require 'spec_helper' require 'puppet/pops' require 'puppet_spec/compiler' module Puppet::Pops module Types describe 'URI type' do context 'when used in Puppet expressions' do include PuppetSpec::Compiler it 'is equal to itself only' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-CODE)).to eq(%w(true true false false)) $t = URI notice(URI =~ Type[URI]) notice(URI == URI) notice(URI < URI) notice(URI > URI) CODE end context "when parameterized" do it 'is equal other types with the same parameterization' do code = <<-CODE notice(URI == URI[{}]) notice(URI[''] == URI[scheme => http, host => '']) notice(URI['urn:a:b:c'] == URI[scheme => urn, opaque => 'a:b:c']) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(%w(true true true)) end it 'is assignable from more qualified types' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-CODE)).to eq(%w(true true true)) notice(URI > URI['']) notice(URI[''] > URI['']) notice(URI[scheme => Enum[http, https]] > URI['']) CODE end it 'is not assignable unless scheme is assignable' do expect(eval_and_collect_notices(<<-CODE)).to eq(%w(false)) notice(URI[scheme => Enum[http, https]] > URI[scheme => 'ftp']) CODE end it 'presents parsable string form' do code = <<-CODE notice(URI['']) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq([ "URI[{'scheme' => 'https', 'userinfo' => 'user:password', 'host' => '', 'port' => '3000', 'path' => '/some/path', 'query' => 'x=y', 'fragment' => 'frag'}]", ]) end end context 'a URI instance' do it 'can be created from a string' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI('') notice(String($o, '%p')) notice(type($o)) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq([ "URI('')", "URI[{'scheme' => 'https', 'host' => '', 'path' => '/a/b'}]" ]) end it 'which is opaque, can be created from a string' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI('urn:a:b:c') notice(String($o, '%p')) notice(type($o)) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq([ "URI('urn:a:b:c')", "URI[{'scheme' => 'urn', 'opaque' => 'a:b:c'}]" ]) end it 'can be created from a hash' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI(scheme => 'https', host => '', path => '/a/b') notice(String($o, '%p')) notice(type($o)) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq([ "URI('')", "URI[{'scheme' => 'https', 'host' => '', 'path' => '/a/b'}]" ]) end it 'which is opaque, can be created from a hash' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI(scheme => 'urn', opaque => 'a:b:c') notice(String($o, '%p')) notice(type($o)) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq([ "URI('urn:a:b:c')", "URI[{'scheme' => 'urn', 'opaque' => 'a:b:c'}]" ]) end it 'is an instance of its type' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI('') notice($o =~ type($o)) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['true']) end it 'is an instance of matching parameterized URI' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI('') notice($o =~ URI[scheme => https, host => '']) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['true']) end it 'is an instance of matching default URI' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI('') notice($o =~ URI) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['true']) end it 'path is not matched by opaque' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI('urn:a:b:c') notice($o =~ URI[path => 'a:b:c']) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['false']) end it 'opaque is not matched by path' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI('') notice($o =~ URI[opaque => '/a/b']) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['false']) end it 'is not an instance unless parameters matches' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI('') notice($o =~ URI[scheme => http]) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['false']) end it 'individual parts of URI can be accessed using accessor methods' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI('') notice($o.scheme) notice($o.userinfo) notice($ notice($o.port) notice($o.path) notice($o.query) notice($o.fragment) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['https', 'bob:pw', '', '8080', '/a/b', 'a=b', 'frag']) end it 'individual parts of opaque URI can be accessed using accessor methods' do code = <<-CODE $o = URI('urn:a:b:c') notice($o.scheme) notice($o.opaque) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(['urn', 'a:b:c']) end it 'An URI can be merged with a String using the + operator' do code = <<-CODE notice(String(URI('') + '/a/b', '%p')) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(["URI('')"]) end it 'An URI can be merged with another URI using the + operator' do code = <<-CODE notice(String(URI('') + URI('/a/b'), '%p')) CODE expect(eval_and_collect_notices(code)).to eq(["URI('')"]) end end end end end end