhoMessages.get_message('sync_menu') => :sync, Rho::RhoMessages.get_message('options_menu') => :options, Rho::RhoMessages.get_message('log_menu') => :log, :separator => nil, Rho::RhoMessages.get_message('close_menu') => :close } end if @tabs # normalize the list! { |tab| tab[:refresh] = false unless tab[:refresh]; tab } puts "Initializing application with tabs: #{@tabs.inspect}" NativeBar.create(TABBAR_TYPE, @tabs) NativeBar.switch_tab(0) elsif @@toolbar NativeBar.create(TOOLBAR_TYPE, @@toolbar) else NativeBar.create(NOBAR_TYPE, []) end ::Rho::RHO.get_instance().check_source_migration(self) @initialized = true end def initialized? @initialized end def on_activate_app end def on_deactivate_app end # works for schema sources #return true to run script creating table def on_migrate_source(old_version, new_src) puts "on_migrate_source; old_version :#{old_version}; new_src : #{new_src}" if new_src['schema'] db = ::Rho::RHO.get_src_db(new_src['name']) db.delete_table(new_src['name']) return false #create new table end return true end def set_menu(menu=nil,back_action=nil) @default_menu = {} if @default_menu.nil? disp_menu = menu ? menu.dup : @default_menu.dup disp_menu['Back'] = back_action if back_action puts "RhoApplication: Using menu - #{disp_menu.inspect}" WebView.set_menu_items(disp_menu) end class << self def get_app_path(appname) Rho::RhoFSConnector::get_app_path(appname) end def get_base_app_path Rho::RhoFSConnector::get_base_app_path end def get_model_path(appname, modelname) Rho::RhoFSConnector::get_model_path(appname, modelname) end def get_blob_folder() Rho::RhoFSConnector::get_blob_folder() end def get_blob_path(relative_path) Rho::RhoFSConnector::get_blob_path(relative_path) end end def serve(req,res) req[:modelpath] = self.class.get_model_path req['application'], req['model'] controller_class = req['model']+'Controller' undercase = controller_class.split(/(?=[A-Z])/).map{|w| w.downcase}.join("_") if Rho::file_exist?( req[:modelpath]+ undercase +'.iseq' ) require req['model'] + '/' + undercase #req[:modelpath]+ undercase else require req['model'] + '/controller' #req[:modelpath]+'controller' end res['request-body'] = (Object.const_get(req['model']+'Controller').new).send :serve, self, @rhom, req, res end end # RhoApplication end # Rho