module Neo4j class Label # @abstract def name raise 'not implemented' end # @abstract def create_index(*properties) raise 'not implemented' end # @abstract def drop_index(*properties) raise 'not implemented' end # List indices for a label # @abstract def indexes raise 'not implemented' end # Creates a neo4j constraint on a property # See # @example # label = Neo4j::Label.create(:person, session) # label.create_constraint(:name, {type: :unique}, session) # def create_constraint(property, constraints, session = Neo4j::Session.current) cypher = case constraints[:type] when :unique "CREATE CONSTRAINT ON (n:`#{name}`) ASSERT n.`#{property}` IS UNIQUE" else raise "Not supported constrain #{constraints.inspect} for property #{property} (expected :type => :unique)" end session._query_or_fail(cypher) end # Drops a neo4j constraint on a property # See # @example # label = Neo4j::Label.create(:person, session) # label.create_constraint(:name, {type: :unique}, session) # label.drop_constraint(:name, {type: :unique}, session) # def drop_constraint(property, constraint, session = Neo4j::Session.current) cypher = case constraint[:type] when :unique "DROP CONSTRAINT ON (n:`#{name}`) ASSERT n.`#{property}` IS UNIQUE" else raise "Not supported constrain #{constraint.inspect}" end session._query_or_fail(cypher) end class << self include Neo4j::Core::CypherTranslator def create(name, session = Neo4j::Session.current) session.create_label(name) end def query(label_name, query, session = Neo4j::Session.current) cypher = "MATCH (n:`#{label_name}`)" cypher += condition_to_cypher(query) if query[:conditions] && !query[:conditions].empty? cypher += session.query_default_return cypher += order_to_cypher(query) if query[:order] response = session._query_or_fail(cypher) session.search_result_to_enumerable(response) # TODO make it work in Embedded and refactor end def find_all_nodes(label_name, session = Neo4j::Session.current) session.find_all_nodes(label_name) end def find_nodes(label_name, key, value, session = Neo4j::Session.current) session.find_nodes(label_name, key, value) end private def condition_to_cypher(query) conditions = query[:conditions] " WHERE " + do |k| value = conditions[k] if value.is_a? Regexp pattern = (value.casefold? ? "(?i)" : "") + value.source "n.#{k}=~#{escape_value(pattern.gsub(/\\/, '\\\\\\'))}" else "n.#{k}=#{escape_value(conditions[k])}" end end.join(" AND ") end def order_to_cypher(query) cypher = " ORDER BY " order = query[:order] handleHash = do |hash| if (hash.is_a?(Hash)) k, v = hash.first raise "only :asc or :desc allowed in order, got #{query.inspect}" unless [:asc, :desc].include?(v) v.to_sym == :asc ? "n.`#{k}`" : "n.`#{k}` DESC" else "n.`#{hash}`" unless hash.is_a?(Hash) end end case order when Array cypher +=', ') when Hash cypher += else cypher += "n.`#{order}`" end cypher end end end end