# Cuboid Framework -- a decentralized distributed framework in Ruby. ## Summary The Cuboid Framework offers the possibility of easily creating decentralized and distributed applications in Ruby. In hipper terms, you can very easily setup your own specialized _Cloud_ or _Cloud_ within a _Cloud_. It offers: * Load-balancing of _**Instances**_ via a network (_**Grid**_) of _**Agents**_. * No need to setup a topology manually, _**Agents**_ will reach convergence on their own, just point them to an existing _**Grid**_ member. * Scaling up and down can be easily achieved by _plugging_ or _unplugging_ nodes. * Horizontal (`default`) and vertical workload distribution strategies available. * Fault tolerant -- one application per process (_**Instance**_). * Self-healing -- keeps an eye out for disappearing and also re-appearing members. * A clean and simple framework for application development. * Basically, Ruby -- and all the libraries and extensions that come with it. * Events (_pause_, _resume_, _abort_, _suspend_, _restore_). * Suspend to disk is a cinch by automatically creating a _**snapshot**_ of the runtime environment of the application and storing it to disk for later restoration of state and data. * Also allows for running job transfers. * Management of Instances via RPC or REST APIs. * Aside from what **Cuboid** uses, custom serializers can be specified for application related objects. * Developer freedom. * Apart from keeping _Data_ and _State_ separate not many other rules to follow. * Only if interested in _suspensions_ and can also be left to the last minute if necessary -- in cases of `Ractor` enforced isolation for example. ## Entities ### Application A Ruby `class` which inherits from `Cuboid::Application` and complies with a few simple specifications; at the least, a `#run` method, serving as the execution entry point. The application can use the following methods to better take advantage of the framework: * `#validate_options( options )` -- Validates _**Application**_ options. * `#provision_cores( Fixnum )` -- Specifies the maximum amount of cores the _**Application**_ will be using. * `#provision_memory( Fixnum )` -- Specifies the maximum amount of RAM the _**Application**_ will be using. * `#provision_disk( Fixnum )` -- Specifies the maximum amount of disk space the _**Application**_ will be using. * `#handler_for( Symbol, Symbol )` -- Specifies methods to handle the following events: * `:pause` * `:resume` * `:abort` * `:suspend` * `:restore` * `instance_service_for( Symbol, Class )` -- Adds a custom _**Instance**_ RPC API. * `rest_service_for( Symbol, Module )` -- Hooks-up to the _**REST**_ service to provide a custom REST API. * `agent_service_for( Symbol, Class )` -- Hooks-up to the _**Agent**_ to provide a custom RPC API. * `serialize_with( Module )` -- A serializer to be used for: * `#options` * `Report#data` * `Runtime` `Snapshot` Access is also available to: * `#options` -- Passed options. * `#runtime` -- The _**Application**_'s `Runtime` environment, as a way to store and access _state_ and _data_. Upon receiving a _suspend_ event, the `Runtime` will be stored to disk as a `Snapshot` for later restoration. * `Runtime#state` -- State accessor. * `Runtime#data` -- Data accessor. * `#report( data )` -- Stores given `data`, to be included in a later generated `Report` and accessed via `Report#data`. ### Instance An _**Instance**_ is a process container for a **Cuboid** _**Application**_; **Cuboid** is application-centric and follows the one process-per-application principle. This is in order to enforce isolation (_state_, _data_, _fault_) between _**Applications**_, take advantage of _OS_ task management and generally keep things simple. ### Agent A _**Agent**_ is a server which awaits for _**Instance**_ spawn requests (`spawn` calls) upon which it spawns and passes the _**Instance**_'s connection info to the client. The client can then proceed to use the _**Instance**_ to run and generally manage the contained _**Application**_. #### Grid A _**Agent**_ _**Grid**_ is a software mesh network of _**Agent**_ servers, aimed towards providing automated _load-balancing_ based on available system resources and each _**Application**_'s provisioning configuration. No _topology_ needs to be specified, the only configuration necessary is providing any existing _**Grid**_ member upon start-up and the rest will be sorted out automatically. The network is _self-healing_ and will monitor _node_ connectivity, taking steps to ensure that neither server nor network conditions will disrupt spawning. ##### Scalability _**Agents**_ can be easily _plugged_ to or _unplugged_ from the _**Grid**_ to scale up or down as necessary. _Plugging_ happens at boot-time and _unplugging_ can take place via the available _APIs_. ### Scheduler The _**Scheduler**_ is a server which: 1. Accepts _**Application**_ options. 2. Stores them in a queue. 3. Pops options and passes them to spawned _**Instances**_. 4. Monitors _**Instance**_ progress. 5. Upon _**Application**_ completion stores report to disk. 6. Shuts down the _**Instance**_. #### Agent The _**Scheduler**_ can be configured with a _**Agent**_, upon which case, it will use it to spawn _**Instances**_. If the _**Agent**_ is a _**Grid**_ member then the _**Scheduler**_ will also enjoy _load-balancing_ features. ## APIs ### Local Local access can call upon via the `Cuboid::Application` API and the API defined by the _**Application**_ itself. ### RPC A simple RPC is employed, specs for 3rd party implementations can be found at: https://github.com/toq/arachni-rpc/wiki Each _**Application**_ can extend upon this and expose an API via its _**Instance**_'s RPC interface. ### REST A REST API is also available, taking advantage of HTTP sessions to make progress tracking easier. The REST interface is basically a web _**Agent**_ and centralised point of management for the rest of the entities. Each _**Application**_ can extend upon this and expose an API via its _**REST**_ service's interface. ## Examples ### MyApp Tutorial application going over different APIs and **Cuboid** _**Application**_ options and specification. See `examples/my_app`. ### Parallel code on same host To run code in parallel on the same machine utilising multiple cores, with each instance isolated to its own process, you can use something like the following: ```ruby require 'cuboid' class Sleeper < Cuboid::Application def run sleep options['time'] end end return if $0 != __FILE__ sleepers = [] sleepers << Sleeper.spawn( :instance ) sleepers << Sleeper.spawn( :instance ) sleepers << Sleeper.spawn( :instance ) sleepers.each do |sleeper| sleeper.run( time: 5 ) end sleep 0.1 while sleepers.map(&:busy?).include?( true ) ``` time bundle exec ruby same_host.rb [...] real 0m6,506s user 0m0,423s sys 0m0,063s ### Parallel code on different hosts In this example we'll be using `Agents` to spawn instances from 3 different hosts. #### Host 1 ```ruby require 'cuboid' class Sleeper < Cuboid::Application def run sleep options['time'] end end return if $0 != __FILE__ Sleeper.spawn( :agent, port: 7331 ) ``` bundle exec ruby multiple_hosts_1.rb #### Host 2 ```ruby require 'cuboid' class Sleeper < Cuboid::Application def run sleep options['time'] end end return if $0 != __FILE__ Sleeper.spawn( :agent, port: 7332, peer: 'host1:7331' ) ``` bundle exec ruby multiple_hosts_2.rb #### Host 3 ```ruby require 'cuboid' class Sleeper < Cuboid::Application def run sleep options['time'] end end return if $0 != __FILE__ grid_agent = Sleeper.spawn( :agent, port: 7333, peer: 'host1:7331' ) sleepers = [] 3.times do connection_info = grid_agent.spawn sleepers << Sleeper.connect( connection_info ) end sleepers.each do |sleeper| sleeper.run( time: 5 ) end sleep 0.1 while sleepers.map(&:busy?).include?( true ) ``` time bundle exec ruby multiple_hosts_3.rb real 0m7,318s user 0m0,426s sys 0m0,091s _You can replace `host1` with `localhost` and run all examples on the same terminal._ ## License Please see the _LICENSE.md_ file.