module Neo4j module Wrapper module Find Neo4j::Core::Index::ClassMethods.send(:alias_method, :_orig_find, :find) # If the #ref_node_for_class returns an object implementing the method #_index_prefix it # will use that as prefix, otherwise the empty string. # @return [String] the prefix name of the index def index_prefix return "" unless Neo4j.running? return "" unless respond_to?(:ref_node_for_class) ref_node = ref_node_for_class.wrapper prefix = ref_node.send(:index_prefix) if ref_node.respond_to?(:index_prefix) prefix ? prefix + "_" : "" end # @return [String] the name of the index, with index prefix def _index_name to_s.gsub("::", '_') end # Fall back to the threadlocal ref node by default. # You can set your own reference node using the #ref_node method # @return [Neo4j::Node] returns the Neo4j.ref_node def ref_node_for_class Neo4j.ref_node end # Assigns the reference node for a class via a supplied block. # # @example of usage: # class Person # include Neo4j::NodeMixin # ref_node { Neo4j.default_ref_node } # end # def ref_node(&block) singleton = class << self; self; end singleton.send(:define_method, :ref_node_for_class) { } end # Overrides the Neo4j::Core::Index::ClassMethods#find method to check # if any of the query parameters needs to be converted, (e.g. DateTime to Fixnum) # # @example # Person.find(:since => (1.year.ago .. # @see Neo4j::Core::Index::ClassMethods#find def find(*query_params, &block) query = query_params.first if query.is_a?(Hash) query.each_pair do |k, v| converter = _converter(k) value = v.is_a?(Range) ?, converter.to_java(v.end), v.exclude_end?) : converter.to_java(v) query[k] = value end end _orig_find(*query_params, &block) end end end end