require 'rubygems' require 'pathname' require 'tempfile' require 'yaml' require 'tmpdir' require 'fileutils' require 'raw_image_file' require 'raw_image_dataset' require 'sqlite3' require 'logger' # A shared function that displays a message and the date/time to standard output. def flash(msg) flash_size =msg.size + 20 puts puts "+" * flash_size printf "\t%s\n", msg printf "\t%s\n", puts "+" * flash_size puts $LOG.debug msg if $LOG end =begin rdoc Encapsulates a directory of data acquired during one participant visit. These are the raw data directories that are transfered directly from the scanners and archived in the raw data section of the vtrak filesystem. After initializing, the visit can be scanned to extract metadata for all of the images acquired during the visit. The scanning is done in a fairly naive manner: the visit directory is recursively walked and in each subdirectory any and all pfiles will be imported in addition to one single dicom if any exist. Thus, only a single dicom file among many in a scan session is used to retrieve information. checking the individual files for data integrity must be handled elsewhere if at all. =end class VisitRawDataDirectory # The absolute path of the visit directory, as a string. attr_reader :visit_directory # An array of :RawImageDataset objects acquired during this visit. attr_accessor :datasets # Timestamp for this visit, obtained from the first :RawImageDataset attr_accessor :timestamp # RMR number for this visit. attr_accessor :rmr_number # scan_procedure name attr_reader :scan_procedure_name # scanner source attr_accessor :scanner_source # attr_accessor :db # Scan ID is the short name for the scan (tbiva018, tbiva018b) attr_accessor :scanid # The id of the visit to be used when doing reverse-lookup in data panda. attr_accessor :database_id PREPROCESS_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY = '/Data/vtrak1/preprocessed/visits' # DATAPANDA_SERVER = 'http://localhost:3000' DATAPANDA_SERVER = '' # A new Visit instance needs to know the path to its raw data and scan_procedure name. The scan_procedure # name must match a name in the database, if not a new scan_procedure entry will be inserted. def initialize(directory, scan_procedure_name=nil) raise(IOError, "Visit directory not found: #{directory}") unless File.exist?(File.expand_path(directory)) @visit_directory = File.expand_path(directory) @working_directory = Dir.tmpdir @datasets = @timestamp = nil @rmr_number = nil @scan_procedure_name = scan_procedure_name.nil? ? get_scan_procedure_based_on_raw_directory : scan_procedure_name @db = nil initialize_log end # Recursively walks the filesystem inside the visit directory. At each subdirectory, any and all # pfiles are scanned and imported in addition to one and only one dicom file. After scanning # @datasets will hold an array of ImageDataset instances. Setting the rmr here can raise an # exception if no valid rmr is found in the datasets, be prepared to catch it. def scan flash "Scanning visit raw data directory #{@visit_directory}" if $LOG.level <= Logger::INFO d = d.each_subdirectory do |dd| begin dd.each_pfile { |pf| @datasets << import_dataset(pf, dd) } dd.first_dicom { |fd| @datasets << import_dataset(fd, dd) } rescue Exception => e raise(IndexError, "There was an error scaning dataset #{dd}: #{e}") end end unless @datasets.size == 0 @timestamp = get_visit_timestamp @rmr_number = get_rmr_number @scanner_source = get_scanner_source flash "Completed scanning #{@visit_directory}" if $LOG.level <= Logger::DEBUG else raise(IndexError, "No datasets could be scanned for directory #{@visit_directory}") end end # use this to initialize Visit objects in the rails app def attributes_for_active_record { :date => @timestamp.to_s, :rmr => @rmr_number, :path => @visit_directory, :scanner_source => get_scanner_source } end # Inserts each dataset in this visit into the specified database. The specifics # of the database insert are handled by the #RawImageDataset class. def db_insert!(db_file) @db = @db.results_as_hash = true @db.type_translation = true begin # checks scan_procedure in db, inserts if neccessary, returns id scan_procedure_id = fetch_or_insert_scan_procedure # insert or update visit as needed if visit_is_new? # this is a new visit visit_id = insert_new_visit(scan_procedure_id) else # visit already exists in DB visit_id = get_existing_visit_id update_existing_visit(visit_id, scan_procedure_id) end # insert each dataset from the visit, also insert an entry in series descriptions table if necessary. @datasets.each do |dataset| update_series_descriptions_table(dataset.series_description) if dataset_is_new?(dataset) insert_new_dataset(dataset, visit_id) else # dataset is already in DB dataset_id = get_existing_dataset_id(dataset) update_existing_dataset(dataset, dataset_id) end end rescue Exception => e puts e.message ensure @db.close @db = nil end end def default_preprocess_directory return File.join(PREPROCESS_REPOSITORY_DIRECTORY, scan_procedure_name, scanid) end =begin rdoc Walks through the dicom datasets in this Scan Visit directory and performs naive file conversion to nifti format, which is useful for basic quality checking. Accepts an output directory as an optional argument, defaults to the system temp directory. Returns an array of the created nifti files. =end def to_nifti!(output_directory = Dir.tmpdir) flash "Converting raw data directory #{@visit_directory} to Niftis in #{output_directory}" nifti_output_files = scan if @datasets.empty? @datasets.each do |dataset| nifti_output_path = output_directory nifti_filename = "#{scanid}_#{dataset.series_description.escape_filename}_#{File.basename(}.nii" do |dicom_files| nifti_input_path = File.dirname(dicom_files.first) nifti_conversion_command, nifti_output_file = dataset.to_nifti!(nifti_output_path, nifti_filename, :input_directory => nifti_input_path, :append_modality_directory => true) nifti_output_files << nifti_output_file end end return nifti_output_files end def scanid @scanid ||= File.basename(visit_directory).split('_')[0] end def to_s puts; @visit_directory.length.times { print "-" }; puts puts "#{@visit_directory}" puts "#{@rmr_number} - #{@timestamp.strftime('%F')} - #{@scanner_source}" puts puts RawImageDataset.to_table(@datasets) return rescue NameError => e puts e if @datasets.first.class.to_s == "RawImageDatasetResource" @datasets = { |ds| ds.to_metamri_image_dataset } end # puts @datasets.first.class.to_s # puts @datasets # Header Line printf "\t%-15s %-30s [%s]\n", "Directory", "Series Description", "Files" # Dataset Lines @datasets.sort_by{|ds| [ds.timestamp, File.basename(] }.each do |dataset| printf "\t%-15s %-30s [%s]\n", File.basename(, dataset.series_description, dataset.file_count end # Reminder Line puts "(This would be much prettier if you installed hirb.)" return end private def get_existing_dataset_id(ds) @db.execute(ds.db_fetch).first['id'] end def update_existing_dataset(ds, ds_id) @db.execute(ds.db_update(ds_id)) end def insert_new_dataset(ds, v_id) @db.execute(ds.db_insert(v_id)) end def dataset_is_new?(ds) @db.execute(ds.db_fetch).empty? end def visit_is_new? @db.execute(sql_fetch_visit_matches).empty? end def update_series_descriptions_table(sd) if @db.execute(sql_fetch_series_description(sd)).empty? @db.execute(sql_insert_series_description(sd)) end end def insert_new_visit(p_id) puts sql_insert_visit(p_id) @db.execute(sql_insert_visit(p_id)) return @db.last_insert_row_id end def get_existing_visit_id return @db.execute(sql_fetch_visit_matches).first['id'] end def update_existing_visit(v_id, p_id) puts sql_update_visit(v_id, p_id) @db.execute(sql_update_visit(v_id, p_id)) end def fetch_or_insert_scan_procedure # if the scan_procedure already exists in db use it, if not insert a new one scan_procedure_matches = @db.execute(sql_fetch_scan_procedure_name) if scan_procedure_matches.empty? @db.execute(sql_insert_scan_procedure) new_scan_procedure_id = @db.last_insert_row_id end return scan_procedure_matches.empty? ? new_scan_procedure_id : scan_procedure_matches.first['id'] end def sql_update_visit(v_id, p_id) "UPDATE visits SET date = '#{@timestamp.to_s}', rmr = '#{@rmr_number}', path = '#{@visit_directory}', scan_procedure_id = '#{p_id.to_s}', scanner_source = '#{@scanner_source}' WHERE id = '#{v_id}'" end def sql_insert_scan_procedure "INSERT INTO scan_procedures (codename) VALUES ('#{@scan_procedure_name}')" end def sql_insert_series_description(sd) "INSERT INTO series_descriptions (long_description) VALUES ('#{sd}')" end def sql_fetch_visit_matches "SELECT id FROM visits WHERE rmr == '#{@rmr_number}'" end def sql_fetch_scan_procedure_name "SELECT * FROM scan_procedures WHERE codename = '#{@scan_procedure_name}'" end def sql_fetch_series_description(sd) "SELECT * FROM series_descriptions WHERE long_description = '#{sd}'" end def sql_fetch_dataset_matches(ds) "SELECT * FROM image_datasets WHERE rmr = '#{ds.rmr_number}' AND path = '#{}' AND timestamp = '#{ds.timestamp}'" end =begin rdoc generates an sql insert statement to insert this visit with a given participant id =end def sql_insert_visit(scan_procedure_id=0) "INSERT INTO visits (date, scan_procedure_id, scan_number, initials, rmr, radiology_outcome, notes, transfer_mri, transfer_pet, conference, compile_folder, dicom_dvd, user_id, path, scanner_source, created_at, updated_at) VALUES ('#{@timestamp.to_s}', '#{scan_procedure_id.to_s}', '', '', '#{@rmr_number}', 'no', '', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', 'no', NULL, '#{@visit_directory}', '#{@scanner_source}', '#{}', '#{}')" end def import_dataset(rawfile, original_parent_directory) puts "Importing scan session: #{original_parent_directory.to_s} using raw data file: #{rawfile.basename}" if $LOG.level <= Logger::DEBUG begin rawimagefile = rescue Exception => e raise(IOError, "Trouble reading raw image file #{rawfile}. #{e}") end return, [rawimagefile]) end def convert_dataset(rawfiles, original_parent_directory, nifti_output_directory) puts "Converting scan session: #{original_parent_directory.to_s} using raw data file: #{rawfiles.first.basename}" rawimagefiles = [] rawfiles.each do |rawfile| begin rawimagefiles << rescue Exception => e raise(IOError, "Trouble reading raw image file #{rawfile}. #{e}") end end dataset =, rawimagefiles) dataset.to_nifti() #return, rawimagefiles) end def get_visit_timestamp (@datasets.sort_by { |ds| ds.timestamp }).first.timestamp end # retrieves a valid rmr number from the visit's collection of datasets. Some datasets out there # have "rmr not found" set in the rmr_number attribute because their header info is incomplete. # Throws an Exception if no valid rmr is found def get_rmr_number @datasets.each do |ds| return ds.rmr_number unless ds.rmr_number == "rmr not found" end raise(IOError, "No valid RMR number was found for this visit") end # retrieves a scanner source from the collection of datasets, raises Exception of none is found def get_scanner_source @datasets.each do |ds| return ds.scanner_source unless ds.scanner_source.nil? end raise(IOError, "No valid scanner source found for this visit") end def get_scan_procedure_based_on_raw_directory case @visit_directory when /alz_2000.*_2$/ return 'johnson.alz.visit2' when /alz_2000.*_3$/ return 'johnson.alz.visit3' when /alz_2000.alz...$/ return 'johnson.alz.visit1' when /alz_2000/ return 'johnson.alz.unk.visit' when /tbi_1000.*_2$/ return 'johnson.tbi-1000.visit2' when /tbi_1000.*_3$/ return 'johnson.tbi-1000.visit3' when /tbi_1000.tbi...$/ return 'johnson.tbi-1000.visit1' when /tbi_1000/ return 'johnson.tbi-1000.unk.visit' when /tbi_aware.*_2$/ return 'johnson.tbi-aware.visit2' when /tbi_aware.*_3$/ return 'johnson.tbi-aware.visit3' when /tbi_aware.tbi...$/ return 'johnson.tbi-aware.visit1' when /tbi_aware/ return 'johnson.tbi-aware.unk.visit' when /johnson.tbi-va.visit1/ return 'johnson.tbi-va.visit1' when /pib_pilot_mri/ return 'johnson.pibmripilot.visit1.uwmr' when /wrap140/ return 'johnson.wrap140.visit1' when /cms.uwmr/ return 'johnson.cms.visit1.uwmr' when /cms.wais/ return 'johnson.cms.visit1.wais' when /esprit.9month/ return 'carlsson.esprit.visit2.9month' when /esprit.baseline/ return 'carlsson.esprit.visit1.baseline' when /gallagher_pd/ return 'gallagher.pd.visit1' when /pc_4000/ return 'johnson.pc4000.visit1' when /ries.aware.visit1/ return 'ries.aware.visit1' when / return '' else return 'unknown.scan_procedure' end end def initialize_log # If a log hasn't been created, catch that here and go to STDOUT. unless $LOG $LOG = $LOG.level = Logger::DEBUG end end end