/* Textile Editor v0.2 created by: dave olsen, wvu web services created on: march 17, 2007 project page: slateinfo.blogs.wvu.edu inspired by: - Patrick Woods, http://www.hakjoon.com/code/38/textile-quicktags-redirect & - Alex King, http://alexking.org/projects/js-quicktags features: - supports: IE7, FF2, Safari2 - ability to use "simple" vs. "extended" editor - supports all block elements in textile except footnote - supports all block modifier elements in textile - supports simple ordered and unordered lists - supports most of the phrase modifiers, very easy to add the missing ones - supports multiple-paragraph modification - can have multiple "editors" on one page, access key use in this environment is flaky - access key support - select text to add and remove tags, selection stays highlighted - seamlessly change between tags and modifiers - doesn't need to be in the body onload tag - can supply your own, custom IDs for the editor to be drawn around todo: - a clean way of providing image and link inserts - get the selection to properly show in IE more on textile: - Textism, http://www.textism.com/tools/textile/index.php - Textile Reference, http://hobix.com/textile/ */ // Define Button Object function TextileEditorButton(id, display, tagStart, tagEnd, access, title, sve, open) { this.id = id; // used to name the toolbar button this.display = display; // label on button this.tagStart = tagStart; // open tag this.tagEnd = tagEnd; // close tag this.access = access; // set to -1 if tag does not need to be closed this.title = title; // sets the title attribute of the button to give 'tool tips' this.sve = sve; // sve = simple vs. extended. add an 's' to make it show up in the simple toolbar this.open = open; // set to -1 if tag does not need to be closed this.standard = true; // this is a standard button } function TextileEditorButtonSeparator(sve) { this.separator = true; this.sve = sve; } var TextileEditor = Class.create(); TextileEditor.buttons = new Array(); TextileEditor.Methods = { // class methods // create the toolbar (edToolbar) initialize: function(canvas, view) { var toolbar = document.createElement("div"); toolbar.id = "textile-toolbar-" + canvas; toolbar.className = 'textile-toolbar'; this.canvas = document.getElementById(canvas); this.canvas.parentNode.insertBefore(toolbar, this.canvas); this.openTags = new Array(); // Create the local Button array by assigning theButtons array to edButtons var edButtons = new Array(); edButtons = this.buttons; var standardButtons = new Array(); for(var i = 0; i < edButtons.length; i++) { var thisButton = this.prepareButton(edButtons[i]); if (view == 's') { if (edButtons[i].sve == 's') { toolbar.appendChild(thisButton); standardButtons.push(thisButton); } } else { if (typeof thisButton == 'string') { toolbar.innerHTML += thisButton; } else { toolbar.appendChild(thisButton); standardButtons.push(thisButton); } } } // end for var te = this; $A(toolbar.getElementsByTagName('button')).each(function(button) { if (!button.onclick) { button.onclick = function() { te.insertTag(button); return false; }; } // end if button.tagStart = button.getAttribute('tagStart'); button.tagEnd = button.getAttribute('tagEnd'); button.open = button.getAttribute('open'); button.textile_editor = te; button.canvas = te.canvas; }); }, // end initialize // draw individual buttons (edShowButton) prepareButton: function(button) { if (button.separator) { var theButton = document.createElement('span'); theButton.className = 'ed_sep'; return theButton; } if (button.standard) { var theButton = document.createElement("button"); theButton.id = button.id; theButton.setAttribute('class', 'standard'); theButton.setAttribute('tagStart', button.tagStart); theButton.setAttribute('tagEnd', button.tagEnd); theButton.setAttribute('open', button.open); var img = document.createElement('img'); img.src = '/images/textile-editor/' + button.display; theButton.appendChild(img); } else { return button; } // end if !custom theButton.accessKey = button.access; theButton.title = button.title; return theButton; }, // end prepareButton // if clicked, no selected text, tag not open highlight button // (edAddTag) addTag: function(button) { if (button.tagEnd != '') { this.openTags[this.openTags.length] = button; //var el = document.getElementById(button.id); //el.className = 'selected'; button.className = 'selected'; } }, // end addTag // if clicked, no selected text, tag open lowlight button // (edRemoveTag) removeTag: function(button) { for (i = 0; i < this.openTags.length; i++) { if (this.openTags[i] == button) { this.openTags.splice(button, 1); //var el = document.getElementById(button.id); //el.className = 'unselected'; button.className = 'unselected'; } } }, // end removeTag // see if there are open tags. for the remove tag bit... // (edCheckOpenTags) checkOpenTags: function(button) { var tag = 0; for (i = 0; i < this.openTags.length; i++) { if (this.openTags[i] == button) { tag++; } } if (tag > 0) { return true; // tag found } else { return false; // tag not found } }, // end checkOpenTags // insert the tag. this is the bulk of the code. // (edInsertTag) insertTag: function(button, tagStart, tagEnd) { var myField = button.canvas; myField.focus(); if (tagStart) { button.tagStart = tagStart; button.tagEnd = tagEnd ? tagEnd : '\n'; } var textSelected = false; var finalText = ''; var FF = false; // grab the text that's going to be manipulated, by browser if (document.selection) { // IE support sel = document.selection.createRange(); // set-up the text vars var beginningText = ''; var followupText = ''; //remove any extra spaces caught on the end of the selection var selectedText = sel.text.replace(/( +)$/, ''); var matches = sel.text.match(/( +)$/); if(matches){ followupText += matches[1]; } // check if text has been selected if (sel.text.length > 0) { textSelected = true; } // set-up newline regex's so we can swap tags across multiple paragraphs var newlineReplaceRegexClean = /\r\n\s\n/g; var newlineReplaceRegexDirty = '\\r\\n\\s\\n'; var newlineReplaceClean = '\r\n\n'; } else if (myField.selectionStart || myField.selectionStart == '0') { // MOZ/FF/NS/S support // figure out cursor and selection positions var startPos = myField.selectionStart; var endPos = myField.selectionEnd; var cursorPos = endPos; var scrollTop = myField.scrollTop; FF = true; // note that is is a FF/MOZ/NS/S browser // set-up the text vars var beginningText = myField.value.substring(0, startPos); var followupText = myField.value.substring(endPos, myField.value.length); // check if text has been selected if (startPos != endPos) { textSelected = true; var selectedText = myField.value.substring(startPos, endPos); } // set-up newline regex's so we can swap tags across multiple paragraphs var newlineReplaceRegexClean = /\n\n/g; var newlineReplaceRegexDirty = '\\n\\n'; var newlineReplaceClean = '\n\n'; } // if there is text that has been highlighted... if (textSelected) { // set-up some defaults for how to handle bad new line characters var newlineStart = ''; var newlineStartPos = 0; var newlineEnd = ''; var newlineEndPos = 0; var newlineFollowup = ''; // set-up some defaults for how to handle placing the beginning and end of selection var posDiffPos = 0; var posDiffNeg = 0; var mplier = 1; // remove newline from the beginning of the selectedText. if (selectedText.match(/^\n/)) { selectedText = selectedText.replace(/^\n/,''); newlineStart = '\n'; newlineStartpos = 1; } // remove newline from the end of the selectedText. if (selectedText.match(/\n$/g)) { selectedText = selectedText.replace(/\n$/g,''); newlineEnd = '\n'; newlineEndPos = 1; } // no clue, i'm sure it made sense at the time i wrote it if (followupText.match(/^\n/)) { newlineFollowup = ''; } else { newlineFollowup = '\n\n'; } // first off let's check if the user is trying to mess with lists if ((button.tagStart == '* ') || (button.tagStart == '# ')) { listItems = 0; // sets up a default to be able to properly manipulate final selection // set-up all of the regex's re_start = new RegExp('^(\\*|\\#) ','g'); if (button.tagStart == '# ') { re_tag = new RegExp('\\# ','g'); // because of JS regex stupidity i need an if/else to properly set it up, could have done it with a regex replace though } else { re_tag = new RegExp('\\* ','g'); } re_replace = new RegExp('(\\*|\\#) ','g'); // try to remove bullets in text copied from ms word **Mac Only!** re_word_bullet_m_s = new RegExp('• ','g'); // mac/safari re_word_bullet_m_f = new RegExp('∑ ','g'); // mac/firefox selectedText = selectedText.replace(re_word_bullet_m_s,'').replace(re_word_bullet_m_f,''); // if the selected text starts with one of the tags we're working with... if (selectedText.match(re_start)) { // if tag that begins the selection matches the one clicked, remove them all if (selectedText.match(re_tag)) { finalText = beginningText + newlineStart + selectedText.replace(re_replace,'') + newlineEnd + followupText; if (matches = selectedText.match(/(\*|\#) /g)) { listItems = matches.length; } posDiffNeg = (listItems*2); // how many list items were there because that's 3 spaces to remove from final selection } // else replace the current tag type with the selected tag type else { finalText = beginningText + newlineStart + selectedText.replace(re_replace,button.tagStart) + newlineEnd + followupText; } } // else try to create the list type // NOTE: the items in a list will only be replaced if a newline starts with some character, not a space else { finalText = beginningText + newlineStart + button.tagStart + selectedText.replace(newlineReplaceRegexClean,newlineReplaceClean + button.tagStart).replace(/\n(\S)/g,'\n' + button.tagStart + '$1') + newlineEnd + followupText; if (matches = selectedText.match(/\n(\S)/g)) { listItems = matches.length; } posDiffPos = (listItems*2) + 2; } } // now lets look and see if the user is trying to muck with a block or block modifier else if (button.tagStart.match(/^(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|bq|p|\>|\<\>|\<|\=|\(|\))/g)) { var insertTag = ''; var insertModifier = ''; var tagPartBlock = ''; var tagPartModifier = ''; var tagPartModifierOrig = ''; // ugly hack but it's late var drawSwitch = ''; var captureIndentStart = false; var captureListStart = false; var periodAddition = '\\. '; var periodAdditionClean = '. '; var listItemsAddition = 0; var re_list_items = new RegExp('(\\*+|\\#+)','g'); // need this regex later on when checking indentation of lists var re_block_modifier = new RegExp('^(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|bq|p| [\\*]{1,} | [\\#]{1,} |)(\\>|\\<\\>|\\<|\\=|[\\(]{1,}|[\\)]{1,6}|)','g'); if (tagPartMatches = re_block_modifier.exec(selectedText)) { tagPartBlock = tagPartMatches[1]; tagPartModifier = tagPartMatches[2]; tagPartModifierOrig = tagPartMatches[2]; tagPartModifierOrig = tagPartModifierOrig.replace(/\(/g,"\\("); } // if tag already up is the same as the tag provided replace the whole tag if (tagPartBlock == button.tagStart) { insertTag = tagPartBlock + tagPartModifierOrig; // use Orig because it's escaped for regex drawSwitch = 0; } // else if let's check to add/remove block modifier else if ((tagPartModifier == button.tagStart) || (newm = tagPartModifier.match(/[\(]{2,}/g))) { if ((button.tagStart == '(') || (button.tagStart == ')')) { var indentLength = tagPartModifier.length; if (button.tagStart == '(') { indentLength = indentLength + 1; } else { indentLength = indentLength - 1; } for (var i = 0; i < indentLength; i++) { insertModifier = insertModifier + '('; } insertTag = tagPartBlock + insertModifier; } else { if (button.tagStart == tagPartModifier) { insertTag = tagPartBlock; } // going to rely on the default empty insertModifier else { if (button.tagStart.match(/(\>|\<\>|\<|\=)/g)) { insertTag = tagPartBlock + button.tagStart; } else { insertTag = button.tagStart + tagPartModifier; } } } drawSwitch = 1; } // indentation of list items else if (listPartMatches = re_list_items.exec(tagPartBlock)) { var listTypeMatch = listPartMatches[1]; var indentLength = tagPartBlock.length - 2; var listInsert = ''; if (button.tagStart == '(') { indentLength = indentLength + 1; } else { indentLength = indentLength - 1; } if (listTypeMatch.match(/[\*]{1,}/g)) { var listType = '*'; var listReplace = '\\*'; } else { var listType = '#'; var listReplace = '\\#'; } for (var i = 0; i < indentLength; i++) { listInsert = listInsert + listType; } if (listInsert != '') { insertTag = ' ' + listInsert + ' '; } else { insertTag = ''; } tagPartBlock = tagPartBlock.replace(/(\*|\#)/g,listReplace); drawSwitch = 1; captureListStart = true; periodAddition = ''; periodAdditionClean = ''; if (matches = selectedText.match(/\n\s/g)) { listItemsAddition = matches.length; } } // must be a block modification e.g. p>. to p<. else { // if this is a block modification/addition if (button.tagStart.match(/(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|bq|p)/g)) { if (tagPartBlock == '') { drawSwitch = 2; } else { drawSwitch = 1; } insertTag = button.tagStart + tagPartModifier; } // else this is a modifier modification/addition else { if ((tagPartModifier == '') && (tagPartBlock != '')) { drawSwitch = 1; } else if (tagPartModifier == '') { drawSwitch = 2; } else { drawSwitch = 1; } // if no tag part block but a modifier we need at least the p tag if (tagPartBlock == '') { tagPartBlock = 'p'; } //make sure to swap out outdent if (button.tagStart == ')') { tagPartModifier = ''; } else { tagPartModifier = button.tagStart; captureIndentStart = true; // ugly hack to fix issue with proper selection handling } insertTag = tagPartBlock + tagPartModifier; } } mplier = 0; if (captureListStart || (tagPartModifier.match(/[\(\)]{1,}/g))) { re_start = new RegExp(insertTag.escape + periodAddition,'g'); // for tags that mimic regex properties, parens + list tags } else { re_start = new RegExp(insertTag + periodAddition,'g'); // for tags that don't, why i can't just escape everything i have no clue } re_old = new RegExp(tagPartBlock + tagPartModifierOrig + periodAddition,'g'); re_middle = new RegExp(newlineReplaceRegexDirty + insertTag.escape + periodAddition.escape,'g'); re_tag = new RegExp(insertTag.escape + periodAddition.escape,'g'); // ************************************************************************************************************************* // this is where everything gets swapped around or inserted, bullets and single options have their own if/else statements // ************************************************************************************************************************* if ((drawSwitch == 0) || (drawSwitch == 1)) { if (drawSwitch == 0) { // completely removing a tag finalText = beginningText + newlineStart + selectedText.replace(re_start,'').replace(re_middle,newlineReplaceClean) + newlineEnd + followupText; if (matches = selectedText.match(newlineReplaceRegexClean)) { mplier = mplier + matches.length; } posDiffNeg = insertTag.length + 2 + (mplier*4); } else { // modifying a tag, though we do delete bullets here finalText = beginningText + newlineStart + selectedText.replace(re_old,insertTag + periodAdditionClean) + newlineEnd + followupText; if (matches = selectedText.match(newlineReplaceRegexClean)) { mplier = mplier + matches.length; } // figure out the length of various elements to modify the selection position if (captureIndentStart) { // need to double-check that this wasn't the first indent tagPreviousLength = tagPartBlock.length; tagCurrentLength = insertTag.length; } else if (captureListStart) { // if this is a list we're manipulating if (button.tagStart == '(') { // if indenting tagPreviousLength = listTypeMatch.length + 2; tagCurrentLength = insertTag.length + listItemsAddition; } else if (insertTag.match(/(\*|\#)/g)) { // if removing but still has bullets tagPreviousLength = insertTag.length + listItemsAddition; tagCurrentLength = listTypeMatch.length; } else { // if removing last bullet tagPreviousLength = insertTag.length + listItemsAddition; tagCurrentLength = listTypeMatch.length - (3*listItemsAddition) - 1; } } else { // everything else tagPreviousLength = tagPartBlock.length + tagPartModifier.length; tagCurrentLength = insertTag.length; } if (tagCurrentLength > tagPreviousLength) { posDiffPos = (tagCurrentLength - tagPreviousLength) + (mplier*(tagCurrentLength - tagPreviousLength)); } else { posDiffNeg = (tagPreviousLength - tagCurrentLength) + (mplier*(tagPreviousLength - tagCurrentLength)); } } } else { // for adding tags other then bullets (have their own statement) finalText = beginningText + newlineStart + insertTag + '. ' + selectedText.replace(newlineReplaceRegexClean,button.tagEnd + '\n' + insertTag + '. ') + newlineFollowup + newlineEnd + followupText; if (matches = selectedText.match(newlineReplaceRegexClean)) { mplier = mplier + matches.length; } posDiffPos = insertTag.length + 2 + (mplier*4); } } // swap in and out the simple tags around a selection like bold else { mplier = 1; // the multiplier for the tag length re_start = new RegExp('^\\' + button.tagStart,'g'); re_end = new RegExp('\\' + button.tagEnd + '$','g'); re_middle = new RegExp('\\' + button.tagEnd + newlineReplaceRegexDirty + '\\' + button.tagStart,'g'); if (selectedText.match(re_start) && selectedText.match(re_end)) { finalText = beginningText + newlineStart + selectedText.replace(re_start,'').replace(re_end,'').replace(re_middle,newlineReplaceClean) + newlineEnd + followupText; if (matches = selectedText.match(newlineReplaceRegexClean)) { mplier = mplier + matches.length; } posDiffNeg = button.tagStart.length*mplier + button.tagEnd.length*mplier; } else { finalText = beginningText + newlineStart + button.tagStart + selectedText.replace(newlineReplaceRegexClean,button.tagEnd + newlineReplaceClean + button.tagStart) + button.tagEnd + newlineEnd + followupText; if (matches = selectedText.match(newlineReplaceRegexClean)) { mplier = mplier + matches.length; } posDiffPos = (button.tagStart.length*mplier) + (button.tagEnd.length*mplier); } } cursorPos += button.tagStart.length + button.tagEnd.length; } // just swap in and out single values, e.g. someone clicks b they'll get a * else { var buttonStart = ''; var buttonEnd = ''; var re_p = new RegExp('(\\<|\\>|\\=|\\<\\>|\\(|\\))','g'); var re_h = new RegExp('^(h1|h2|h3|h4|h5|h6|p|bq)','g'); if (!this.checkOpenTags(button) || button.tagEnd == '') { // opening tag if (button.tagStart.match(re_h)) { buttonStart = button.tagStart + '. '; } else { buttonStart = button.tagStart; } if (button.tagStart.match(re_p)) { // make sure that invoking block modifiers don't do anything finalText = beginningText + followupText; cursorPos = startPos; } else { finalText = beginningText + buttonStart + followupText; this.addTag(button); cursorPos = startPos + buttonStart.length; } } else { // closing tag if (button.tagStart.match(re_p)) { buttonEnd = '\n\n'; } else if (button.tagStart.match(re_h)) { buttonEnd = '\n\n'; } else { buttonEnd = button.tagEnd; } finalText = beginningText + button.tagEnd + followupText; this.removeTag(button); cursorPos = startPos + button.tagEnd.length; } } // set the appropriate DOM value with the final text if (FF == true) { myField.value = finalText; myField.scrollTop = scrollTop; } else { sel.text = finalText; } // build up the selection capture, doesn't work in IE if (textSelected) { myField.selectionStart = startPos + newlineStartPos; myField.selectionEnd = endPos + posDiffPos - posDiffNeg - newlineEndPos; //alert('s: ' + myField.selectionStart + ' e: ' + myField.selectionEnd + ' sp: ' + startPos + ' ep: ' + endPos + ' pdp: ' + posDiffPos + ' pdn: ' + posDiffNeg) } else { myField.selectionStart = cursorPos; myField.selectionEnd = cursorPos; } }, // end insertTag preview_text: function() { var r = this.canvas.value; // quick tags first qtags = [['\\*', 'strong'], ['\\?\\?', 'cite'], ['\\+', 'ins'], //fixed ['~', 'sub'], ['\\^', 'sup'], // me ['@', 'code']]; for (var i=0;i'+'$1'+''); } // underscores count as part of a word, so do them separately re = new RegExp('\\b_(.+?)_\\b','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$1'); //jeff: so do dashes re = new RegExp('[\s\n]-(.+?)-[\s\n]','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$1'); // links re = new RegExp('"\\b(.+?)\\(\\b(.+?)\\b\\)":([^\\s]+)','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$1'); re = new RegExp('"\\b(.+?)\\b":([^\\s]+)','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$1'); // BenL: Various special characters etc re = new RegExp('\\(c\\)','g'); r = r.replace(re,'©'); re = new RegExp('\\(tm\\)','g'); r = r.replace(re,'™'); re = new RegExp('\\(r\\)','g'); r = r.replace(re,'®'); re = new RegExp('\\.\\.\\.','g'); r = r.replace(re,'…'); re = new RegExp('"(.+?)"([\\s:,;])','g'); r = r.replace(re,'“$1”$2'); re = new RegExp('\\-\\-','g'); r = r.replace(re,'—'); re = new RegExp(' \\- ','g'); r = r.replace(re,' — '); // Beef: images with links re = new RegExp('!\\b(.+?)\\(\\b(.+?)\\b\\)!:([^\\s]+)','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$2'); re = new RegExp('!\\b(.+?)\\b!:([^\\s]+)','g'); r = r.replace(re,''); // images re = new RegExp('!\\b(.+?)\\(\\b(.+?)\\b\\)!','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$2'); re = new RegExp('!\\b(.+?)\\b!','g'); r = r.replace(re,''); // block level formatting // Jeff's hack to show single line breaks as they should. // insert breaks - but you get some....stupid ones re = new RegExp('(.*)\n([^#\*\n].*)','g'); r = r.replace(re,'$1
$2'); // remove the stupid breaks. re = new RegExp('\n
','g'); r = r.replace(re,'\n'); lines = r.split('\n'); nr = ''; for (var i=0;i')+''; changed = 1; } // jeff adds h#. if (line.search(/^\s*h[1|2|3|4|5|6]\.\s+/) != -1) { re = new RegExp('h([1|2|3|4|5|6])\.(.+)','g'); line = line.replace(re,'$2'); changed = 1; } if (line.search(/^\s*\*\s+/) != -1) { line = line.replace(/^\s*\*\s+/,'\t') + ''; changed = 1; } // * for bullet list; make up an liu tag to be fixed later if (line.search(/^\s*#\s+/) != -1) { line = line.replace(/^\s*#\s+/,'\t') + ''; changed = 1; } // # for numeric list; make up an lio tag to be fixed later if (!changed && (line.replace(/\s/g,'').length > 0)) line = '


'; lines[i] = line + '\n'; } // Second pass to do lists inlist = 0; listtype = ''; for (var i=0;i AND r = r.replace(/li[o|u]>/g,'li>'); return r; } // End preview text }; // end class // add class methods Object.extend(TextileEditor, TextileEditor.Methods); document.write('');