- raise('expected an exemption requested cpd audit') unless cpd_audit.exemption_requested? || cpd_audit.errors.present? %h2 Exemption Request %p The auditee has requested an exemption: = render('effective/cpd_audits/exemption', cpd_audit: cpd_audit, step: :exemption) %h2 Resolve Exemption Request %p Please grant or deny the request. If granted, this audit will be closed. = card('Exemption Request') do %p The exemption request shall be = effective_form_with(model: [:admin, cpd_audit], engine: true) do |f| = f.radios :admin_process_request, Effective::CpdAudit::ADMIN_PROCESS_REQUEST_OPTIONS, label: false, buttons: true, required: true = f.show_if :admin_process_request, 'Granted' do %p Send email = email_form_fields(f, :cpd_audit_exemption_granted) = f.show_if :admin_process_request, 'Denied' do %p Send email = email_form_fields(f, :cpd_audit_exemption_denied) = f.submit 'Process Exemption Request', center: true