describe StatusCat::StatusHelper do let( :checker ) { } let( :name ) { t( :name, :scope => :status_cat ).freeze } let( :value ) { t( :value, :scope => :status_cat ).freeze } let( :status ) { t( :status, :scope => :status_cat ).freeze } let( :ok ) { t( :ok, :scope => :status_cat ).freeze } describe '#status_header' do it 'generates a status table header' do expected = "#{name}#{value}#{status}" expect( helper.status_header ).to eql( expected ) end end describe '#status_row' do it 'generates a status table row' do expected = "#{}#{checker.value}#{ok}" expect( helper.status_row( checker ) ).to eql( expected ) end it 'uses status_style to style the status column' do style = :gangnam expect( helper ).to receive( :status_style ).and_return( style ) expected = "#{}#{checker.value}#{ok}" expect( helper.status_row( checker ) ).to eql( expected ) end end describe '#status_cell' do it 'returns the status as a table cell' do expected = "foo" expect( helper.status_cell( 'foo' ) ).to eql( expected ) end it 'converts array statuses into html lists' do expected = "" expect( helper.status_cell( [ 'foo', 'bar' ] ) ).to eql( expected ) end end describe '#status_style' do it 'returns a green background when the status is nil' do expect( checker ).to receive( :status ).and_return( nil ) expect( helper.status_style( checker ) ).to eql( 'background-color: green' ) end it 'returns a red background when the status is not nil' do expect( checker ).to receive( :status ).and_return( :fail ) expect( helper.status_style( checker ) ).to eql( 'background-color: red' ) end end describe '#status_table' do it 'generates a status table' do expected = "#{helper.status_header}#{helper.status_row( checker )}
" expect( helper.status_table( [ checker ] ) ).to eql( expected ) end end describe '#status_title' do it 'generates a page title' do expected = "

#{t( :h1, :scope => :status_cat )}

" expect( helper.status_title ).to eql( expected ) end end describe '#status_report' do it 'generates a text status report' do all = StatusCat::Status.all all.each { |s| allow( s ).to receive( :status ).and_return( nil ) } actual = helper.status_report( all ) all.each { |s| expect( actual ).to match( /#{s}/ ) } end end describe '#status_report_format' do it 'generates a format string and length based on the max length of the given checkers' do all = StatusCat::Status.all all.each { |s| allow( s ).to receive( :status ).and_return( nil ) } status_report_format = helper.status_report_format( all ).to_s expect( status_report_format ).to match( /\["%\d+s | %\d+s | %\d+s\n", \d+\]/ ) end end describe '#status_report_header' do it 'generates a header' do expected = sprintf( StatusCat::Checkers::Base::FORMAT, name, value, status ) expect( helper.status_report_header ).to eql( expected ) end it 'accepts a format string' do format = '%s * %s * %s' expected = sprintf( format, name, value, status ) expect( helper.status_report_header( format ) ).to eql( expected ) end end end