module Metanorma module Iec class Converter < ISO::Converter def metadata_author(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("publisher") || "IEC" csv_split(publishers)&.each do |p| xml.contributor do |c| c.role **{ type: "author" } c.organization do |a| organization(a, p, false, node, !node.attr("publisher")) end end end end def metadata_publisher(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("publisher") || "IEC" csv_split(publishers)&.each do |p| xml.contributor do |c| c.role **{ type: "publisher" } c.organization do |a| organization(a, p, true, node, !node.attr("publisher")) end end end end def metadata_copyright(node, xml) publishers = node.attr("copyright-holder") || node.attr("publisher") || "IEC" csv_split(publishers)&.each do |p| xml.copyright do |c| c.from (node.attr("copyright-year") || c.owner do |owner| owner.organization do |o| organization(o, p, true, node, !node.attr("copyright-holder") || node.attr("publisher")) end end end end end def iso_id(node, xml) return unless node.attr("docnumber") part, subpart = node&.attr("partnumber")&.split(/-/) dn = add_id_parts(node.attr("docnumber"), part, subpart) dn = id_stage_prefix(dn, node, false) dn = id_edition_suffix(dn, node) xml.docidentifier dn, **attr_code(type: "ISO") end def id_edition_suffix(docnum, node) ed = node.attr("edition") || 1 docnum += " ED #{ed}" docnum end STAGE_CODES = { "PNW" => "1000", "ANW" => "2000", "CAN" => "2098", "ACD" => "2099", "CD" => "3020", "BWG" => "3092", "A2CD" => "3099", "2CD" => "3520", "3CD" => "3520", "4CD" => "3520", "5CD" => "3520", "6CD" => "3520", "7CD" => "3520", "8CD" => "3520", "9CD" => "3520", "CDM" => "3591", "A3CD" => "3592", "A4CD" => "3592", "A5CD" => "3592", "A6CD" => "3592", "A7CD" => "3592", "A8CD" => "3592", "A9CD" => "3592", "ACDV" => "3599", "CCDV" => "4020", "CDVM" => "4091", "NCDV" => "4092", "NADIS" => "4093", "ADIS" => "4099", "ADTR" => "4099", "ADTS" => "4099", "RDISH" => "5000", "RFDIS" => "5000", "CDISH" => "5020", "CDPAS" => "5020", "CDTR" => "5020", "CDTS" => "5020", "CFDIS" => "5020", "DTRM" => "5092", "DTSM" => "5092", "NDTR" => "5092", "NDTS" => "5092", "NFDIS" => "5092", "APUB" => "5099", "BPUB" => "6000", "PPUB" => "6060", "RR" => "9092", "AMW" => "9220", "WPUB" => "9599", "DELPUB" => "9960", "PWI" => "0000", "NWIP" => "1000", "WD" => "2000", "CDV" => "4000", "FDIS" => "5000" }.freeze DOC_STAGE = { "00": "PWI", "10": "NWIP", "20": "WD", "30": "CD", "40": "CDV", "50": "FDIS", "60": "PPUB", "90": "RR", "92": "AMW", "95": "WPUB", "99": "DELPUB", }.freeze STAGE_ABBRS = { "00" => { "00" => "PWI" }, "10" => { "00" => "PNW" }, "20" => { "00" => "ANW", "98" => "CAN", "99" => "ACD" }, "30" => { "00" => "CD", "20" => "CD", "92" => "BWG", "97" => "MERGED", "98" => "DREJ", "99" => "A2CD" }, "35" => { "00" => "CD", "20" => "CD", "91" => "CDM", "92" => "ACD", "99" => "ACDV" }, "40" => { "00" => "CCDV", "20" => "CCDV", "91" => "CDVM", "92" => "NCDV", "93" => "NADIS", "95" => "ADISSB", "99" => "ADIS" }, "50" => { "00" => "RFDIS", "20" => "CFDIS", "92" => "NFDIS", "95" => "APUBSB", "99" => "APUB" }, "60" => { "00" => "BPUB", "60" => "PPUB" }, "90" => { "00" => "RR", "92" => "RR" }, "92" => { "00" => "AMW", "20" => "AMW" }, "95" => { "00" => "WPUB", "99" => "WPUB" }, "99" => { "00" => "DELPUB", "60" => "DELPUB" }, }.freeze STAGE_NAMES = { "00": "Preliminary work item", "10": "New work item proposal", "20": "Working draft", "30": "Committee draft", "35": "Committee draft", "40": "Committed draft for vote", "50": "Final draft international standard", "60": "International standard", "90": "Review", "92": "Review", "95": "Withdrawal", "99": "Deleted", }.freeze def status_abbrev1(stage, substage, iter, doctype, _draft) return "" unless stage abbr = STAGE_ABBRS.dig(stage, substage) || "??" if stage == "35" && substage == "92" iter = (iter.to_i + 1) % "02" end case doctype when "technical-report" abbr = "ADTR" if stage == "40" && substage == "99" abbr = "CDTR" if stage == "50" && substage == "20" abbr = "DTRM" if stage == "50" && substage == "92" when "technical-specification" abbr = "ADTS" if stage == "40" && substage == "99" abbr = "CDTS" if stage == "50" && substage == "20" abbr = "DTSM" if stage == "50" && substage == "92" when "interpretation-sheet" abbr = "RDISH" if stage == "50" && substage == "00" abbr = "CDISH" if stage == "50" && substage == "20" when "publicly-available-specification" abbr = "CDPAS" if stage == "50" && substage == "20" end abbr = abbr.sub(/CD$/, "#{iter}CD") if iter abbr end def stage_abbr(stage, _substage) return "PPUB" if stage == "60" DOC_STAGE[stage.to_sym] || "??" end def stage_name(stage, _substage, _doctype, _iteration) STAGE_NAMES[stage.to_sym] end def get_stage(node) stage = node.attr("status") || node.attr("docstage") || "60" m = /([0-9])CD$/.match(stage) and node.set_attr("iteration", m[1]) STAGE_CODES[stage] and stage = STAGE_CODES[stage][0..1] stage end def get_substage(node) st = node.attr("status") || node.attr("docstage") stage = get_stage(node) node.attr("docsubstage") || (if stage == "60" "60" else STAGE_CODES[st] ? STAGE_CODES[st][2..3] : "00" end) end def id_stage_abbr(stage, _substage, node) return "" if stage == "60" abbr = DOC_STAGE[stage.to_sym] || "" abbr = node.attr("iteration") + abbr if node.attr("iteration") abbr end def metadata_status(node, xml) stage = get_stage(node) substage = get_substage(node) xml.status do |s| s.stage stage, **attr_code(abbreviation: stage_abbr(stage, substage)) subst = status_abbrev1(stage, substage, node.attr("iteration"), doctype(node), node.attr("draft")) s.substage substage, **attr_code(abbreviation: subst) node.attr("iteration") && (s.iteration node.attr("iteration")) end end def metadata_subdoctype(node, xml) super a = node.attr("function") and xml.function a end def metadata_ext(node, xml) super a = node.attr("accessibility-color-inside") and xml.accessibility_color_inside a a = node.attr("price-code") and xml.price_code a a = node.attr("cen-processing") and xml.cen_processing a a = node.attr("secretary") and xml.secretary a a = node.attr("interest-to-committees") and xml.interest_to_committees a end end end end