# This file is autogenerated. Do not edit it by hand. Regenerate it with: # srb rbi gems # typed: true # # If you would like to make changes to this file, great! Please create the gem's shim here: # # https://github.com/sorbet/sorbet-typed/new/master?filename=lib/pry/all/pry.rbi # # pry- class Pry def add_sticky_local(name, &block); end def backtrace; end def backtrace=(arg0); end def binding_stack; end def binding_stack=(arg0); end def command_state; end def commands; end def commands=(arg0); end def current_context; end def custom_completions; end def custom_completions=(arg0); end def evaluate_ruby(code, target = nil); end def exception_handler; end def exception_handler=(arg0); end def exec_hook(name, *args, &block); end def extra_sticky_locals; end def extra_sticky_locals=(arg0); end def generate_prompt(prompt_proc, conf); end def handle_read_errors; end def hooks; end def hooks=(v); end def initialize(options = nil); end def inject_local(name, value, b); end def inject_sticky_locals(target); end def input; end def input=(arg0); end def input_array; end def input_stack; end def input_stack=(arg0); end def last_dir; end def last_dir=(arg0); end def last_exception; end def last_exception=(ex); end def last_file; end def last_file=(arg0); end def last_result; end def last_result=(arg0); end def last_result_is_exception?; end def memory_size; end def memory_size=(size); end def output; end def output=(arg0); end def output_array; end def pop_prompt; end def print; end def print=(arg0); end def process_command(val, eval_string = nil, target = nil); end def prompt; end def prompt=(new_prompt); end def prompt_stack; end def push_prompt(new_prompt); end def quiet; end def quiet=(arg0); end def quiet?; end def r(target = nil, eval_string = nil); end def raise_up!(*args); end def raise_up(*args); end def raise_up_common(force, *args); end def re(target = nil); end def readline(current_prompt = nil, completion_proc = nil); end def refresh(options = nil); end def rep(target = nil); end def repl(target = nil); end def repl_epilogue(target); end def repl_prologue(target); end def retrieve_line(eval_string, target); end def run_command(val, eval_string = nil, target = nil); end def select_prompt(eval_string, target); end def self.Code(obj); end def self.Method(obj); end def self.WrappedModule(obj); end def self.auto_resize!; end def self.binding_for(target); end def self.cli; end def self.cli=(arg0); end def self.color(*args, &block); end def self.color=(*args, &block); end def self.commands(*args, &block); end def self.commands=(*args, &block); end def self.config; end def self.config=(arg0); end def self.critical_section(&block); end def self.current; end def self.current_line; end def self.current_line=(arg0); end def self.custom_completions; end def self.custom_completions=(arg0); end def self.default_editor_for_platform; end def self.editor(*args, &block); end def self.editor=(*args, &block); end def self.eval_path; end def self.eval_path=(arg0); end def self.exception_handler(*args, &block); end def self.exception_handler=(*args, &block); end def self.extra_sticky_locals(*args, &block); end def self.extra_sticky_locals=(*args, &block); end def self.fix_coderay_colors; end def self.history; end def self.history=(arg0); end def self.hooks(*args, &block); end def self.hooks=(*args, &block); end def self.in_critical_section?; end def self.init; end def self.initial_session?; end def self.initial_session_setup; end def self.input(*args, &block); end def self.input=(*args, &block); end def self.input_stack(*args, &block); end def self.input_stack=(*args, &block); end def self.last_internal_error; end def self.last_internal_error=(arg0); end def self.line_buffer; end def self.line_buffer=(arg0); end def self.load_file_at_toplevel(file_name); end def self.load_file_through_repl(file_name); end def self.load_history; end def self.load_local_rc; end def self.load_plugins(*args, &block); end def self.load_rc; end def self.load_requires; end def self.load_traps; end def self.locate_plugins(*args, &block); end def self.memory_size(*args, &block); end def self.memory_size=(*args, &block); end def self.output(*args, &block); end def self.output=(*args, &block); end def self.output_with_default_format(output, value, options = nil); end def self.pager(*args, &block); end def self.pager=(*args, &block); end def self.plugins(*args, &block); end def self.print(*args, &block); end def self.print=(*args, &block); end def self.prompt(*args, &block); end def self.prompt=(*args, &block); end def self.quiet; end def self.quiet=(arg0); end def self.require_readline; end def self.reset_defaults; end def self.run_command(command_string, options = nil); end def self.save_history; end def self.set_config_defaults; end def self.start(target = nil, options = nil); end def self.toplevel_binding; end def self.toplevel_binding=(arg0); end def self.view_clip(obj, max_length = nil); end def set_last_result(result, target, code = nil); end def should_force_encoding?(eval_string, val); end def should_print?; end def show_result(result); end def sticky_locals; end def suppress_output; end def suppress_output=(arg0); end def update_input_history(code); end end module Pry::Helpers def self.tablify(things, line_length); end def self.tablify_or_one_line(heading, things); end def self.tablify_to_screen_width(things, options = nil); end end module Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers def colorize_code(code); end def command_dependencies_met?(options); end def context_from_object_path(arg_string, _pry_ = nil, old_stack = nil); end def find_command(name, set = nil); end def heading(text); end def highlight(string, regexp, highlight_color = nil); end def jruby?; end def jruby_19?; end def mri_18?; end def mri_19?; end def not_a_real_file?(file); end def rbx?; end def safe_send(obj, method, *args, &block); end def self.colorize_code(code); end def self.command_dependencies_met?(options); end def self.context_from_object_path(arg_string, _pry_ = nil, old_stack = nil); end def self.find_command(name, set = nil); end def self.heading(text); end def self.highlight(string, regexp, highlight_color = nil); end def self.jruby?; end def self.jruby_19?; end def self.mri_18?; end def self.mri_19?; end def self.not_a_real_file?(file); end def self.rbx?; end def self.safe_send(obj, method, *args, &block); end def self.set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name, _pry_ = nil, target = nil); end def self.silence_warnings; end def self.stagger_output(text, out = nil); end def self.use_ansi_codes?; end def self.windows?; end def self.windows_ansi?; end def set_file_and_dir_locals(file_name, _pry_ = nil, target = nil); end def silence_warnings; end def stagger_output(text, out = nil); end def use_ansi_codes?; end def windows?; end def windows_ansi?; end end class Pry::Hooks def [](event_name); end def []=(event_name, callable); end def add_hook(event_name, hook_name, callable = nil, &block); end def clear(event_name); end def clear_all; end def delete_hook(event_name, hook_name); end def delete_hooks(event_name); end def errors; end def exec_hook(event_name, *args, &block); end def get_hook(event_name, hook_name); end def get_hooks(event_name); end def hook_count(event_name); end def hook_exists?(event_name, hook_name); end def hooks; end def initialize; end def initialize_copy(orig); end def merge!(other); end def merge(other); end def merge_arrays(array1, array2); end def self.from_hash(hash); end def uniq_keeping_last(input, &block); end end module Pry::RbxMethod def core_code; end def core_doc; end end module Pry::RbxPath def convert_path_to_full(path); end def is_core_path?(path); end def rvm_ruby?(path); end def self.convert_path_to_full(path); end def self.is_core_path?(path); end def self.rvm_ruby?(path); end end class Pry::Code def <<(line, lineno = nil); end def ==(other); end def after(lineno, lines = nil); end def alter(&block); end def around(lineno, lines = nil); end def before(lineno, lines = nil); end def between(start_line, end_line = nil); end def code_type; end def code_type=(arg0); end def comment_describing(line_number); end def expression_at(line_number, consume = nil); end def grep(pattern); end def initialize(lines = nil, start_line = nil, code_type = nil); end def inspect; end def length; end def max_lineno_width; end def method_missing(name, *args, &block); end def nesting_at(line_number, top_module = nil); end def push(line, lineno = nil); end def raw; end def select(&block); end def self.abs_path(filename); end def self.from_file(filename, code_type = nil); end def self.from_method(meth, start_line = nil); end def self.from_module(mod, candidate_rank = nil, start_line = nil); end def self.type_from_filename(filename, default = nil); end def take_lines(start_line, num_lines); end def to_s; end def with_indentation(spaces = nil); end def with_line_numbers(y_n = nil); end def with_marker(lineno = nil); end end class Pry::Code::LOC def ==(other); end def add_line_number(max_width = nil); end def add_marker(marker_lineno); end def colorize(code_type); end def dup; end def indent(distance); end def initialize(line, lineno); end def line; end def lineno; end def tuple; end end class Pry::Code::CodeRange def end_line; end def find_end_index(lines); end def find_start_index(lines); end def force_set_end_line; end def indices(lines); end def indices_range(lines); end def initialize(start_line, end_line = nil); end def set_end_line_from_range; end def start_line; end end class Pry::HistoryArray def <<(value); end def [](index_or_range, size = nil); end def convert_index(n); end def convert_range(range); end def count; end def each; end def empty?; end def initialize(size); end def inspect; end def length; end def max_size; end def pop!; end def size; end def to_a; end include Enumerable end module Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers def method_object; end def method_options(opt); end def self.method_object; end def self.method_options(opt); end end module Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers def absolute_index_number(line_number, array_length); end def absolute_index_range(range_or_number, array_length); end def command_error(message, omit_help, klass = nil); end def get_method_or_raise(name, target, opts = nil, omit_help = nil); end def internal_binding?(target); end def one_index_number(line_number); end def one_index_range(range); end def one_index_range_or_number(range_or_number); end def render_output(str, opts = nil); end def restrict_to_lines(content, lines); end def self.absolute_index_number(line_number, array_length); end def self.absolute_index_range(range_or_number, array_length); end def self.command_error(message, omit_help, klass = nil); end def self.get_method_or_raise(name, target, opts = nil, omit_help = nil); end def self.internal_binding?(target); end def self.one_index_number(line_number); end def self.one_index_range(range); end def self.one_index_range_or_number(range_or_number); end def self.render_output(str, opts = nil); end def self.restrict_to_lines(content, lines); end def self.temp_file(ext = nil); end def self.unindent(text, left_padding = nil); end def temp_file(ext = nil); end def unindent(text, left_padding = nil); end include Pry::Helpers::OptionsHelpers end module Pry::Helpers::Text def self.black(text); end def self.blue(text); end def self.bold(text); end def self.bright_black(text); end def self.bright_blue(text); end def self.bright_cyan(text); end def self.bright_default(text); end def self.bright_green(text); end def self.bright_magenta(text); end def self.bright_purple(text); end def self.bright_red(text); end def self.bright_white(text); end def self.bright_yellow(text); end def self.cyan(text); end def self.default(text); end def self.green(text); end def self.indent(text, chars); end def self.magenta(text); end def self.no_color(&block); end def self.no_pager(&block); end def self.purple(text); end def self.red(text); end def self.strip_color(text); end def self.white(text); end def self.with_line_numbers(text, offset, color = nil); end def self.yellow(text); end end class Pry::Helpers::Table def ==(other); end def _max_width(things); end def _rebuild_colorless_cache; end def _recall_color_for(thing); end def _recolumn; end def column_count; end def column_count=(n); end def columns; end def fits_on_line?(line_length); end def initialize(items, args = nil); end def items; end def items=(items); end def rows_to_s(style = nil); end def to_a; end def to_s; end end class Pry::CodeObject def command_lookup; end def default_lookup; end def empty_lookup; end def initialize(str, _pry_, options = nil); end def looks_like_an_instance_method?(str); end def lookup_super(obj, super_level); end def method_or_class_lookup; end def pry; end def pry=(arg0); end def safe_to_evaluate?(str); end def self.lookup(str, _pry_, options = nil); end def sourcable_object?(obj); end def str; end def str=(arg0); end def super_level; end def super_level=(arg0); end def target; end def target=(arg0); end def target_self; end include Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers end module Pry::CodeObject::Helpers def c_method?; end def command?; end def module_with_yard_docs?; end def real_method_object?; end end module Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers def get_comment_content(comment); end def process_comment_markup(comment); end def process_rdoc(comment); end def process_yardoc(comment); end def process_yardoc_tag(comment, tag); end def self.get_comment_content(comment); end def self.process_comment_markup(comment); end def self.process_rdoc(comment); end def self.process_yardoc(comment); end def self.process_yardoc_tag(comment, tag); end def self.strip_comments_from_c_code(code); end def self.strip_leading_whitespace(text); end def strip_comments_from_c_code(code); end def strip_leading_whitespace(text); end end class Pry::Method def ==(obj); end def alias?; end def aliases; end def bound_method?; end def doc; end def doc_for_pry_method; end def dynamically_defined?; end def initialize(method, known_info = nil); end def is_a?(klass); end def kind_of?(klass); end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end def method_name_from_first_line(first_ln); end def name; end def name_with_owner; end def original_name; end def pry_doc_info; end def pry_method?; end def respond_to?(method_name); end def self.all_from_class(klass, include_super = nil); end def self.all_from_common(obj, method_type, include_super = nil); end def self.all_from_obj(obj, include_super = nil); end def self.from_binding(b); end def self.from_class(klass, name, target = nil); end def self.from_module(klass, name, target = nil); end def self.from_obj(obj, name, target = nil); end def self.from_str(name, target = nil, options = nil); end def self.instance_method_definition?(name, definition_line); end def self.instance_resolution_order(klass); end def self.lookup_method_via_binding(obj, method_name, method_type, target = nil); end def self.method_definition?(name, definition_line); end def self.resolution_order(obj); end def self.singleton_class(obj); end def self.singleton_class_resolution_order(klass); end def self.singleton_method_definition?(name, definition_line); end def signature; end def singleton_method?; end def source; end def source?; end def source_file; end def source_line; end def source_location; end def source_range; end def source_type; end def super(times = nil); end def super_using_ancestors(ancestors, times = nil); end def unbound_method?; end def undefined?; end def visibility; end def wrapped; end def wrapped_owner; end extend Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers include Pry::CodeObject::Helpers include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers include Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers end class Pry::Method::WeirdMethodLocator def all_methods_for(obj); end def expanded_source_location(sl); end def find_method_in_superclass; end def find_renamed_method; end def get_method; end def index_to_line_number(index); end def initialize(method, target); end def lines_for_file(file); end def lost_method?; end def method; end def method=(arg0); end def normal_method?(method); end def pry_file?; end def renamed_method_source_location; end def self.normal_method?(method, b); end def self.weird_method?(method, b); end def target; end def target=(arg0); end def target_file; end def target_line; end def target_self; end def valid_file?(file); end end class Pry::Method::Disowned < Pry::Method def initialize(receiver, method_name, binding = nil); end def method_missing(meth_name, *args, &block); end def name; end def owner; end def receiver; end def source?; end def undefined?; end end class Pry::WrappedModule def all_from_common(mod, method_type); end def all_methods_for(mod); end def all_relevant_methods_for(mod); end def all_source_locations_by_popularity; end def candidate(rank); end def candidates; end def class?; end def constants(inherit = nil); end def doc; end def file; end def generator; end def initialize(mod); end def line; end def lines_for_file(file); end def method_candidates; end def method_defined_by_forwardable_module?(method); end def method_missing(method_name, *args, &block); end def method_prefix; end def module?; end def nonblank_name; end def number_of_candidates; end def primary_candidate; end def respond_to?(method_name); end def self.from_str(mod_name, target = nil); end def self.safe_to_evaluate?(str, target); end def singleton_class?; end def singleton_instance; end def source; end def source_file; end def source_line; end def source_location; end def super(times = nil); end def wrapped; end def yard_doc; end def yard_docs?; end def yard_file; end def yard_line; end include Pry::CodeObject::Helpers include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers end class Pry::WrappedModule::Candidate def adjusted_source_location(sl); end def class?(*args, &block); end def class_regexes; end def doc; end def file; end def first_line_of_module_definition(file, line); end def first_method_source_location; end def initialize(wrapper, rank); end def last_method_source_location; end def line; end def lines_for_file(*args, &block); end def method_candidates(*args, &block); end def module?(*args, &block); end def name(*args, &block); end def nonblank_name(*args, &block); end def number_of_candidates(*args, &block); end def number_of_lines_in_first_chunk; end def source; end def source_file; end def source_line; end def source_location; end def wrapped(*args, &block); end def yard_docs?(*args, &block); end extend Forwardable include Pry::CodeObject::Helpers include Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers end class Pry::History def <<(line); end def clear; end def clear_readline; end def clearer; end def clearer=(arg0); end def history_line_count; end def initialize; end def load; end def loader; end def loader=(arg0); end def original_lines; end def push(line); end def push_to_readline(line); end def pusher; end def pusher=(arg0); end def read_from_file; end def restore_default_behavior; end def save; end def saver; end def saver=(arg0); end def session_line_count; end def to_a; end def write_to_file(lines); end end class Pry::Command def _pry_; end def _pry_=(arg0); end def arg_string; end def arg_string=(arg0); end def block; end def call_safely(*args); end def call_with_hooks(*args); end def captures; end def captures=(arg0); end def check_for_command_collision(command_match, arg_string); end def command_block; end def command_block=(arg0); end def command_name; end def command_options; end def command_set; end def command_set=(arg0); end def commands; end def complete(search); end def context; end def context=(arg0); end def correct_arg_arity(arity, args); end def dependencies_met?; end def description; end def eval_string; end def eval_string=(arg0); end def initialize(context = nil); end def interpolate_string(str); end def match; end def name; end def output; end def output=(arg0); end def pass_block(arg_string); end def process_line(line); end def run(command_string, *args); end def self.banner(arg = nil); end def self.block; end def self.block=(arg0); end def self.command_name; end def self.command_options(arg = nil); end def self.command_options=(arg0); end def self.command_regex; end def self.convert_to_regex(obj); end def self.default_options(match); end def self.description(arg = nil); end def self.description=(arg0); end def self.doc; end def self.file; end def self.group(name = nil); end def self.hooks; end def self.inspect; end def self.line; end def self.match(arg = nil); end def self.match=(arg0); end def self.match_score(val); end def self.matches?(val); end def self.name; end def self.options(arg = nil); end def self.options=(arg0); end def self.source; end def self.source_file; end def self.source_line; end def self.source_location; end def self.subclass(match, description, options, helpers, &block); end def source; end def source_location; end def state; end def target; end def target=(arg0); end def target_self; end def text; end def tokenize(val); end def void; end extend Pry::CodeObject::Helpers extend Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers include Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers end class Pry::BlockCommand < Pry::Command def call(*args); end def help; end def opts; end end class Pry::ClassCommand < Pry::Command def args; end def args=(arg0); end def call(*args); end def complete(search); end def help; end def options(opt); end def opts; end def opts=(arg0); end def process; end def self.doc; end def self.file; end def self.inherited(klass); end def self.line; end def self.source; end def self.source_file; end def self.source_line; end def self.source_location; end def self.source_object; end def setup; end def slop; end def subcommands(cmd); end end class Pry::NoCommandError < StandardError def initialize(match, owner); end end class Pry::CommandSet def [](val); end def add_command(command); end def after_command(search, &block); end def alias_command(match, action, options = nil); end def before_command(search, &block); end def block_command(match, description = nil, options = nil, &block); end def command(match, description = nil, options = nil, &block); end def commands; end def complete(search, context = nil); end def create_command(match, description = nil, options = nil, &block); end def delete(*searches); end def desc(search, description = nil); end def disabled_command(name_of_disabled_command, message, matcher = nil); end def each(&block); end def find_command(val); end def find_command_by_match_or_listing(match_or_listing); end def find_command_for_help(search); end def helper_module; end def helpers(&block); end def import(*sets); end def import_from(set, *matches); end def initialize(*imported_sets, &block); end def list_commands; end def process_line(val, context = nil); end def rename_command(new_match, search, options = nil); end def run_command(context, match, *args); end def valid_command?(val); end include Enumerable include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers end class Pry::Result def command?; end def initialize(is_command, retval = nil); end def retval; end def void_command?; end end class Pry::Command::Bang < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::Whereami < Pry::ClassCommand def bad_option_combination?; end def class_code; end def code; end def code?; end def code_window; end def default_code; end def expand_path(f); end def handle_internal_binding; end def location; end def marker; end def method_code; end def nothing_to_do?; end def options(opt); end def process; end def self.method_size_cutoff; end def self.method_size_cutoff=(arg0); end def setup; end def small_method?; end def top_level?; end def use_line_numbers?; end def valid_method?; end def window_size; end end class Pry::Command::Cd < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::ShowInput < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::GemOpen < Pry::ClassCommand def complete(str); end def process(gem); end end class Pry::Command::ShellMode < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::Help < Pry::ClassCommand def command_groups; end def display_command(command); end def display_filtered_commands(search); end def display_filtered_search_results(search); end def display_index(groups); end def display_search(search); end def group_sort_key(group_name); end def help_text_for_commands(name, commands); end def normalize(key); end def process; end def search_hash(search, hash); end def sorted_commands(commands); end def sorted_group_names(groups); end def visible_commands; end end class Pry::Command::Exit < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end def process_pop_and_return; end end class Pry::Command::InstallCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def process(name); end end class Pry::Command::ExitAll < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::Gist < Pry::ClassCommand def clipboard_content(content); end def comment_expression_result_for_gist(result); end def gist_content(content, filename); end def input_content; end def options(opt); end def process; end def setup; end end class Pry::Command::Stat < Pry::ClassCommand def options(opt); end def process; end end class Pry::Command::Version < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::RaiseUp < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::Ri < Pry::ClassCommand def process(spec); end end class Pry::Command::Edit < Pry::ClassCommand def apply_runtime_patch; end def bad_option_combination?; end def code_object; end def complete(search); end def ensure_file_name_is_valid(file_name); end def file_and_line; end def file_and_line_for_current_exception; end def file_based_exception?; end def file_edit; end def filename_argument; end def initial_temp_file_content; end def input_expression; end def never_reload?; end def options(opt); end def patch_exception?; end def probably_a_file?(str); end def process; end def pry_method?(code_object); end def reload?(file_name = nil); end def reloadable?; end def repl_edit; end def repl_edit?; end def repl_reload?; end def runtime_patch?; end end class Pry::Command::Edit::MethodPatcher def _pry_; end def _pry_=(arg0); end def adjusted_lines; end def code_object; end def code_object=(arg0); end def definition_line_for_owner(line); end def initialize(_pry_, code_object); end def patched_code; end def perform_patch; end def with_method_transaction; end def wrap(source); end def wrap_for_nesting(source); end def wrap_for_owner(source); end end class Pry::Command::Edit::ExceptionPatcher def _pry_; end def _pry_=(arg0); end def file_and_line; end def file_and_line=(arg0); end def initialize(_pry_, state, exception_file_and_line); end def perform_patch; end def state; end def state=(arg0); end end module Pry::Command::Edit::FileAndLineLocator def self.from_binding(target); end def self.from_code_object(code_object, filename_argument); end def self.from_exception(exception, backtrace_level); end def self.from_filename_argument(filename_argument); end end class Pry::Command::SimplePrompt < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::CodeCollector def _pry_; end def _pry_=(arg0); end def args; end def args=(arg0); end def bad_option_combination?; end def code_object; end def code_object_doc; end def code_object_source_or_file; end def content; end def convert_to_range(n); end def could_not_locate(name); end def file; end def file=(arg0); end def file_content; end def initialize(args, opts, _pry_); end def line_range; end def obj_name; end def opts; end def opts=(arg0); end def pry_array_content_as_string(array, ranges, &block); end def pry_input_content; end def pry_output_content; end def restrict_to_lines(content, range); end def self.inject_options(opt); end def self.input_expression_ranges; end def self.input_expression_ranges=(arg0); end def self.output_result_ranges; end def self.output_result_ranges=(arg0); end include Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers end class Pry::Command::SaveFile < Pry::ClassCommand def display_content; end def file_name; end def mode; end def options(opt); end def process; end def save_file; end end class Pry::Command::Play < Pry::ClassCommand def content; end def default_file; end def file_content; end def options(opt); end def perform_play; end def process; end def should_use_default_file?; end end class Pry::Command::ToggleColor < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::FindMethod < Pry::ClassCommand def additional_info(header, method); end def content_search(namespace); end def matched_method_lines(header, method); end def name_search(namespace); end def options(opti); end def pattern; end def print_matches(matches); end def print_matches_for_class(klass, grouped); end def process; end def recurse_namespace(klass, done = nil, &block); end def search_all_methods(namespace); end def search_class; end def setup; end def show_search_results(matches); end extend Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers end class Pry::Command::ShowInfo < Pry::ClassCommand def code_object_header(code_object, line_num); end def code_object_with_accessible_source(code_object); end def complete(input); end def content_and_header_for_code_object(code_object); end def content_and_headers_for_all_module_candidates(mod); end def file_and_line_for(code_object); end def header(code_object); end def header_options; end def method_header(code_object, line_num); end def method_sections(code_object); end def module_header(code_object, line_num); end def no_definition_message; end def obj_name; end def options(opt); end def process; end def setup; end def show_all_modules?(code_object); end def start_line_for(code_object); end def use_line_numbers?; end def valid_superclass?(code_object); end extend Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers end class Pry::Command::ShowSource < Pry::Command::ShowInfo def content_for(code_object); end end class Pry::Command::Ls < Pry::ClassCommand def all_methods(obj, instance_methods = nil); end def below_ceiling(obj); end def color(type, str); end def colorized_assignment_style(lhs, rhs, desired_width = nil); end def format_constants(mod, constants); end def format_globals(globals); end def format_local_names(locals); end def format_locals(name_value_pairs); end def format_methods(methods); end def format_value(value); end def format_variables(type, vars); end def grep; end def grep_regex; end def has_user_specified_any_options; end def interrogating_a_module?; end def object_to_interrogate; end def options(opt); end def output_section(heading, body); end def process; end def raise_errors_if_arguments_are_weird; end def resolution_order(obj); end def rubbishness(name); end def trim_jruby_aliases(methods); end def write_out_constants; end def write_out_globals; end def write_out_ivars; end def write_out_local_names; end def write_out_locals; end def write_out_methods; end def write_out_self_methods; end end class Pry::Command::Cat < Pry::ClassCommand def complete(search); end def options(opt); end def process; end end class Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter def between_lines; end def code_type; end def decorate(content); end def use_line_numbers?; end include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers include Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers end class Pry::Command::Cat::InputExpressionFormatter < Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter def format; end def initialize(input_expressions, opts); end def input_expressions; end def input_expressions=(arg0); end def normalized_expression_range; end def numbered_input_items; end def opts; end def opts=(arg0); end def selected_input_items; end end class Pry::Command::Cat::ExceptionFormatter < Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter def _pry_; end def _pry_=(arg0); end def backtrace_file; end def backtrace_level; end def backtrace_line; end def check_for_errors; end def code_window_size; end def ex; end def ex=(arg0); end def format; end def header; end def increment_backtrace_level; end def initialize(exception, _pry_, opts); end def opts; end def opts=(arg0); end def start_and_end_line_for_code_window; end end class Pry::Command::Cat::FileFormatter < Pry::Command::Cat::AbstractFormatter def _pry_; end def _pry_=(arg0); end def code_type; end def code_window_size; end def decorate(content); end def detect_code_type_from_file(file_name); end def file_and_line; end def file_name; end def file_with_embedded_line; end def file_with_embedded_line=(arg0); end def format; end def initialize(file_with_embedded_line, _pry_, opts); end def line_number; end def opts; end def opts=(arg0); end end class Pry::Command::GemList < Pry::ClassCommand def process(pattern = nil); end end class Pry::Command::ExitProgram < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::ShowDoc < Pry::Command::ShowInfo def content_for(code_object); end def docs_for(code_object); end def header_options; end def render_doc_markup_for(code_object); end def start_line_for(code_object); end include Pry::Helpers::DocumentationHelpers end class Pry::Command::Reset < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::DisablePry < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::ImportSet < Pry::ClassCommand def process(command_set_name); end end class Pry::Command::FixIndent < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::Wtf < Pry::ClassCommand def backtrace; end def exception; end def options(opt); end def process; end def size_of_backtrace; end def with_line_numbers(bt); end end class Pry::Command::AmendLine < Pry::ClassCommand def amended_input(string); end def delete_from_array(array, range); end def insert_into_array(array, range); end def line_count; end def line_range; end def process; end def replace_in_array(array, range); end def start_and_end_line_number; end def zero_indexed_range_from_one_indexed_numbers(start_line_number, end_line_number); end end class Pry::Command::BangPry < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::ReloadCode < Pry::ClassCommand def check_for_reloadability(code_object); end def current_file; end def obj_name; end def process; end def reload_code_object(code_object); end def reload_current_file; end end class Pry::Command::Nesting < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end class Pry::Command::ShellCommand < Pry::ClassCommand def complete(search); end def process(cmd); end end class Pry::Command::GemCd < Pry::ClassCommand def complete(str); end def process(gem); end end class Pry::Command::JumpTo < Pry::ClassCommand def process(break_level); end end class Pry::Command::SwitchTo < Pry::ClassCommand def process(selection); end end class Pry::Command::GemInstall < Pry::ClassCommand def process(gem); end def setup; end end class Pry::Command::Hist < Pry::ClassCommand def check_for_juxtaposed_replay(replay_sequence); end def options(opt); end def process; end def process_clear; end def process_display; end def process_replay; end def process_save; end end class Pry::Command::PryBacktrace < Pry::ClassCommand def process; end end module Pry::BondCompleter def self.build_completion_proc(target, pry = nil, commands = nil); end def self.start; end end module Pry::InputCompleter def self.build_completion_proc(target, pry = nil, commands = nil); end def self.build_path(input); end def self.initialize_readline; end def self.select_message(path, receiver, message, candidates); end end class Pry::PluginManager def gem_located?(gem_name); end def initialize; end def load_plugins; end def locate_plugins; end def plugins; end end class Pry::PluginManager::NoPlugin def initialize(name); end def method_missing(*args); end end class Pry::PluginManager::Plugin def activate!; end def active; end def active=(arg0); end def active?; end def disable!; end def enable!; end def enabled; end def enabled=(arg0); end def enabled?; end def gem_name; end def gem_name=(arg0); end def initialize(name, gem_name, spec, enabled); end def load_cli_options; end def name; end def name=(arg0); end def spec; end def spec=(arg0); end end class Object < BasicObject def __binding__; end def pry(object = nil, hash = nil); end end class Pry::Config < OpenStruct def auto_indent; end def auto_indent=(arg0); end def collision_warning; end def collision_warning=(arg0); end def color; end def color=(arg0); end def command_prefix; end def command_prefix=(arg0); end def commands; end def commands=(arg0); end def completer; end def completer=(arg0); end def control_d_handler; end def control_d_handler=(arg0); end def correct_indent; end def correct_indent=(arg0); end def default_window_size; end def default_window_size=(arg0); end def disable_auto_reload; end def disable_auto_reload=(arg0); end def editor; end def editor=(arg0); end def exception_handler; end def exception_handler=(arg0); end def exception_whitelist; end def exception_whitelist=(arg0); end def extra_sticky_locals; end def extra_sticky_locals=(arg0); end def gist; end def gist=(arg0); end def history; end def history=(arg0); end def hooks; end def hooks=(v); end def input; end def input=(input); end def input_stack; end def input_stack=(arg0); end def memory_size; end def memory_size=(arg0); end def output; end def output=(arg0); end def pager; end def pager=(arg0); end def plugins; end def plugins=(arg0); end def print; end def print=(arg0); end def prompt; end def prompt=(arg0); end def prompt_name; end def prompt_name=(arg0); end def requires; end def requires=(arg0); end def should_load_local_rc; end def should_load_local_rc=(arg0); end def should_load_plugins; end def should_load_plugins=(arg0); end def should_load_rc; end def should_load_rc=(arg0); end def should_load_requires; end def should_load_requires=(arg0); end def should_trap_interrupts; end def should_trap_interrupts=(arg0); end def system; end def system=(arg0); end end class Pry::Indent def correct_indentation(prompt, code, overhang = nil); end def current_prefix; end def end_of_statement?(last_token, last_kind); end def in_string?; end def indent(input); end def indent_level; end def indentation_delta(tokens); end def initialize; end def module_nesting; end def open_delimiters; end def open_delimiters_line; end def reset; end def self.indent(str); end def self.nesting_at(str, line_number); end def stack; end def tokenize(string); end def track_delimiter(token); end def track_module_nesting(token, kind); end def track_module_nesting_end(token, kind = nil); end include Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers end class Pry::Indent::UnparseableNestingError < StandardError end class Pry::CLI def self.add_options(&block); end def self.add_plugin_options; end def self.input_args; end def self.input_args=(arg0); end def self.option_processors; end def self.option_processors=(arg0); end def self.options; end def self.options=(arg0); end def self.parse_options(args = nil); end def self.process_options(&block); end def self.reset; end end class Pry::CLI::NoOptionsError < StandardError end class Slop::Option def argument?; end def as?; end def autocreated?; end def callback?; end def default?; end def delimiter?; end def limit?; end def match?; end def optional?; end def optional_argument?; end def required?; end def tail?; end end class Pry::Pager def initialize(text); end def self.page(text, pager = nil); end def self.page_size; end end class Pry::Pager::SimplePager < Pry::Pager def page; end end class Pry::Pager::SystemPager < Pry::Pager def initialize(*arg0); end def page; end def self.available?; end def self.default_pager; end end class Pry::Terminal def self.actual_screen_size; end def self.height!; end def self.nonzero_column?(size); end def self.screen_size; end def self.screen_size_according_to_ansicon_env; end def self.screen_size_according_to_env; end def self.screen_size_according_to_io_console; end def self.screen_size_according_to_readline; end def self.size!(default = nil); end def self.width!; end end class Pry::Editor def self.blocking_flag_for_editor(blocking); end def self.build_editor_invocation_string(file, line, blocking); end def self.edit_tempfile_with_content(initial_content, line = nil); end def self.editor_name; end def self.invoke_editor(file, line, blocking = nil); end def self.open_editor(editor_invocation); end def self.open_editor_on_jruby(editor_invocation); end def self.start_line_syntax_for_editor(file_name, line_number); end extend Pry::Helpers::BaseHelpers extend Pry::Helpers::CommandHelpers end module Pry::Rubygem def self.complete(so_far); end def self.install(name); end def self.installed?(name); end def self.list(pattern = nil); end def self.spec(name); end end module Pry::RescuableException def self.===(exception); end end module Pry::UserError end module Pry::TooSafeException def self.===(exception); end end class Pry::CommandError < StandardError end class Pry::MethodNotFound < Pry::CommandError end class Pry::ObsoleteError < StandardError end module Pry::ExtendCommandBundle end