Changelog ========= v2.3.0.pre.1 (2015-06-13) ------------------------- API modifications: * ruby20.y: revert 7f7f2a45. (whitequark) Features implemented: * Add RubyMotion support. (whitequark) * Add MacRuby support. (whitequark) Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: "[/()\\1/, ?#]": fixes #198. (whitequark) v2.2.2.5 (2015-05-25) --------------------- API modifications: * Source::Comment::Associator: rework entirely; fixes #194 (Oleg Zubchenko) Features implemented: * Source::Map: add last_line, last_column delegation (Oleg Zubchenko) * Source::Range: add last_line, last_column methods (Oleg Zubchenko) Bugs fixed: * AST::Processor: add missing on_block_pass (fixes #196) (whitequark) v2.2.2.3 (2015-05-17) --------------------- API modifications: * lexer.rl: "a?? 1 : 0": squelch "invalid character syntax" warning. (whitequark) * parser/current: bump warnings to 2.0.1, 2.1.7, 2.2.3. (whitequark) Bugs fixed: * Source::Map: do not include :node in to_hash. (whitequark) * ruby{20,21,22}.y: "p ->() do a() do end end": save cmdarg. (whitequark) v2.2.2.2 (2015-04-28) --------------------- Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: "%r.\..", "%r'\''": leave regexp metacharacters escaped (fixes #192). (whitequark) v2.2.2.1 (2015-04-18) --------------------- Bugs fixed: * builders/default: don't falsely diagnose multiline regexps (fixes #190). (whitequark) v2.2.2.0 (2015-04-15) --------------------- v2.2.0.4 (2015-04-15) --------------------- Features implemented: * Add Parser::Source::Map#node. (whitequark) * Add Parser::Source::Comment.associate_locations. (kubicle) v2.2.0.3 (2015-02-13) --------------------- v2.2.0.2 (2015-01-09) --------------------- v2.2.0.1 (2014-12-27) --------------------- Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl, lexer/literal: "{'a'::": don't parse as quoted label. (Peter Zotov) * Update syntax deviation warning to reflect 2.2 release. (Peter Zotov) v2.2.0 (2014-12-25) ------------------- Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: "{'x':1,'y':{}}": fix lex_state after tLABEL_END. (Peter Zotov) v2.2.0.pre.8 (2014-11-19) ------------------------- API modifications: * parser/current: update 2.1 to 2.1.5 (fixes #174). (Peter Zotov) v2.2.0.pre.7 (2014-11-03) ------------------------- Bugs fixed: * parser/meta: add missing nodes (fixes #171). (Peter Zotov) v2.2.0.pre.6 (2014-10-28) ------------------------- API modifications: * parser/current: latest stable 2.1.x is 2.1.4, update warning. (hirocaster) v2.2.0.pre.5 (2014-10-03) ------------------------- Features implemented: * parser/current: add syntax deviation warning for 2.1.2. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl, ruby22.y: "{'x':1}": add tLABEL_END. (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl, ruby{21,22}.y: "def a b:\nreturn": fix #164. (Peter Zotov) * Fix for `ruby-rewrite` not rewriting files if any rewriter was loaded, due to it getting confused about the filename. (Jon Frisby) v2.2.0.pre.4 (2014-08-09) ------------------------- Bugs fixed: * builders/default: "not(x)": fix source map (fixes #158). (Peter Zotov) v2.2.0.pre.3 (2014-07-02) ------------------------- Features implemented: * Raise EncodingError when source includes invalid byte sequence (Yuji Nakayama) Bugs fixed: * ruby{19,20,21}.y: "x def y; z do end end": save cmdarg stack to isolate command argument state from outer scope. (Peter Zotov) * ruby{19,20,21}.y: "tap (proc do end)": allow parenthesed do-block in cmdarg. (Peter Zotov) v2.2.0.pre.2 (2014-06-14) ------------------------- Bugs fixed: * ruby22.rb: include in gemspec. (Peter Zotov) v2.2.0.pre.1 (2014-06-12) ------------------------- Features implemented: * Add Source::Rewriter#transaction for atomic rewrite actions (Yuji Nakayama) * Raise Parser::ClobberingError for clobbering rewrite error (Yuji Nakayama) Bugs fixed: * parser/current: fix the fallback case (refs #146). (Peter Zotov) * ruby22.y: "tap (proc do end)": allow parenthesed do-block in cmdarg. (Peter Zotov) v2.1.9 (2014-04-21) ------------------- API modifications: * Extend ast dependency to >= 1.1 \< 3.0. (Peter Zotov) * parser/current: fallback to latest released Ruby instead of raising (fixes #140). (Peter Zotov) Features implemented: * ruby-rewrite: add a --modify switch for rewriters that modify AST (fixes #143). (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: don't fail to parse string literals in huge files (fixes #142). (Peter Zotov) v2.1.7 (2014-03-05) ------------------- Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: make sure all invalid escapes lead to fatal errors (fixes #136). (Peter Zotov) v2.1.6 (2014-03-04) ------------------- Features implemented: * Add the list of all node types within Parser::Meta. (Markus Schirp) v2.1.5 (2014-02-24) ------------------- Bugs fixed: * Parser::Base, ruby18.y: don't try to lookup Encoding on 1.8 (fixes #133). (Peter Zotov) v2.1.4 (2014-01-11) ------------------- Features implemented: * ruby22.y: "x def y; z do end end": save cmdarg stack to isolate command argument state from outer scope. (Peter Zotov) * Add Ruby 2.2 syntax. (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * Builders::Default: "super do end": super and zsuper are like send (fixes #131). (Peter Zotov) v2.1.3 (2014-01-10) ------------------- Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: "/\//": don't include escaped delimiter in AST in its escaped form (fixes #125). (Peter Zotov) * Builders::Default: "return x y do end": correctly build AST for keywords followed by command (closes #129). (Peter Zotov) * Fix a bug where "ambiguous first argument" diagnostic was not emitted (Yuji Nakayama) * Source::Comment::Associator: don't die while associating with "__ENCODING__". (Peter Zotov) * ruby-parse: don't die when invoked with -L -e "__ENCODING__". (Peter Zotov) * Add missing source map for match-current-line (Yuji Nakayama) v2.1.2 (2014-01-05) ------------------- Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: in "foo!= x", foo is tIDENTIFIER, not tFID (closes #126). (Peter Zotov) v2.1.1 (2013-12-25) ------------------- API modifications: * ruby21.y: Ruby 2.1 is released already. (Peter Zotov) v2.1.0 (2013-12-25) ------------------- API modifications: * Parser::Diagnostic: expose reason symbolically (closes #115, #116). (Ian MacLeod) * lexer.rl: coerce literals to UTF-8 in ASCII-encoded files if they contain \uXXXX (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * builders/default: represent heredocs with dedicated map (fixes #100). (Peter Zotov) v2.1.0.pre1 (2013-11-12) ------------------------ API modifications: * lexer.rl: correctly handle __END__ with non-whitespace after it (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: handle \r in middle of a line as mere whitespace (Peter Zotov) * ruby{18,19,20,21}.y, builders/default: precisely point to tUMINUS_NUM. (Peter Zotov) Features implemented: * lexer.rl, ruby21.y, builders/default: rational/complex literals. (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0 (2013-10-06) ------------------- API modifications: * Source::Rewriter: raise an exception if updates clobber each other. (Peter Zotov) * Source::Range#inspect: use full class name. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: make EOF tokens actually pointing at EOF and zero-length. (Peter Zotov) * Source::Range#column_range: raise RangeError if range spans >1 line. (Peter Zotov) * Source::Comment::Associator: fix argument order. (Peter Zotov) Features implemented: * Source::Comment: implement #inspect. (Peter Zotov) * Backport Array#bsearch from Ruby 2.0. (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.pre8 (2013-09-15) ------------------------ API modifications: * lexer.rl: make lexing faster and improve parsing speed by ~60%. (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.pre7 (2013-09-10) ------------------------ Features implemented: * Parser::Base: add #parse_with_comments, #parse_file_with_comments. (Trent Ogren) * lexer.rl (Ruby 2.1): "1end": lex non-exponent `e' separate from number. (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: "->*{}": tLAMBEG at expr_beg (fixes #103). (Peter Zotov) * Source::Rewriter: apply actions in the insertion order. (Josh Cheek) v2.0.0.pre6 (2013-08-02) ------------------------ v2.0.0.pre5 (2013-07-31) ------------------------ Bugs fixed: * Remove a forgotten require. (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.pre4 (2013-07-31) ------------------------ API modifications: * source/comment: make #loc/#location return Source::Map for consistency (fixes #96). (Peter Zotov) Features implemented: * source/comment/associator: skip shebang and encoding line by default (fixes #95). (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * ruby{19,20,21}.y, lexer.rl, builders/default: correct begin for ?a (fixes #92). (Peter Zotov) * ruby{18,19,20,21}.y, builders/default: don't add spurious begin/end for string parts (refs #92). (Peter Zotov) * Activate `diagnostics.all_errors_are_fatal` on non-MRI Rubies as a workaround (closes #93). (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.pre3 (2013-07-26) ------------------------ API modifications: * lexer.rl: add simple explicit output encoding for strings. (Peter Zotov) Features implemented: * Source::Buffer: support for -(dos|unix|mac) and utf8-mac encodings. (Peter Zotov) * Source::Range#resize. (Peter Zotov) * Significantly improve speed for large (>100k) and very large (>1M) files. (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * ruby21.y: fix typos. (Peter Zotov) * builders/default: respect regexp encoding. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: literal EOF (\0, \x04, \x1a) inside literals and comments. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "meth (lambda do end)" (1.8), "f x: -> do meth do end end": expr_cmdarg. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "\<\(scope){}; scope :foo": lambda identifier leakage. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "eh ?\r\n": don't eat tEH if followed by CRLF. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "f \<\<-TABLE\ndo |a,b|\nTABLE\nend": leave FSM after lexing heredoc. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "foo %\n bar": don't % at expr_arg as tSTRING_BEG. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl, lexer/literal: use lexer encoding for literal buffer. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "\u{9}": one-digit braced unicode escapes. (Peter Zotov) * Source::Buffer: don't chew \r from source lines. (Peter Zotov) * builders/default: don't die in eh_keyword_map if else branch is empty. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "0777_333": octal literals with internal underscores. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "let [] {}": goto tLBRACE_ARG after any closing braces. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "while not (1) do end": emit proper kDO* when in cond/cmdarg state. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "rescue=>": correctly handle rescue+assoc at expr_beg. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "puts 123do end": only trailing `_' and `e' in number are errors. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "begin; rescue rescue1; end": accept barewords at expr_mid. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "f.x!if 1": correct modifier handling in expr_arg. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "=begin\n#=end\n=end": only recognize =end at bol. (Peter Zotov) * builders/default: don't check for duplicate arguments in 1.8 mode. (Peter Zotov) * Don't attempt to parse magic encoding comment in 1.8 mode. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "\777": octal literals overflow. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "foo;\n__END__", "\na:b": whitespace in expr_value. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "\xE2\x80\x99": concatenation of byte escape sequences. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "E10", "E4U": don't conflate floats and identifiers. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: " {1=>2}": return fid, = as separate tokens in expr_dot. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "def defined?": properly return defined? in expr_fname. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "Rainbows! do end", "foo.S?": allow bareword fid in expr_beg/dot. (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.pre2 (2013-07-11) ------------------------ Features implemented: * Allow to differentiate between __FILE__/__LINE__ and literals (closes #89). (Peter Zotov) * Add attribute `diagnostic' to Parser::SyntaxError (closes #88). (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * Don't treat byte order mark as an identifier (closes #91). (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.pre1 (2013-07-04) ------------------------ v2.0.0.beta10 (2013-07-02) -------------------------- Bugs fixed: * ruby-parse, ruby-rewrite: fix require of removed compatibility shim. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "def !@; end" unary bang. (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.beta9 (2013-06-28) ------------------------- API modifications: * ruby{18,19,20,21}.y: removed obsolete warnings and linting. (Peter Zotov) Features implemented: * builders/default: add keyword source range for BEGIN/END (fixes #85). (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: "t=1;(a)?t:T" context sensitivity in expr_value (fixes #87). (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: keywords as labels, e.g. "unless:" (fixes #83, #84). (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: rectify usage of c_space/c_space_nl (fixes #81). (Peter Zotov) * ruby{18,19,20,21}.y: fix warnings for class/module in method body. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: fix warning for ?\s. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: expr_fname emits expr_beg-like keywords (fixes #82). (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: get rid of harmful nondeterminism in w_space (fixes #80). (Peter Zotov) * lexer/explanation: 1.8, 1.9 compatibility (fixes #76). (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.beta8 (2013-06-24) ------------------------- Bugs fixed: * ast/processor: add missing node handlers (Yuji Nakayama) * ast/processor: rename some obsolete node handlers (Yuji Nakayama) v2.0.0.beta7 (2013-06-22) ------------------------- API modifications: * Implement a much more sane encoding model (closes #60). (Peter Zotov) Features implemented: * builders/default: (while-post) and (until-post); (kwbegin) (fixes #70). (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * builders/default: don't swallow (begin) in "if (foo); end" (fixes #75). (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.beta6 (2013-06-17) ------------------------- API modifications: * Get rid of "synthesized (nil)". If it's not in source, it's not in AST (fixes #71). (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl, ruby{18,19,20,21}.y: source maps for interpolation (fixes #27). (Peter Zotov) Features implemented: * ruby{18,19,20,21}.y, builders/default: lvar-injecting match (closes #69). (Peter Zotov) * builders/default: implicit matches (refs #69). (Peter Zotov) * builders/default: flip-flops (refs #69). (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: fix an off-by-1 error in heredoc parsing. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: don't fail on "alias $a $b\n# comment\nalias $c $d". (Peter Zotov) * builders/default: fix treatment of masgn in &&/|| (refs #69). (Peter Zotov) * ruby-parse: make -L command line option work again. (Peter Zotov) * ruby{18,19,20,21}.y: begin source map for "if foo\nthen bar end" (fixes #68). (Peter Zotov) * Source::Comment::Associator: gracefully terminate when out of comments (fixes #67). (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.beta5 (2013-06-08) ------------------------- Bugs fixed: * Source::Buffer: better magic encoding comment recognition (fixes #65). (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "{success?: true}" (fixes #66). (Peter Zotov) * Source::Buffer: if in doubt, treat data as UTF-8 (closes #60). (Peter Zotov) v2.0.0.beta4 (2013-06-05) ------------------------- Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: fix heredoc parsing with CRLF line endings (closes #61). (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: fix premature ending of heredoc "\<\=1.9), _.* args (>1.9) (fixes #5). (Peter Zotov) * builders/default: detect duplicate argument names (refs #5). (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "def foo bar: 1; end" (for ruby 2.1) (fixes #15). (Peter Zotov) * ruby21.y: required keyword arguments. (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * ruby20.y, ruby21.y: "foo::A += 1" and friends (scoped constant op-asgn). (Peter Zotov) v1.0.1 (2013-04-18) ------------------- Bugs fixed: * builders/default: %Q{#{1}} and friends (fixes #14). (Peter Zotov) v1.0.0 (2013-04-17) ------------------- Features implemented: * ruby20.y: "meth 1 do {}" and friends. (Peter Zotov) * ruby20.y: keyword arguments. (Peter Zotov) * ruby20.y: { **kwsplat }. (Peter Zotov) v0.9.2 (2013-04-16) ------------------- Features implemented: * lexer.rl: "-> (a) {}". (Peter Zotov) * builders/default: treat &&/|| lhs/rhs as conditional context. (Peter Zotov) * ruby20.y: "class Foo \< a:b; end". (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: "class \<\< a:b". (Peter Zotov) * ruby19.y, ruby20.y: "f { || a:b }". (Peter Zotov) * ruby19.y, ruby20.y: "def foo() a:b end", "def foo\n a:b end". (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: %i/%I. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: warn at "foo **bar". (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: ** at expr_beg is tDSTAR. (Peter Zotov) * ruby20.y: "f {|;\nvar\n|}". (Peter Zotov) * ruby20.y: "p () {}". (Peter Zotov) * ruby20.y: "p begin 1.times do 1 end end". (Peter Zotov) * ruby20.y: better error message for BEGIN{} in a method body. (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl, ruby18.y, ruby19.y, ruby20.y: "%W[#{a}#@b foo #{c}]". (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: parse "foo=1; foo / bar #/" as method call on 1.8, division on 1.9. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y, ruby19.y: BEGIN{} does not introduce a scope. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: improve whitespace handling. (Peter Zotov) v0.9.1 (2013-04-15) ------------------- v0.9.0 (2013-04-15) ------------------- API modifications: * runtime compatibility with 1.8.7. (Peter Zotov) Features implemented: * builders/default: check for multiple assignment in conditions (fixes #4). (Peter Zotov) * builders/default: check if actual block and blockarg are passed (fixes #6). (Peter Zotov) * ruby19.y: "foo::A += m foo". (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y, ruby19.y: "rescue without else is useless" warning. (Peter Zotov) * ruby19.y: 99.16% coverage, 100% sans error recovery. (Peter Zotov) * ruby19.y: mlhs arguments "def foo((a, *, p)) end". (Peter Zotov) * ruby19.y: "fun (1) {}" and friends. (Peter Zotov) * ruby19.y: mlhs post variables "a, *b, c = ...". (Peter Zotov) * builders/default: @@a |= 1; def f; @@a |= 1; end. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: fun (&foo). (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: block formal arguments. 99.33% coverage. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: fun(meth 1 do end); fun(1, meth 1 do end). (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: "meth 1 do" and friends. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: foo () {}; () {}; a::foo () {}. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: various call argument combinations. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: foo (1, 2); foo (). (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: foo (1).to_i. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: fun{}; fun(){}; fun(1){}; fun do end. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: bar. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl, ruby18.y: add support for cond/cmdarg stack states. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: rescue. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: begin end while|until (tests only). (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: case. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: foo[m bar]. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: (Peter Zotov) Bugs fixed: * lexer.rl: handle : at expr_beg as a symbol, at expr_end as tCOLON. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: handle "rescue #foo\nbar". (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: handle "foo.#bar\nbaz". (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: fix location info for symbols. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: handle \\ at expr_beg. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: emit tCONSTANT/tIDENTIFIER/tFID in expr_dot. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: correctly disambiguate "x ::Foo" as tIDENT, tCOLON3, ... (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: correctly disambiguate ident!= as tIDENTIFIER, tNEQ. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: correctly report the %r%% tREGEXP_BEG value as %r%. (Peter Zotov) * ruby19.y: emit correct error on "nil = 1" and friends. (Peter Zotov) * ruby19.y: 1.9 permits empty symbol literals. (Peter Zotov) * ruby18.y: foo(&bar). (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: don't lookahead two tokens on "func %{str} do". (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: fix lexing of non-interp heredoc with trailing backslash. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: fix erroneous number and =begin lookahead in expr_beg. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: fix stack corruption. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: /= at expr_beg. (Peter Zotov) * lexer.rl: class\<\