# gs-board
Gobstones Board: A Polymer component that renders a board.
## install
npm install
npm install -g grunt-cli bower
bower install
gem install sass
## run
# build and start live demo
# just build
grunt dist
## usage
### install
bower install --save gobstones/gs-board
### one-file compiled version
It is bundled every time `grunt` runs. See `test.html` for an example.
### import
### simple board (from GBB)
size 4 3
cell 1 2 Azul 0 Negro 0 Rojo 8 Verde 0
cell 3 2 Azul 2 Negro 0 Rojo 5 Verde 1
cell 2 1 Azul 0 Negro 6 Rojo 0 Verde 0
head 1 2
### initial board (editable)
### final board (fixed)
finalState.table = [[{}, { "red": 3 }], [{ "black": 1 }, {}]]
### setting header position
### with attire
### boom
#### Example of attire definition:
"enabled": true,
"rules": [
"when": { "blue": "*", "black": "+", "red": 4, "green": "*" },
"image": "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1631752/19217961/ef2e0d4c-8dea-11e6-960d-69585778f89d.png"
"when": { "blue": 3, "black": 0, "red": 1, "green": 0 },
"text": "hi!"
"when": { "blue": 0, "black": 0, "red": 0, "green": 0 },
"image": "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1631752/19217956/ef1d928c-8dea-11e6-8b53-8d2495cdd3e9.png"
"when": { "blue": 0, "black": 0, "red": 0, "green": 1 },
"image": "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1631752/19217959/ef27e822-8dea-11e6-9bb0-57892593c9d8.png"
"when": { "blue": 1, "black": 0, "red": 0, "green": 0 },
"image": "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1631752/19217958/ef245892-8dea-11e6-80f4-aeb5d1862b1c.png"
"when": { "blue": 0, "black": 1, "red": 0, "green": 0 },
"image": "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1631752/19217957/ef20120a-8dea-11e6-825c-23e7773269b0.png"
"when": { "blue": 0, "black": 0, "red": 1, "green": 0, "head": true },
"image": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1631752/33194059-c9794fb0-d0d5-11e7-81dc-65a0f7472a94.png"
"when": { "blue": 0, "black": 0, "red": 1, "green": 0 },
"image": "https://cloud.githubusercontent.com/assets/1631752/19217960/ef2ad3c0-8dea-11e6-8434-ff9152b76f3b.png"
"borders": {
"bottom": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1631752/37176618-94629ef6-2325-11e8-9e11-6cf6846bbbc3.png",
"bottomLeft": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1631752/37176647-9cb96b98-2325-11e8-9244-17e65f8236bc.png",
"bottomRight": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1631752/37176659-a85c71b6-2325-11e8-8698-952cfbdf73f5.png",
"left": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1631752/37176682-c09ae398-2325-11e8-90d6-d1793b8c20fd.png",
"right": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1631752/37176696-c8628ea0-2325-11e8-9fb0-39805f2b810d.png",
"top": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1631752/37176705-d5459ee6-2325-11e8-8100-23a4b89a064c.png",
"topLeft": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1631752/37176714-dec70f54-2325-11e8-9589-4b3feaa21a2f.png",
"topRight": "https://user-images.githubusercontent.com/1631752/37176725-e747cbe6-2325-11e8-8c3b-873501ce0a18.png"
## considerations
- To update the board, don't mutate the properties directly. **You must use the `update(table, header)` method**.
## Gem wrapper
This module can also be deployed a ruby gem. `mumuki-gobstones-board` works with Ruby >= 2.3.1
cd gem
rake wrapper:wrap
bundle install
bundle exec rspec
## Tagging and releasing