# The Tag model. This model is automatically generated and added to your app if you run the tagging generator included with has_many_polymorphs.
class Tag < ActiveRecord::Base
DELIMITER = " " # Controls how to split and join tagnames from strings. You may need to change the validates_format_of parameters if you change this.
# If database speed becomes an issue, you could remove these validations and rescue the ActiveRecord database constraint errors instead.
validates_presence_of :name
validates_uniqueness_of :name, :case_sensitive => false
# Change this validation if you need more complex tag names.
validates_format_of :name, :with => /^[a-zA-Z0-9\_\-]+$/, :message => "can not contain special characters"
# Set up the polymorphic relationship.
has_many_polymorphs :taggables,
:from => [:products],
:through => :taggings,
:dependent => :destroy,
:skip_duplicates => false,
:parent_extend => proc {
# Defined on the taggable models, not on Tag itself. Return the tagnames associated with this record as a string.
def to_s
# Callback to strip extra spaces from the tagname before saving it. If you allow tags to be renamed later, you might want to use the before_save callback instead.
def before_create
self.name = name.downcase.strip.squeeze(" ")
# Tag::Error class. Raised by ActiveRecord::Base::TaggingExtensions if something goes wrong.
class Error < StandardError