inject_into_file 'features/support/paths.rb', :after => "case page_name\n" do <<-'FILE' when /the admin/ '/admin' when /the add user page/ '/admin/users/new' FILE end create_file 'features/admin.feature' do <<-'FILE' Feature: Admin dashboard As an administrator I want to manage the application So that I can have full control over the site Scenario: Login as an admin Given a logged in admin user When I am on the admin Then I should see "Admin" FILE end create_file 'features/user_admin.feature' do <<-'FILE' Feature: Administer users As an administrator I want to manage the users So that I can provide support for them Background: Given the following role records | name | | Member | @javascript Scenario: Create, update, delete a user in the admin Given a logged in admin user When I am on the add user page And I fill in "Name" with "Big Boi" And I fill in "Email" with "" And I fill in "Password" with "Ch!coDusty$" And I fill in "Password confirmation" with "Ch!coDusty$" And I check "Member" And I press "Save" Then I should see "User created!" And I should see "Big Boi" When I follow "Big Boi" Then the "Name" field should contain "Big Boi" And the "Email" field should contain "" And the "Member" checkbox should be checked And the "Admin" checkbox should not be checked Then I fill in "Name" with "Bigger Boi" And I fill in "Email" with "" And I uncheck "Member" And I check "Admin" And I press "Save" Then I should see "Successfully updated Bigger Boi." When I follow "Bigger Boi" Then the "Name" field should contain "Bigger Boi" And the "Email" field should contain "" And the "Member" checkbox should not be checked And the "Admin" checkbox should be checked Then I press "Save" When I confirm a js popup on the next step Then I follow "Delete" Then I should see "User deleted." And I should not see "Bigger Boi" FILE end