require 'fileutils' module Daidan module Generators class ResourceGenerator VALID_TYPES = %w[string decimal float integer].freeze def initialize(resource, fields) @resource = resource.downcase @class_name = @resource.capitalize @fields = fields end def generate parse_fields(@fields) validate_inputs generate_migration generate_model generate_mutations generate_type inject_mutation_type inject_query_type puts "✅ Generated resource: #{@resource}" end private def parse_fields(fields) @parsed_fields = do |f| name, type = f.split(':', 2) unless name && type && !name.empty? && !type.empty? puts "Invalid field specification #{f}. Use name:type." exit 1 end unless name.match?(/\A[a-z_]+\z/) puts "Invalid field name '#{name}'. Use lowercase letters and underscores only." exit 1 end unless VALID_TYPES.include?(type) puts "Invalid field type '#{type}'. Allowed types: #{VALID_TYPES.join(', ')}." exit 1 end [name, type] end end def validate_inputs return if @resource.match?(/\A[a-z_]+\z/) puts 'Invalid resource name. Use lowercase letters and underscores only.' exit 1 end def db_type_map map = { 'string' => 'String', 'decimal' => 'Decimal', 'float' => 'Float', 'integer' => 'Integer' } map.default = 'String' map end def graphql_type_map map = { 'string' => 'String', 'decimal' => 'Float', 'float' => 'Float', 'integer' => 'Int' } map.default = 'String' map end def generate_migration migrations_dir = File.join('.', 'db', 'migrations') FileUtils.mkdir_p(migrations_dir) existing = Dir[File.join(migrations_dir, '*.rb')] numbers = { |f| File.basename(f).split('_', 2).first.to_i } next_number = numbers.empty? ? 1 : numbers.max + 1 migration_name = "create_#{@resource}s" table_name = "#{@resource}s" migration_file = File.join(migrations_dir, format("%03d_#{migration_name}.rb", next_number)) fields = do |(name, type)| db_t = db_type_map[type] null_part = ', null: false' size_part = type == 'decimal' ? ', size: [10, 2]' : '' " #{db_t} :#{name}#{size_part}#{null_part}" end.join("\n") migration_content = <<~RUBY Sequel.migration do change do create_table(:#{table_name}) do primary_key :id #{fields} end end end RUBY File.write(migration_file, migration_content) end def generate_model models_dir = File.join('.', 'models') FileUtils.mkdir_p(models_dir) model_file = File.join(models_dir, "#{@resource}.rb") model_content = <<~RUBY class #{@class_name} < Sequel::Model set_dataset :#{@resource}s end RUBY File.write(model_file, model_content) end def generate_mutations mutations_dir = File.join('.', 'graphql', 'mutations') FileUtils.mkdir_p(mutations_dir) create_args = do |(name, type)| gtype = graphql_type_map[type] " argument :#{name}, #{gtype}, required: true" end.join("\n") update_args = do |(name, type)| gtype = graphql_type_map[type] " argument :#{name}, #{gtype}, required: false" end.join("\n") create_mutation_file = File.join(mutations_dir, "create_#{@resource}.rb") create_mutation_content = <<~RUBY class Create#{@class_name} < Daidan::BaseMutation #{create_args} type #{@class_name}Type def resolve(#{ { |f| "#{f[0]}:" }.join(', ')}) #{@class_name}.create(#{ { |(n, t)| "#{n}: #{n}" }.join(', ')}) rescue Sequel::Error => e"Unable to create #{@resource}: \#{e.message}") end end RUBY File.write(create_mutation_file, create_mutation_content) update_mutation_file = File.join(mutations_dir, "update_#{@resource}.rb") update_mutation_content = <<~RUBY class Update#{@class_name} < Daidan::BaseMutation argument :id, ID, required: true #{update_args} type #{@class_name}Type def resolve(id:, **attributes) record = #{@class_name}[id] raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, '#{@class_name} not found' unless record attributes.each do |k,v| record.update(k => v) if v end record rescue Sequel::Error => e"Unable to update #{@resource}: \#{e.message}") end end RUBY File.write(update_mutation_file, update_mutation_content) delete_mutation_file = File.join(mutations_dir, "delete_#{@resource}.rb") delete_mutation_content = <<~RUBY class Delete#{@class_name} < Daidan::BaseMutation argument :id, ID, required: true type #{@class_name}Type def resolve(id:) record = #{@class_name}[id] raise GraphQL::ExecutionError, '#{@class_name} not found' unless record record.destroy record rescue Sequel::Error => e"Unable to delete #{@resource}: \#{e.message}") end end RUBY File.write(delete_mutation_file, delete_mutation_content) end def generate_type types_dir = File.join('.', 'graphql', 'types') FileUtils.mkdir_p(types_dir) type_file = File.join(types_dir, "#{@resource}_type.rb") type_fields = do |(name, type)| gtype = graphql_type_map[type] " field :#{name}, #{gtype}, null: false" end.join("\n") type_content = <<~RUBY class #{@class_name}Type < Daidan::BaseObjectType #{type_fields} end RUBY File.write(type_file, type_content) end def inject_mutation_type mutation_type_file = File.join('.', 'graphql', 'types', 'mutation_type.rb') return unless File.exist?(mutation_type_file) lines = i = lines.rindex { |l| l.strip == 'end' } return unless i insert_lines = [ " field :create_#{@resource}, mutation: Create#{@class_name}", " field :update_#{@resource}, mutation: Update#{@class_name}", " field :delete_#{@resource}, mutation: Delete#{@class_name}" ] lines.insert(i, * { |l| l + "\n" }) File.write(mutation_type_file, lines.join) end def inject_query_type query_type_file = File.join('.', 'graphql', 'types', 'query_type.rb') return unless File.exist?(query_type_file) lines = i = lines.rindex { |l| l.strip == 'end' } return unless i field_lines = [ " field :#{@resource}s, [#{@class_name}Type], null: false do", " description 'Retrieve a list of #{@resource}s'", ' end' ] lines.insert(i, * { |l| l + "\n" }) def_lines = [ " def #{@resource}s", " #{@class_name}.all", ' end' ] lines.insert(i + field_lines.size, * { |l| l + "\n" }) File.write(query_type_file, lines.join) end end end end