{ "type":"object", "title": "export", "name": "export", "description":"An export in SK", "properties":{ "id":{ "description":"Unique identifier - UUID", "identity":true, "readonly":true, "type":"string", "maxLength": 22, "minLength":22 }, "collection_type":{ "description": "The type of data to export. Lower-case singular name of the export data's class(invoice,contact..), see available classes in json schema. Not required for text-exports, getting the type from the export_template.", "type":"string", "maxLength": 20 }, "collection_ids":{ "description": "Comma separated uuid's of the export objects. The backend uses a mysql text-column limited to ~64kb. 100 uuids are ~2.5kb", "required":true, "type":"string", "format":"text" }, "kind":{ "description": "The export type. text: uses an export template defined by a template_id. archived_pdf: zip with archived PDF(documents only). allinone_pdf: All archived PDF(Documents) in one big PDF. attachments: All attachments of the given objects as zip. SEPA: bank exports, relies on valid bank information in your company, the exported document and the contact.", "required":true, "enum": ["text", "archived_pdf", "attachments", "allinone_pdf", "sepa_debit", "sepa_credit"], "type":"string" }, "template_id":{ "description": "A export template uuid. Required for text exports. collection_type can be empty as is forced to the templates type", "type":"string", "maxLength": 22, "minLength":22 }, "team_id":{ "description": "A team uuid. If set only the team and its parent teams can see the record.", "type":"string", "maxLength": 22, "minLength":22 }, "status":{ "description": "The export status", "readonly":true, "enum": ["pending", "in_progress", "failed", "success"], "type":"string" }, "log":{ "description": "Errors and warnings, can contain html markup f.ex. links to contacts with invalid back accounts when doing dtaus export", "readonly":true, "type":"string", "format": "text" }, "attachments":{ "description": "The exported data as attachment.", "readonly":true, "type":"array", "properties":{"$ref":"./attachment.json#properties"} }, "started_at":{ "description": "Date the was started", "format":"date-time", "readonly":true, "type":"string" }, "finished_at":{ "description": "Date the was finished", "format":"date-time", "readonly":true, "type":"string" }, "created_at":{ "description": "Date the object was created in SK. Never changes afterwards", "format":"date-time", "readonly":true, "type":"string" }, "updated_at":{ "description": "Date the object was edited in SK.", "format":"date-time", "readonly":true, "type":"string" } }, "links":[ { "rel": "self", "href": "exports/{id}" }, { "rel": "instances", "href": "exports", "properties" : { "page":{ "title" : "Page", "description": "In paginated results set the page to look for", "type":"number" }, "per_page":{ "title" : "Per page", "description": "Results per page. Default is 50, max is 200", "type":"number" }, "filter[from]":{ "title" : "From date", "description": "All objects with a date after the date", "format" : "date", "type" : "string" }, "filter[to]":{ "title" : "To date", "description": "All objects with date before the date", "format" : "date", "type" : "string" }, "sort_by":{ "title" : "Sort by", "description": "Sort the results by the given field => number", "enum":["created_at", "updated_at"], "type": "string" }, "sort":{ "title" : "Sort", "enum":["ASC","DESC"], "description": "Sort the results in ASC or DESC", "type": "string" } } }, { "rel": "destroy", "href": "exports/{id}", "method": "DELETE" }, { "rel": "update", "href": "exports/{id}", "method": "PUT" }, { "rel": "create", "href": "exports", "method": "POST" } ] }