# -*- encoding: utf-8; frozen_string_literal: true -*- # #-- # This file is part of HexaPDF. # # HexaPDF - A Versatile PDF Creation and Manipulation Library For Ruby # Copyright (C) 2014-2024 Thomas Leitner # # HexaPDF is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it # under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3 as # published by the Free Software Foundation with the addition of the # following permission added to Section 15 as permitted in Section 7(a): # FOR ANY PART OF THE COVERED WORK IN WHICH THE COPYRIGHT IS OWNED BY # THOMAS LEITNER, THOMAS LEITNER DISCLAIMS THE WARRANTY OF NON # INFRINGEMENT OF THIRD PARTY RIGHTS. # # HexaPDF is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT # ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Affero General Public # License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU Affero General Public License # along with HexaPDF. If not, see . # # The interactive user interfaces in modified source and object code # versions of HexaPDF must display Appropriate Legal Notices, as required # under Section 5 of the GNU Affero General Public License version 3. # # In accordance with Section 7(b) of the GNU Affero General Public # License, a covered work must retain the producer line in every PDF that # is created or manipulated using HexaPDF. # # If the GNU Affero General Public License doesn't fit your need, # commercial licenses are available at . #++ require 'json' require 'hexapdf/error' require 'hexapdf/layout/style' require 'hexapdf/layout/text_fragment' require 'hexapdf/layout/text_layouter' require 'hexapdf/type/acro_form/java_script_actions' module HexaPDF module Type module AcroForm # The AppearanceGenerator class provides methods for generating and updating the appearance # streams of form fields. # # The only method needed is #create_appearances since this method determines to what field the # widget belongs and therefore which appearance should be generated. # # The visual appearance of a field is constructed using information from the field itself as # well as information from the widget. See the documentation for the individual methods which # information is used in which way. # # By default, any existing appearances are overwritten and the +:print+ flag is set on the # widget so that the field appearance will appear on print-outs. # # The visual appearances are chosen to be similar to those used by Adobe Acrobat and others. # By subclassing and overriding the necessary methods it is possible to define custom # appearances. # # See: PDF2.0 s12.5.5, s12.7 class AppearanceGenerator # Creates a new instance for the given +widget+. def initialize(widget) @widget = widget @field = widget.form_field @document = widget.document end # Creates the appropriate appearances for the widget. def create_appearances case @field.field_type when :Btn if @field.push_button? create_push_button_appearances else create_check_box_appearances end when :Tx, :Ch create_text_appearances else raise HexaPDF::Error, "Unsupported field type #{@field.field_type}" end end # Creates the appropriate appearances for check boxes and radio buttons. # # The unchecked box or unselected radio button is always represented by the appearance with # the key /Off. If there is more than one other key besides the /Off key, the first one is # used for the appearance of the checked box or selected radio button. # # For unchecked boxes an empty rectangle is drawn. Similarly, for unselected radio buttons # an empty circle (if the marker is :circle) or rectangle is drawn. When checked or # selected, a symbol from the ZapfDingbats font is placed inside. How this is exactly done # depends on the following values: # # * The widget's rectangle /Rect must be defined. If the height and/or width of the # rectangle are zero, they are based on the configuration option # +acro_form.default_font_size+ and widget's border width. In such a case the rectangle is # appropriately updated. # # * The line width, style and color of the cirle/rectangle are taken from the widget's # border style. See HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Widget#border_style. # # * The background color is determined by the widget's background color. See # HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Widget#background_color. # # * The symbol (marker) as well as its size and color are determined by the marker style of # the widget. See HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Widget#marker_style for details. # # Examples: # # # check box: default appearance # widget.border_style(color: 0) # widget.background_color(1) # widget.marker_style(style: :check, size: 0, color: 0) # # # check box: no visible rectangle, gray background, cross mark when checked # widget.border_style(color: :transparent, width: 2) # widget.background_color(0.7) # widget.marker_style(style: :cross) # # # radio button: default appearance # widget.border_style(color: 0) # widget.background_color(1) # widget.marker_style(style: :circle, size: 0, color: 0) def create_check_box_appearances normal_appearance = @widget.appearance_dict&.normal_appearance if !normal_appearance.kind_of?(HexaPDF::Dictionary) || normal_appearance.kind_of?(HexaPDF::Stream) (@widget[:AP] ||= {})[:N] = {Off: nil} normal_appearance = @widget[:AP][:N] normal_appearance[@field.field_value&.to_sym || :Yes] = nil end on_name = (normal_appearance.value.keys - [:Off]).first unless on_name on_name = @field.field_value&.to_sym || :Yes normal_appearance[on_name] = nil end @widget[:AS] = (@field[:V] == on_name ? on_name : :Off) @widget.flag(:print) @widget.unflag(:hidden) border_style = @widget.border_style marker_style = @widget.marker_style circular = @field.radio_button? && marker_style.style == :circle default_font_size = @document.config['acro_form.default_font_size'] rect = @widget[:Rect] rect.width = default_font_size + 2 * border_style.width if rect.width == 0 rect.height = default_font_size + 2 * border_style.width if rect.height == 0 width, height, matrix = perform_rotation(rect.width, rect.height) off_form = @widget.appearance_dict.normal_appearance[:Off] = @document.add({Type: :XObject, Subtype: :Form, BBox: [0, 0, width, height], Matrix: matrix}) apply_background_and_border(border_style, off_form.canvas, circular: circular) on_form = @widget.appearance_dict.normal_appearance[on_name] = @document.add({Type: :XObject, Subtype: :Form, BBox: [0, 0, width, height], Matrix: matrix}) canvas = on_form.canvas apply_background_and_border(border_style, canvas, circular: circular) canvas.save_graphics_state do draw_marker(canvas, width, height, border_style.width, marker_style) end end alias create_radio_button_appearances create_check_box_appearances # Creates the appropriate appearances for push buttons. # # This is currently a dummy implementation raising an error. def create_push_button_appearances raise HexaPDF::Error, "Push button appearance generation not yet supported" end # Creates the appropriate appearances for text fields, combo box fields and list box fields. # # The following describes how the appearance is built: # # * The font, font size and font color are taken from the associated field's default # appearance string. See VariableTextField. # # If the font is not usable by HexaPDF (which may be due to a variety of reasons, e.g. no # associated information in the form's default resources), the font specified by the # configuration option +acro_form.fallback_font+ will be used. # # * The widget's rectangle /Rect must be defined. If the height is zero, it is auto-sized # based on the font size. If additionally the font size is zero, a font size of # +acro_form.default_font_size+ is used. If the width is zero, the # +acro_form.text_field.default_width+ value is used. In such cases the rectangle is # appropriately updated. # # * The line width, style and color of the rectangle are taken from the widget's border # style. See HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Widget#border_style. # # * The background color is determined by the widget's background color. See # HexaPDF::Type::Annotations::Widget#background_color. # # Note: Rich text fields are currently not supported! def create_text_appearances default_resources = @document.acro_form.default_resources font, font_size, font_color = retrieve_font_information(default_resources) style = HexaPDF::Layout::Style.new(font: font, font_size: font_size, fill_color: font_color) border_style = @widget.border_style padding = [1, border_style.width].max @widget[:AS] = :N @widget.flag(:print) @widget.unflag(:hidden) rect = @widget[:Rect] rect.width = @document.config['acro_form.text_field.default_width'] if rect.width == 0 if rect.height == 0 style.font_size = (font_size == 0 ? @document.config['acro_form.default_font_size'] : font_size) rect.height = style.scaled_y_max - style.scaled_y_min + 2 * padding end width, height, matrix = perform_rotation(rect.width, rect.height) form = (@widget[:AP] ||= {})[:N] ||= @document.add({Type: :XObject, Subtype: :Form}) # Wrap existing object in Form class in case the PDF writer didn't include the /Subtype # key or the type of the object is wrong; we can do this since we know this has to be a # Form object unless form.type == :XObject && form[:Subtype] == :Form form = @document.wrap(form, type: :XObject, subtype: :Form) end form.value.replace({Type: :XObject, Subtype: :Form, BBox: [0, 0, width, height], Matrix: matrix, Resources: HexaPDF::Object.deep_copy(default_resources)}) form.contents = '' canvas = form.canvas apply_background_and_border(border_style, canvas) canvas.marked_content_sequence(:Tx) do if @field.field_value || @field.concrete_field_type == :list_box canvas.save_graphics_state do canvas.rectangle(padding, padding, width - 2 * padding, height - 2 * padding).clip_path.end_path case @field.concrete_field_type when :multiline_text_field draw_multiline_text(canvas, width, height, style, padding) when :list_box draw_list_box(canvas, width, height, style, padding) else draw_single_line_text(canvas, width, height, style, padding) end end end end end alias create_combo_box_appearances create_text_appearances alias create_list_box_appearances create_text_appearances private # Performs the rotation specified in /R of the appearance characteristics dictionary and # returns the correct width, height and Form XObject matrix. def perform_rotation(width, height) matrix = case (@widget[:MK]&.[](:R) || 0) % 360 when 90 width, height = height, width [0, 1, -1, 0, 0, 0] when 270 width, height = height, width [0, -1, 1, 0, 0, 0] when 180 [0, -1, -1, 0, 0, 0] end [width, height, matrix] end # Applies the background and border style of the widget annotation to the appearances. # # If +circular+ is +true+, then the border is drawn as inscribed circle instead of as # rectangle. def apply_background_and_border(border_style, canvas, circular: false) rect = @widget[:Rect] background_color = @widget.background_color if (border_style.width > 0 && border_style.color) || background_color canvas.save_graphics_state if background_color canvas.fill_color(background_color) if circular canvas.circle(rect.width / 2.0, rect.height / 2.0, [rect.width / 2.0, rect.height / 2.0].min) else canvas.rectangle(0, 0, rect.width, rect.height) end canvas.fill end if border_style.color offset = [0.5, border_style.width / 2.0].max width, height = rect.width - 2 * offset, rect.height - 2 * offset canvas.stroke_color(border_style.color).line_width(border_style.width) if border_style.style == :underlined # TODO: :beveleded, :inset if circular canvas.arc(rect.width / 2.0, rect.height / 2.0, a: [width / 2.0, height / 2.0].min, start_angle: 180, end_angle: 0) else canvas.line(offset, offset, offset + width, offset) end else canvas.line_dash_pattern(border_style.style) if border_style.style.kind_of?(Array) if circular canvas.circle(rect.width / 2.0, rect.height / 2.0, [width / 2.0, height / 2.0].min) else canvas.rectangle(offset, offset, width, height) if @field.concrete_field_type == :comb_text_field cell_width = rect.width.to_f / @field[:MaxLen] 1.upto(@field[:MaxLen] - 1) do |i| canvas.line(i * cell_width, border_style.width, i * cell_width, border_style.width + height) end end end end canvas.stroke end canvas.restore_graphics_state end end # Draws the marker defined by the marker style inside the widget's rectangle. # # This method can only used for check boxes and radio buttons! def draw_marker(canvas, width, height, border_width, marker_style) if @field.radio_button? && marker_style.style == :circle # Acrobat handles this specially canvas. fill_color(marker_style.color). circle(width / 2.0, height / 2.0, ([width / 2.0, height / 2.0].min - border_width) / 2). fill elsif marker_style.style == :cross # Acrobat just places a cross inside canvas. stroke_color(marker_style.color). line(border_width, border_width, width - border_width, height - border_width). line(border_width, height - border_width, width - border_width, border_width). stroke else font = @document.fonts.add('ZapfDingbats') marker_string = @widget[:MK]&.[](:CA).to_s mark = font.decode_utf8(marker_string.empty? ? '4' : marker_string).first square_width = [width, height].min - 2 * border_width font_size = (marker_style.size == 0 ? square_width : marker_style.size) mark_width = mark.width * font.scaling_factor * font_size / 1000.0 mark_height = (mark.y_max - mark.y_min) * font.scaling_factor * font_size / 1000.0 x_offset = (width - square_width) / 2.0 + (square_width - mark_width) / 2.0 y_offset = (height - square_width) / 2.0 + (square_width - mark_height) / 2.0 - (mark.y_min * font.scaling_factor * font_size / 1000.0) canvas.font(font, size: font_size) canvas.fill_color(marker_style.color) canvas.move_text_cursor(offset: [x_offset, y_offset]).show_glyphs_only([mark]) end end # Draws a single line of text inside the widget's rectangle. def draw_single_line_text(canvas, width, height, style, padding) value, text_color = JavaScriptActions.apply_format(@field.field_value, @field[:AA]&.[](:F)) style.fill_color = text_color if text_color calculate_and_apply_font_size(value, style, width, height, padding) line = HexaPDF::Layout::Line.new(@document.layout.text_fragments(value, style: style)) if @field.concrete_field_type == :comb_text_field && !value.empty? unless @field.key?(:MaxLen) raise HexaPDF::Error, "Missing or invalid dictionary field /MaxLen for comb text field" end unless line.items.size == 1 raise HexaPDF::Error, "Fallback glyphs are not yet supported with comb text fields" end fragment = line.items[0] new_items = [] cell_width = width.to_f / @field[:MaxLen] scaled_cell_width = cell_width / style.scaled_font_size.to_f fragment.items.each_cons(2) do |a, b| new_items << a << -(scaled_cell_width - a.width / 2.0 - b.width / 2.0) end new_items << fragment.items.last fragment.items.replace(new_items) fragment.clear_cache line.clear_cache # Adobe always seems to add 1 to the first offset... x_offset = 1 + (cell_width - style.scaled_item_width(fragment.items[0])) / 2.0 x = case @field.text_alignment when :left then x_offset when :right then x_offset + cell_width * (@field[:MaxLen] - value.length) when :center then x_offset + cell_width * ((@field[:MaxLen] - value.length) / 2) end else # Adobe seems to be left/right-aligning based on twice the border width x = case @field.text_alignment when :left then 2 * padding when :right then [width - 2 * padding - line.width, 2 * padding].max when :center then [(width - line.width) / 2.0, 2 * padding].max end end # Adobe seems to be vertically centering based on the cap height, if enough space is # available tmp_cap_height = style.font.wrapped_font.cap_height || style.font.pdf_object.font_descriptor&.[](:CapHeight) cap_height = tmp_cap_height * style.font.scaling_factor / 1000.0 * style.font_size y = padding + (height - 2 * padding - cap_height) / 2.0 y = padding - style.scaled_font_descender if y < 0 line.each {|frag, fx, _| frag.draw(canvas, x + fx, y) } end # Draws multiple lines of text inside the widget's rectangle. def draw_multiline_text(canvas, width, height, style, padding) items = @document.layout.text_fragments(@field.field_value, style: style) layouter = Layout::TextLayouter.new(style) layouter.style.text_align(@field.text_alignment).line_spacing(:proportional, 1.25) result = nil if style.font_size == 0 # need to auto-size text style.font_size = 12 # Adobe seems to use this as starting point style.clear_cache loop do result = layouter.fit(items, width - 4 * padding, height - 4 * padding) break if result.status == :success || style.font_size <= 4 # don't make text too small style.font_size -= 1 style.clear_cache end else result = layouter.fit(items, width - 4 * padding, 2**20) end unless result.lines.empty? result.draw(canvas, 2 * padding, height - 2 * padding - result.lines[0].height / 2.0) end end # Draws the visible option items of the list box in the widget's rectangle. def draw_list_box(canvas, width, height, style, padding) if style.font_size == 0 style.font_size = 12 # Seems to be Adobe's default style.clear_cache end option_items = @field.option_items top_index = @field.list_box_top_index items = @document.layout.text_fragments(option_items[top_index..-1].join("\n"), style: style) # Should use /I but if it differs from /V, we need to use /V; so just use /V... indices = [@field.field_value].flatten.compact.map {|val| option_items.index(val) } layouter = Layout::TextLayouter.new(style) layouter.style.text_align(@field.text_alignment).line_spacing(:proportional, 1.25) result = layouter.fit(items, width - 4 * padding, height) unless result.lines.empty? top_gap = style.line_spacing.gap(result.lines[0], result.lines[0]) line_height = style.line_spacing.baseline_distance(result.lines[0], result.lines[0]) canvas.fill_color(153, 193, 218) # Adobe's color for selection highlighting indices.map! {|i| height - padding - (i - top_index + 1) * line_height }.each do |y| next if y + line_height > height || y + line_height < padding canvas.rectangle(padding, y, width - 2 * padding, line_height) end canvas.fill if canvas.graphics_object == :path result.draw(canvas, 2 * padding, height - padding - top_gap) end end # Returns the font wrapper and font size to be used for a variable text field. def retrieve_font_information(resources) font_name, font_size, font_color = @field.parse_default_appearance_string(@widget) font_object = resources.font(font_name) rescue nil font = font_object&.font_wrapper unless font fallback_font = @document.config['acro_form.fallback_font'] fallback_font_name, fallback_font_options = if fallback_font.respond_to?(:call) fallback_font.call(@field, font_object) else fallback_font end if fallback_font_name font = @document.fonts.add(fallback_font_name, **(fallback_font_options || {})) else raise(HexaPDF::Error, "Font #{font_name} of the AcroForm's default resources not usable") end end [font, font_size, font_color] end # Calculates the font size for single line text fields using auto-sizing, based on the font # and font size of the default appearance string, the annotation rectangle's height and # width and the given padding. The font size is then applied to the provided style object. def calculate_and_apply_font_size(value, style, width, height, padding) return if style.font_size != 0 font = style.font unit_font_size = (font.wrapped_font.bounding_box[3] - font.wrapped_font.bounding_box[1]) * font.scaling_factor / 1000.0 # The constant factor was found empirically by checking what Adobe Reader etc. do style.font_size = (height - 2 * padding) / unit_font_size * 0.85 calc_width = @document.layout.text_fragments(value, style: style).sum(&:width) style.font_size = [style.font_size, style.font_size * (width - 4 * padding) / calc_width].min style.clear_cache end end end end end