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SchemaPlus::Indexes is part of the [SchemaPlus](https://github.com/SchemaPlus/) family of Ruby on Rails extension gems. ## Installation As usual: ```ruby gem "schema_plus_indexes" # in a Gemfile gem.add_dependency "schema_plus_indexes" # in a .gemspec ``` To use with a rails app, also include ```ruby gem "schema_monkey_rails" ``` which creates a Railtie to that will insert SchemaPlus::Indexes appropriately into the rails stack. To use with Padrino, see [schema_monkey_padrino](https://github.com/SchemaPlus/schema_monkey_padrino). ## Features ### Migrations: #### Shorthand to define a column with an index: ```ruby t.string :role, index: true # shorthand for index: {} ``` #### Shorthand to define a column with a unique index: ```ruby t.string :product_code, index: :unique # shorthand for index: { unique: true } ``` #### Create multi-column indexes as part of column definition Adds an option to include other columns in the index: ```ruby t.string :first_name t.string :last_name, index: { with: :first_name } t.string :country_code t.string :area_code t.string :local_number, index: { with: [:country_code, :area_code] } ``` #### Create indexes with `add_column`, `change_table` ActiveRecord supports the `index:` option to column definitions when creating table. SchemaPlus::Indexes extends that to work also with `add_column` and in `change_table` ```ruby add_column "tablename", "columnname", index: { ... } change_table :tablename do |t| t.integer :column, index: true end ``` These of course accept the shorthands and `with:` option described above. #### Remove index :if_exsts ```ruby remove_index "tablename", "columnname", if_exists: true ``` ### Models SchemaPlus::Indexes lets you easily get the indexes of a model: ```ruby Model.indexes # shorthand for `connection.indexes(Model.table_name)` ``` The value gets cached until the next time `Model.reset_column_information` is called. ### Other things... * Provides consistent behavior regarding attempted duplicate index creation: Ignore and log a warning. Different versions of Rails with different db adapters otherwise behave inconsistently: some ignore the attempt, some raise an error. * In the schema dump `schema.rb`, index definitions are included within the `create_table` statements rather than added afterwards * When using SQLite3, makes sure that the definitions returned by `connection.indexes` properly include the column orders (`:asc` or `:desc`) * For the `ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::IndexDefinition` class (the object that's returned by `connection.indexes`), SchemaPlus::Indexes: * Provides an `==` operator to compare if two objects refer to an equivalent index * Allows calling `new` with a signature that matches add_index: `IndexDefinition.new(table_name, column_names, options)` * Fleshes out the `:orders` attribute, listing `:asc` for a column instead of leaving it undefined. ## Compatibility schema_plus_indexes is tested on * ruby **2.1.5** with activerecord **4.2**, using **mysql2**, **sqlite3** or **postgresql** ## History ### v0.1.0 * Initial release, extracted from schema_plus 1.x ## Development & Testing Are you interested in contributing to schema_plus_indexes? Thanks! Please follow the standard protocol: fork, feature branch, develop, push, and issue pull request. Some things to know about to help you develop and test: * **schema_dev**: SchemaPlus::Indexes uses [schema_dev](https://github.com/SchemaPlus/schema_dev) to facilitate running rspec tests on the matrix of ruby, activerecord, and database versions that the gem supports, both locally and on [travis-ci](http://travis-ci.org/SchemaPlus/schema_plus_indexes) To to run rspec locally on the full matrix, do: $ schema_dev bundle install $ schema_dev rspec You can also run on just one configuration at a time; For info, see `schema_dev --help` or the [schema_dev](https://github.com/SchemaPlus/schema_dev) README. The matrix of configurations is specified in `schema_dev.yml` in the project root. * **schema_plus_core**: SchemaPlus::Indexes uses the SchemaPlus::Core API that provides middleware callback stacks to make it easy to extend ActiveRecord's behavior. If that API is missing something you need for your contribution, please head over to [schema_plus_core](https://github/SchemaPlus/schema_plus_core) and open an issue or pull request. * **schema_monkey**: SchemaPlus::Indexes is implemented as a [schema_monkey](https://github.com/SchemaPlus/schema_monkey) client, using [schema_monkey](https://github.com/SchemaPlus/schema_monkey)'s convention-based protocols for extending ActiveRecord and using middleware stacks. For more information see [schema_monkey](https://github.com/SchemaPlus/schema_monkey)'s README.