require 'bundler/setup' require "mongo_mapper" require "csv" require "gibberish" require 'bicrypt' require_relative "database_connection" MongoMapper.database = DATABASE_NAME def prompt(*args) print(*args) gets.strip end ### Encryption and decryption # monkeypatching String class String ### cypher p p def self.set_encryption cypher=prompt "enter encryption cypher: " $e = end def decrypt if $e==nil then String.set_encryption end $e.decrypt_string Base64.decode64 self.encode('ascii-8bit') end def encrypt if $e==nil then String.set_encryption end Base64.encode64($e.encrypt_string(self)).encode('utf-8') end # some normalization of SS entries necessary def md5 Gibberish::MD5 (self.gsub "-","").strip() end end ### creates a mongomapper class def make_mongo_class class_name self.instance_variable_set "@#{class_name}", c=self.instance_variable_get "@#{class_name}" c.class_eval do include MongoMapper::Document end c end ###Utility for extrapolating MongoType # need dates... class String def correct case self when "String" "String" when "Fixnum" "Integer" end end end ##Array of rows to excel file class Array def to_table"foo") self.each do |row| t.write row.to_csv end t.close puts t.path new_table=CSV.table t.path `rm #{t.path}` new_table end end ### Splits name in array components # always returns array def name_split text_string if text_string.index " " or text_string.index "," return (text_string.split(" ").split(",") ).flatten else return [text_string].flatten end end ### Removes names from surg path text # def names_cleaner text, names!{|z| split_if_space z}.flatten! if names.class==Array names=name_split names if names.class==String names.each do |n|, Regexp::IGNORECASE) text.gsub! r,"" puts "cleaned #{n}" end text end class CSV::Row def pp self.to_hash end end ### A modified CSV table class # Can Decrypt and encrypt class CSV::Table attr_accessor :file_path, :data_classifier def encrypt col_name if $e==nil then String.set_encryption end self.each do |row| row[col_name]=row[col_name].to_s.encrypt end end def encrypt_col_names col_names_array col_names_array.each do |col_name| self.encrypt col_name end end def decrypt col_name if $e==nil then String.set_encryption end self.each do |row| row[col_name]=row[col_name].to_s.decrypt end end def clean_names names_col, diagnosis_col self.each do |row| row[diagnosis_col]=names_cleaner row[diagnosis_col],row[names_col] end end def md5 col_name self.each do |row| row[col_name]=row[col_name].to_s.md5 end end def save file_name, "wb") do |csv| csv << self.headers self.each do |line| csv << line.fields end end end #z.find_rows :diagnosis_text, /.(T\d)./i def find_rows col_name, regex, decrypt=false new_table=[]<header.count(",") return true else return false end end end ###Check if a tab file # by counting \t and , in header line def is_tab? file_path if (csv and csv.count !=0) puts file_path header=csv[0][0] if header==nil then return false end if (header and header.count("\t"))>header.count(",") return true else return false end end end ### Remove semicolons # ; => , def remove_semicolon file_path puts "removing semicolons in #{file_path}" c=CSV.table file_path, :col_sep=> ";" file_path, "w" fh.write c.to_csv fh.close return file_path end ### Remove tabs # ; => , def remove_tabs file_path puts "removing tabs in #{file_path}" c=CSV.table file_path, :col_sep=> "\t" file_path, "w" fh.write c.to_csv fh.close ext=File.extname file_path if ext==".xls" `cp #{file_path} #{file_path.gsub ext,".csv"}` return file_path.gsub ext,".csv" else return file_path end end ### A modified CSV table class # Can Decrypt and encrypt class CSV::Table attr_accessor :file_path, :data_classifier #remove duplicates # #takes col to search through def remove_duplicate col col_all=self[col] self.each do |row| entry=row[col] if col_all.count(entry) >= 2 # deletes entries from index and from table self.delete col_all.rindex(entry) col_all.delete_at col_all.rindex(entry) end end end end def make_class_name file_path File.basename((file_path).gsub(".","_").gsub("@","").gsub("%","").gsub("-","")).camelize end module StringToMongo def self.nil? text_string if text_string==nil true else false end end def self.integer? text_string if text_string.match /^\d*$/ true else false end end def self.float? text_string if text_string.match /^\d*\.\d*$/ true else false end end def text_string if Chronic.parse(text_string) != nil true else false end end def self.mongo_type text_string case when nil?(text_string) "String" when integer?(text_string) "Integer" when float?(text_string) "Float" when date?(text_string) "Time" else "String" end end end module ColName def self.fix_spaces col_name col_name.gsub(".","_").gsub(" ","_") end def self.fix_numbers col_name matches=(col_name.scan /(\d)/) if matches==[] puts "no match" return col_name else n=matches[0] puts "captures #{n} #{n.class}" case n when "1" puts n col_name.gsub!(n,"one") when "2" puts n col_name.gsub!(n,"two") when "3" puts n col_name.gsub!(n,"three") when "4" puts n col_name.gsub!(n,"four") when "5" puts n col_name.gsub!(n,"five") when "6" puts n col_name.gsub!(n,"six") when "7" puts n col_name.gsub!(n,"seven") when "8" puts n col_name.gsub!(n,"eight") when "9" puts n col_name.gsub!(n,"nine") end end col_name end end ###Creates a Mongo Class mapping csv file # "/Users/carlobifulco/Dropbox/code/next_gen/hotspot2.csv" #d.print_class class DataClassifier attr_accessor :headers, :fs_line,:keys_types,:file_name,:template def initialize file_name="test.csv" @header_zip=self.cheap_headers file_name @file_name=file_name @class_name=make_class_name file_name #self.instance_variable_set "@#{@class_name}",make_mongo_class(@class_name) @template=""" class #{@class_name} include MongoMapper::Document include DataUtilities safe timestamps! """ end def cheap_headers file_path index=0 container=[] CSV.foreach(file_path) do |row| container<2 then break end end container[0]=container[0].map{|x| x.gsub(".","_").downcase} zipped=container[0].zip container[1] {|x| x[0]!="" and x[0]!=nil} end def mongo_types @header_zip.each_with_object({}) do |hz,container| key=hz[0].gsub(" ","_") container[hz[0].to_sym]=StringToMongo.mongo_type hz[1] end end #prints the class def print_class puts template self.mongo_types.sort_by{|k,v| k}.each do |r| puts " key :#{r[0]}, #{r[1]} " end puts "end" end end ### remove empty columns from CSV files # also deals with some windows encoding issues if needed def remove_nil_headers file_path begin,:headers => true) rescue,:headers => true, :encoding => 'windows-1251:utf-8') end if c.headers.include? nil c.by_col! while c.headers.index(nil) != nil c.delete(c.headers.index(nil)) end file_path, "w" fh.write c.to_csv fh.close end end ### Factory for new tables # takes care of definiens and also stores file paths # also removes nil headers\ #also deals with tab formatted files # def load_table file_path if is_semicolon?(file_path) file_path=remove_semicolon(file_path) elsif is_tab?(file_path) file_path=remove_tabs(file_path) end remove_nil_headers file_path c=CSV.table file_path c.file_path=file_path begin file_path rescue c.data_classifier=false end c end ### MongoLoader # takes a class and a file csv file and then load it into Mongo # def mongo_loader mongo_class, file_path # counter=0 # CSV.foreach(file_path) do |row| # #puts row # puts counter # if counter==0 # @headers=row # counter+=1 # next # end # puts counter # # row.each_with_index do |e,i| # #puts "HEADERS: #{@headers}" # #puts @headers[i] # m[@headers[i].gsub(".","_").downcase]=e # # end # puts counter # counter+=1 # end # "" # end ### Load CSV file into mongo class # Mongo class needs to exist def csv_to_mongo file_name="test.csv",mongo_class=TestCsv t=CSV.table file_name t.each_with_index do |row,i| t.headers.each do |header| m[header]=row[header] end puts "#{i}: #{mongo_class.count}" end end ### Convinience for Mongomapper classes # # export to csv # # pretty printing of keys module DataUtilities ### Export csv # # file_path - the file to be exported to def export file_path, "wb") do |csv| headers=self.class.keys.keys.sort puts headers csv << headers self.class.all.each do |c| line=[] headers.each do |h| line<<(c[h]).to_s end csv << line end puts csv end end def pp self.keys.keys.sort.each do |k| puts "#{k}: #{self[k]}" end nil end def pp_to_s text=[] self.keys.keys.sort.each do |k| text<< " #{k}: #{self[k]};" end text.join "" end end module ClassDataUtilities def export file_path, "wb") do |csv| headers=self.keys.keys.sort puts headers csv << headers self.all.each do |c| line=[] headers.each do |h| line<<(c[h]).to_s end csv << line end puts csv end end end ### Utility function to create mongomapper keys # # takes a file_path of teh csv file # # prints keys in mongomapper format def csv_headers_to_keys file_path CSV.table(file_path).headers.sort!.each do |x| puts "key :#{x}, String" end end ###Utility for exporting a mongomapper search # # takes a file name where all will be saved to in a csv format # #saves csv file class Array def mongo_to_csv file_path, "wb") do |csv| headers=self[0].class.keys.keys.sort puts headers csv << headers self.each do |c| line=[] headers.each do |h| line<<(c[h]).to_s end csv << line end puts csv end end def mongo_to_table "test" self.mongo_to_csv file_path r=CSV.table file_path `rm #{file_path}` r end end def val_to_csv val_name, file_name Case.find_all_by_validation_name(val_name).mongo_to_csv(file_name) puts "saved #{Case.find_all_by_validation_name(val_name)} in #{File.absolute_path file_name}" end ### A modified CSV table class # pp class CSV::Table def pp puts self.headers.to_csv self.each do |r| puts r.to_csv end end end