# Change log ## master - **Merge in abstract_notifier** ([@palkan][]) [Abstract Notifier](https://github.com/palkan/abstract_notifier) is now a part of Active Delivery. - Add ability to specify delivery actions explicitly and disable implicit proxying. ([@palkan][]) You can disable default Active Delivery behaviour of proxying action methods to underlying lines via the `ActiveDelivery.deliver_actions_required = true` configuration option. Then, in each delivery class, you can specify the available actions via the `.delivers` method: ```ruby class PostMailer < ApplicationMailer def published(post) # ... end def whatever(post) # ... end end ActiveDelivery.deliver_actions_required = true class PostDelivery < ApplicationDelivery delivers :published end PostDelivery.published(post) #=> ok PostDelivery.whatever(post) #=> raises NoMethodError ``` - Add `#deliver_via(*lines)` RSpec matcher. ([@palkan][]) - Provide ActionMailer-like interface to trigger notifications. ([@palkan][]) Now you can send notifications as follows: ```ruby MyDelivery.with(user:).new_notification(payload).deliver_later # Equals to the old (and still supported) MyDelivery.with(user:).notify(:new_notification, payload) ``` - Support passing a string class name as a handler class. ([@palkan][]) - Allow disabled handler classes cache and do not cache when Rails cache_classes is false. ([@palkan][]) - Add `skip_{before,around,after}_notify` support. ([@palkan][]) - Rails <6 is no longer supported. - Ruby 2.7+ is required. ## 0.4.4 (2020-09-01) - Added `ActiveDelivery::Base.unregister_line` ([@thornomad][]) ## 0.4.3 (2020-08-21) - Fix parameterized mailers support in Rails >= 5.0, <5.2 ([@dmitryzuev][]) ## 0.4.2 (2020-04-28) - Allow resolve mailer class with custom pattern ([@brovikov][]) ## 0.4.1 (2020-04-22) - Fixed TestDelivery fiber support. ([@pauldub](https://github.com/pauldub)) ## 0.4.0 (2020-03-02) - **Drop Ruby 2.4 support**. ([@palkan][]) - Allow passing keyword arguments to `notify`. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.3.1 (2020-02-21) - Fixed RSpec detection. ([@palkan][]) - Add note about usage with Spring. ([@iBublik][]) ## 0.3.0 (2019-12-25) - Add support of :only, :except params for callbacks. ([@curpeng][]) - Add negation rspec matcher: `have_not_delivered_to`. ([@StanisLove](https://github.com/stanislove)) - Improve RSpec matcher's failure message. ([@iBublik][]) ## 0.2.1 (2018-01-15) - Backport `ActionMailer::Paremeterized` for Rails <5. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.2.0 (2018-01-11) - Add `#notification_name`. ([@palkan][]) - Support anonymous callbacks. ([@palkan][]) ## 0.1.0 (2018-12-20) Initial version. [@palkan]: https://github.com/palkan [@curpeng]: https://github.com/curpeng [@iBublik]: https://github.com/ibublik [@brovikov]: https://github.com/brovikov [@dmitryzuev]: https://github.com/dmitryzuev [@thornomad]: https://github.com/thornomad