module Caboose PageBarGenerator.class_eval do def all_records return model_with_includes.where(where) end end end module Caboose class ProductsController < Caboose::ApplicationController # GET /products || GET /products/:id def index # If id exists, is an integer and a product exists with the specified id then get the product if params[:id] && params[:id].to_i > 0 && Product.exists?(params[:id]) @product = Product.find(params[:id]) render 'product/not_available' and return if @product.status == 'Inactive' @category = @product.categories.first @review = @reviews = Review.where(:product_id =>"id DESC") || nil @logged_in_user = logged_in_user render 'caboose/products/details' and return end # Filter params from url url_without_params = request.fullpath.split('?').first # Find the category category = Category.where(:site_id =>, :url => url_without_params).first # Set category ID params['category_id'] = # If this is the top-most category, collect all it's immediate children IDs params['category_id'] = category.children.collect { |child| } if == 1 # Shove the original category ID into the first position if the param is an array params['category_id'].unshift( if params['category_id'].is_a?(Array) # Otherwise looking at a category or search parameters @pager =, { 'site_id' =>, 'category_id' => '', 'vendor_id' => '', 'vendor_name' => '', 'vendor_status' => 'Active', 'status' => 'Active', 'variant_status' => 'Active', 'price_gte' => '', 'price_lte' => '', 'alternate_id' => '', 'search_like' => '' }, { 'model' => 'Caboose::Product', 'sort' => if params[:sort] then params[:sort] else 'store_products.sort_order' end, 'base_url' => url_without_params, 'items_per_page' => 15, 'use_url_params' => false, 'abbreviations' => { 'search_like' => 'title_concat_store_products.alternate_id_concat_vendor_name_concat_category_name_like', }, 'includes' => { 'category_id' => [ 'categories' , 'id' ], 'category_name' => [ 'categories' , 'name' ], 'vendor_id' => [ 'vendor' , 'id' ], 'vendor_name' => [ 'vendor' , 'name' ], 'vendor_status' => [ 'vendor' , 'status' ], 'price_gte' => [ 'variants' , 'price' ], 'price_lte' => [ 'variants' , 'price' ], 'variant_status' => [ 'variants' , 'status' ] } }) @sort_options = [ { :name => 'Default', :value => 'store_products.sort_order' }, { :name => 'Price (Low to High)', :value => 'store_variants.price ASC' }, { :name => 'Price (High to Low)', :value => 'store_variants.price DESC' }, { :name => 'Alphabetical (A-Z)', :value => 'store_products.title ASC' }, { :name => 'Alphabetical (Z-A)', :value => 'store_products.title DESC' }, ] SearchFilter.delete_all @filter = SearchFilter.find_from_url(request.fullpath, @pager, ['page']) @products = @pager.items @category = if @filter['category_id'] then Category.find(@filter['category_id'].to_i) else nil end @pager.set_item_count end def show end # GET /product/info def info p = Product.find(params[:id]) render :json => { :product => p, :option1_values => p.option1_values, :option2_values => p.option2_values, :option3_values => p.option3_values } end #============================================================================= # API actions #============================================================================= # GET /api/products def api_index render :json => Product.where(:status => 'Active') end # GET /api/products/:id def api_details p = Product.where(:id => params[:id]).first render :json => p ? p : { :error => 'Invalid product ID' } end # GET /api/products/:id/variants def api_variants p = Product.where(:id => params[:id]).first render :json => p ? p.variants : { :error => 'Invalid product ID' } end #============================================================================= # Admin actions #============================================================================= # GET /admin/products/:id/variants/group def admin_group_variants @product = Product.find(params[:id]) return if !user_is_allowed('variants', 'edit') joins = [] where = [] values = [] if params[:category_ids] joins << [:category_memberships] where << 'store_category_memberships.category_id IN (?)' values << params[:category_ids] end if params[:vendor_ids] joins << [:vendor] where << ' IN (?)' values << params[:vendor_ids] end if params[:title] where << 'LOWER(store_products.title) LIKE ?' values << "%#{params[:title].downcase}%" end # Query for all relevant products products = values.any? ? Product.joins(joins).where([where.join(' AND ')].concat(values)) : [] # Grab variants for each product @variants = products.collect { |product| product.variants }.flatten # Grab all categories; except for "all" and "uncategorized" @categories = Category.where('site_id = ? and parent_id IS NOT NULL AND name IS NOT NULL', # Grab all vendors @vendors = Vendor.where('site_id = ? and name IS NOT NULL', render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # POST /admin/products/:id/variants/add def admin_add_variants params[:variant_ids].each do |variant_id| variant = Variant.find(variant_id) # Delete current variant product if this is the last variant # variant.product.update_attribute(:status, 'deleted') if variant.product.variants.where('status != ?', 'deleted').count == 0 # Add reference to new product # varant.product_id = params[:id] end # Iterate over variants and add them to the product # Remove product that the variants are associated with; UNLESS it's the current product redirect_to "/admin/products/#{params[:id]}/variants" end # POST /admin/products/:id/varaints/add-multiple def admin_add_multiple_variants product = Product.find(params[:id]) params[:variants_csv].split("\r\n").each do |variant| row = variant.split(',') render :json => { :success => false, :error => "Quantity is not defined for variant: #{row[0].strip}" } and return if row[1].nil? render :json => { :success => false, :error => "Price is not defined for variant: #{row[0].strip}" } and return if row[2].nil? attributes = { :alternate_id => row[0].strip, :quantity_in_stock => row[1].strip.to_i, :price => '%.2f' % row[2].strip.to_f, :status => 'Active' } if product.option1 && row[3].nil? render :json => { :success => false, :error => "#{product.option1} not defined for variant: #{attributes[:alternate_id]}" } and return elsif product.option1 attributes[:option1] = row[3].strip end if product.option2 && row[4].nil? render :json => { :success => false, :error => "#{product.option2} not defined for variant: #{attributes[:alternate_id]}" } and return elsif product.option2 attributes[:option2] = row[4].strip end if product.option3 && row[5].nil? render :json => { :success => false, :error => "#{product.option3} not defined for variant: #{attributes[:alternate_id]}" } and return elsif product.option3 attributes[:option3] = row[5].strip end if product.variants.find_by_alternate_id(attributes[:alternate_id]) product.variants.find_by_alternate_id(attributes[:alternate_id]).update_attributes(attributes) else Variant.create(attributes.merge(:product_id => end end render :json => { :success => true } end # POST /admin//products/:id/variants/remove def admin_remove_variants params[:variant_ids].each do |variant_id| variant = Variant.find(variant_id) # variant.update_attribute(:status, 'deleted') # variant.product.update_attribute(:status, 'deleted') if variant.product.variants.where('status != ?', 'deleted').count == 0 end # Remove passed variants # redirect_to "/admin/products/#{params[:id]}/variants/group" render :json => true end # GET /admin/products/update-vendor-status/:id def admin_update_vendor_status vendor = Vendor.find(params[:id]) vendor.status = params[:status] render :json => end # GET /admin/products def admin_index return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'view') # Temporary patch for vendor name sorting; Fix this params[:sort] = '' if params[:sort] == 'vendor' @gen =, { 'site_id' =>, 'vendor_name' => '', 'search_like' => '', 'price' => params[:filters] && params[:filters][:missing_prices] ? 0 : '' }, { 'model' => 'Caboose::Product', 'sort' => 'title', 'desc' => false, 'base_url' => '/admin/products', 'items_per_page' => 25, 'use_url_params' => false, 'abbreviations' => { 'search_like' => 'store_products.title_concat_vendor_name_like' }, 'includes' => { 'vendor_name' => [ 'vendor' , 'name' ], 'price' => [ 'variants' , 'price' ] } }) # Make a copy of all the items; so it can be filtered more @all_products = @gen.all_records # Apply any extra filters if params[:filters] @all_products = @all_products.includes(:product_images).where(' IS NULL') if params[:filters][:missing_images] @all_products = @all_products.where('vendor_id IS NULL') if params[:filters][:no_vendor] end # Get the correct page of the results @products = @all_products.limit(@gen.limit).offset(@gen.offset) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/products/json def admin_json return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'view') # Temporary patch for vendor name sorting; Fix this params[:sort] = '' if params[:sort] == 'vendor' pager =, { 'site_id' =>, 'vendor_name' => '', 'search_like' => '', 'price' => params[:filters] && params[:filters][:missing_prices] ? 0 : '' }, { 'model' => 'Caboose::Product', 'sort' => 'title', 'desc' => false, 'base_url' => '/admin/products', 'items_per_page' => 25, 'use_url_params' => false, 'abbreviations' => { 'search_like' => 'store_products.title_concat_vendor_name_like' }, 'includes' => { 'vendor_name' => [ 'vendor' , 'name' ], 'price' => [ 'variants' , 'price' ] } }) render :json => { :pager => pager, :models => pager.items } end # GET /admin/products/add-upcs - TODO remove this; it's a temporary thing for woods-n-water def admin_add_upcs params[:vendor_id] if params[:vendor_id] and params[:vendor_id].empty? conditions = if params[:vendor_id] "store_variants.alternate_id IS NULL and = #{params[:vendor_id]}" else "store_variants.alternate_id IS NULL" end @products = Product.all( :include => [:variants, :vendor], :conditions => conditions ) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/products/:id/json def admin_json_single p = Product.find(params[:id]) render :json => p end # GET /admin/products/:id/general def admin_edit_general return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/products/:id/description def admin_edit_description return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/products/:id/variants # GET /admin/products/:id/variants/:variant_id def admin_edit_variants return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) if @product.variants.nil? || @product.variants.count == 0 v = v.option1 = @product.default1 if @product.option1 v.option2 = @product.default2 if @product.option2 v.option3 = @product.default3 if @product.option3 v.status = 'Active' @product.variants = [v] end @variant = params[:variant_id] ? Variant.find(params[:variant_id]) : @product.variants[0] session['variant_cols'] = self.default_variant_cols if session['variant_cols'].nil? @cols = session['variant_cols'] @highlight_variant_id = params[:highlight] ? params[:highlight].to_i : nil if @product.options.nil? || @product.options.count == 0 render 'caboose/products/admin_edit_variants_single', :layout => 'caboose/admin' else render 'caboose/products/admin_edit_variants', :layout => 'caboose/admin' end end # GET /admin/products/:id/variants/json def admin_variants_json render :json => false if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') p = Product.find(params[:id]) render :json => p.variants end # GET /admin/products/:id/variant-cols def admin_edit_variant_columns return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) session['variant_cols'] = self.default_variant_cols if session['variant_cols'].nil? @cols = session['variant_cols'] render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # PUT /admin/products/:id/variant-cols def admin_update_variant_columns return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') session['variant_cols'] = self.default_variant_cols if session['variant_cols'].nil? resp ={'attributes' => {}}) product = Product.find(params[:id]) save = true params.each do |name,value| value = ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::Column.value_to_boolean(value) case name when 'option1' , 'option2' , 'option3' , 'status' , 'alternate_id' , 'sku' , 'barcode' , 'price' , 'quantity_in_stock' , 'weight' , 'length' , 'width' , 'height' , 'cylinder' , 'requires_shipping' , 'allow_backorder' , 'taxable' session['variant_cols'][name] = value end end resp.success = save && render :json => resp end def default_variant_cols return { 'option1' => true, 'option2' => true, 'option3' => true, 'status' => true, 'alternate_id' => true, 'sku' => true, 'barcode' => false, 'price' => true, 'quantity' => true, 'weight' => false, 'length' => false, 'width' => false, 'height' => false, 'cylinder' => false, 'requires_shipping' => false, 'allow_backorder' => false, 'taxable' => false } end # GET /admin/products/:id/options def admin_edit_options return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/products/:id/categories def admin_edit_categories return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) @top_categories = Category.where(:parent_id => 1).reorder('name').all @selected_ids = @product.categories.collect{ |cat| } render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # POST /admin/products/:id/categories def admin_add_to_category return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') cat_id = params[:category_id] product_id = params[:id] if !CategoryMembership.exists?(:category_id => cat_id, :product_id => product_id) CategoryMembership.create(:category_id => cat_id, :product_id => product_id) end render :json => true end # DELETE /admin/products/:id/categories/:category_id def admin_remove_from_category return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') cat_id = params[:category_id] product_id = params[:id] if CategoryMembership.exists?(:category_id => cat_id, :product_id => product_id) CategoryMembership.where(:category_id => cat_id, :product_id => product_id).destroy_all end render :json => true end # GET /admin/products/:id/images def admin_edit_images return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # POST /admin/products/:id/images def admin_add_image return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') product_id = params[:id] if (params[:new_image].nil?) render :text => "" else img = img.product_id = product_id img.image = params[:new_image] img.square_offset_x = 0 img.square_offset_y = 0 img.square_scale_factor = 1.00 render :text => "" end end # GET /admin/products/:id/collections def admin_edit_collections return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/products/:id/seo def admin_edit_seo return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/products/:id/variants/sort-order def admin_edit_variant_sort_order return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/products/:id/delete def admin_delete_form return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') @product = Product.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # PUT /admin/products/:id def admin_update return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'edit') resp ={'attributes' => {}}) product = Product.find(params[:id]) save = true params.each do |name,value| case name when 'site_id' then product.site_id = value when 'alternate_id' then product.alternate_id = value when 'title' then product.title = value when 'caption' then product.caption = value when 'featured' then product.featured = value when 'description' then product.description = value when 'vendor_id' then product.vendor_id = value when 'handle' then product.handle = value when 'seo_title' then product.seo_title = value when 'seo_description' then product.seo_description = value when 'status' then product.status = value when 'category_id' then product.toggle_category(value[0], value[1]) when 'stackable_group_id' then product.stackable_group_id = value when 'option1' then product.option1 = value when 'option2' then product.option2 = value when 'option3' then product.option3 = value when 'default1' product.default1 = value Variant.where(:product_id =>, :option1 => nil).each do |p| p.option1 = value end when 'default2' product.default2 = value Variant.where(:product_id =>, :option2 => nil).each do |p| p.option2 = value end when 'default3' product.default3 = value Variant.where(:product_id =>, :option3 => nil).each do |p| p.option3 = value end when 'date_available' if value.strip.length == 0 product.date_available = nil else begin product.date_available = DateTime.parse(value) rescue resp.error = "Invalid date" save = false end end end end resp.success = save && render :json => resp end # GET /admin/products/new def admin_new return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'add') render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # POST /admin/products def admin_add return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'add') resp = :error => nil, :redirect => nil ) name = params[:name] if name.length == 0 resp.error = "The title cannot be empty." else p = :site_id =>, :title => name ) resp.redirect = "/admin/products/#{}/general" end render :json => resp end # DELETE /admin/products/:id def admin_delete return if !user_is_allowed('products', 'delete') p = Product.find(params[:id]).destroy p.status = 'Deleted' render :json =>{ :redirect => '/admin/products' }) end # GET /products/status-options def admin_status_options arr = ['Active', 'Inactive', 'Deleted'] options = [] arr.each do |status| options << { :value => status, :text => status } end render :json => options end # GET /products/stackable-group-options def admin_stackable_group_options arr = ['Active', 'Inactive', 'Deleted'] options = [] arr.each do |status| options << { :value => status, :text => status } end render :json => options end # GET /admin/products/combine def admin_combine_select_products end # GET /admin/products/combine-step2 def admin_combine_assign_title end # POST /admin/products/combine def admin_combine product_ids = params[:product_ids] p = p.title = params[:title] p.description = params[:description] p.option1 = params[:option1] p.option2 = params[:option2] p.option3 = params[:option3] p.default1 = params[:default1] p.default2 = params[:default2] p.default3 = params[:default3] p.status = 'Active' product_ids.each do |pid| p = Product.find(pid) p.variants.each do |v| end end end # PUT /admin/products/:id/update-vendor def admin_update_vendor render :json => { :success => Product.find(params[:id]).update_attribute(:vendor_id, params[:vendor_id]) } end # GET /admin/products/sort def admin_sort @products = @vendors = @categories = Category.all render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # PUT /admin/products/update-sort-order def admin_update_sort_order params[:product_ids].each_with_index do |product_id, index| Product.find(product_id.to_i).update_attribute(:sort_order, index) end render :json => { :success => true } end # PUT /admin/products/:id/variants/option1-sort-order def admin_update_variant_option1_sort_order product_id = params[:id] params[:values].each_with_index do |value, i| Variant.where(:product_id => product_id, :option1 => value).all.each do |v| v.update_attribute(:option1_sort_order, i) end end render :json => { :success => true } end # PUT /admin/products/:id/variants/option1-sort-order def admin_update_variant_option2_sort_order product_id = params[:id] params[:values].each_with_index do |value, i| Variant.where(:product_id => product_id, :option2 => value).all.each do |v| v.update_attribute(:option2_sort_order, i) end end render :json => { :success => true } end # PUT /admin/products/:id/variants/option1-sort-order def admin_update_variant_option3_sort_order product_id = params[:id] params[:values].each_with_index do |value, i| Variant.where(:product_id => product_id, :option3 => value).all.each do |v| v.update_attribute(:option3_sort_order, i) end end render :json => { :success => true } end end end