[![Stories in Ready](https://badge.waffle.io/smashingboxes/taperole.png?label=ready&title=Ready)](https://waffle.io/smashingboxes/tape) # Infrastructure Management ## Deploying & provisioning with tape **Use Unbuntu precise64 (12.04 x64)** **Enable ssh access via root user** ### Basics **Install** * `gem install taperole` or `gem 'taperole'` * run `tape installer install` in project repo * Updated the hosts file with the IP address of your server * Fill in missing values in `tape_vars.yml` * Copy all developers public keys into some dir and specify that dir inside `tape_vars.yml` (dev_key_files) * `tape ansible everything` **Upgrade** ``` bundle upgrade tape tape installer install ``` ### Custom roles You can write app specific roles in the roles files storred in the `roles` directory You must then specify the roles you want to use in `omnibox.yml` or `deploy.yml` [Read the Ansible docs on playbook roles here](http://docs.ansible.com/playbooks_roles.html) ### Multistage You can setup multistage by defining your hosts file as follows ``` [production] be_app_env=production be_app_branch=SOME_BRANCH [staging] be_app_env=staging be_app_branch=SOME_BRANCH [omnibox:children] production staging ``` then use the `-l` option to specify the staging ```sh tape ansible deploy -l staging ``` ## Testing ### With vagrant 1. `vagrant up` or `tape vagrant create` 2. Put the following into your [hosts inventory file](http://docs.ansible.com/intro_inventory.html): ``` [vagrant] <> ansible_ssh_private_key_file=~/.vagrant.d/insecure_private_key ``` The port number might be different if other vagrant machines are running, run `vagrant ssh-config` to find the correct configuration. You can speicfy a port using the `ansible_ssh_port` in your hosts inventory file. 3. Update `tape_vars.yml` with information to a [rails app you want to deploy](https://github.com/BrandonMathis/vanilla-rails-app) 4. `tape ansible everything -l vagrant` ### With QEMU 1. `tape qemu create --name fe_test` 2. `tape qemu start --name fe_test -p2255` 3. `ssh-add ./id_rsa_sb_basebox` 4. `echo 'localhost:2255' >test_hosts` 5. `tape ansible everything` Run `tape -h` for a quick rundown of the tool's modules and options. ## Development ```sh git clone git@github.com:smashingboxes/tape.git cd tape ansible-galaxy install -r requirements.yml --force ```