#!/bin/bash -eux cd docs # Unsure why but if cli_docs.sh runs bundle first, then bundle wont use the right bundler file export BUNDLE_GEMFILE=$(pwd)/Gemfile bundle bundle exec jekyll serve --detach # Error: front_matter_parser-0.2.1/lib/front_matter_parser/syntax_parser/multi_line_comment.rb:19:in `match': invalid byte sequence in US-ASCII (ArgumentError) # Workaround: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/17031651/invalid-byte-sequence-in-us-ascii-argument-error-when-i-run-rake-dbseed-in-ra export RUBYOPT="-KU -E utf-8:utf-8" # fixes front_matter_parser error within the `jekyll-sort reorder` call gem install jekyll-sort jekyll-sort reorder # Updates nav_order front matter of pages that are in the nav