%link{href: "skin/blue.monday/jplayer.blue.monday.css", rel: 'stylesheet', type: 'text/css'} %script{src: 'js/jquery.jplayer.min.js', type: 'text/javascript'} %br %br .row #jquery_jplayer_1.jp-jplayer.center #jp_container_1.jp-audio.center .jp-type-single .jp-gui.jp-interface %ul.jp-controls %li %a.jp-play{:href => "javascript:;", :tabindex => "1"} play %li %a.jp-pause{:href => "javascript:;", :tabindex => "1"} pause %li %a.jp-stop{:href => "javascript:;", :tabindex => "1"} stop %li %a.jp-mute{:href => "javascript:;", :tabindex => "1", :title => "mute"} mute %li %a.jp-unmute{:href => "javascript:;", :tabindex => "1", :title => "unmute"} unmute %li %a.jp-volume-max{:href => "javascript:;", :tabindex => "1", :title => "max volume"} max volume .jp-progress .jp-seek-bar .jp-play-bar .jp-volume-bar .jp-volume-bar-value .jp-time-holder .jp-current-time .jp-duration %ul.jp-toggles %li %a.jp-repeat{:href => "javascript:;", :tabindex => "1", :title => "repeat"} repeat %li %a.jp-repeat-off{:href => "javascript:;", :tabindex => "1", :title => "repeat off"} repeat off .jp-title %ul %li= @short['name'] %li= @short['description'] .jp-no-solution %span Update Required To play the media you will need to either update your browser to a recent version or update your = succeed "." do %a{:href => "http://get.adobe.com/flashplayer/", :target => "_blank"} Flash plugin :javascript $("#jquery_jplayer_1").jPlayer({ ready: function () { $(this).jPlayer("setMedia", { #{@short['extension']}: "#{@short['url']}", }); }, play: function() { // To avoid both jPlayers playing together. $(this).jPlayer("pauseOthers"); }, repeat: function(event) { // Override the default jPlayer repeat event handler if(event.jPlayer.options.loop) { $(this).unbind(".jPlayerRepeat").unbind(".jPlayerNext"); $(this).bind($.jPlayer.event.ended + ".jPlayer.jPlayerRepeat", function() { $(this).jPlayer("play"); }); } else { $(this).unbind(".jPlayerRepeat").unbind(".jPlayerNext"); $(this).bind($.jPlayer.event.ended + ".jPlayer.jPlayerNext", function() { $("#jquery_jplayer_2").jPlayer("play", 0); }); } }, swfPath: "/flash", supplied: "#{@short['extension']}", wmode: "window" });