#!/usr/bin/ruby require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/command_line/arguments' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/base/log_parser' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/base/record_inserter' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/rails_analyzer/log_parser' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/rails_analyzer/record_inserter' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/bashcolorizer' require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../lib/ruby-progressbar/progressbar.rb' puts "Rails log parser, by Willem van Bergen and Bart ten Brinke\n\n" begin $arguments = CommandLine::Arguments.parse do |command_line| command_line.switch(:guess_database_time, :g) command_line.switch(:reset_database, :r) command_line.flag(:database, :alias => :d, :required => false) command_line.required_files = 1 end rescue CommandLine::Error => e puts "ARGUMENT ERROR: " + e.message puts puts "Usage: ruby parsetodb.rb [LOGFILES*] " puts puts "Options:" puts " --database, -t: The database file to use" puts " --reset-database, -r: Resets the database before inserting new records" puts " --guess-database-time, -g: Guesses the database duration of requests" puts puts "Examples:" puts " ./parsetodb.rb development.log" puts " ./parsetodb.rb mongrel.0.log mongrel.1.log mongrel.2.log -g -d mongrel.db" puts exit(0) end log_files = $arguments.files db_file = $arguments[:database] || log_files.first + '.db' if $arguments[:reset_database] && File.exist?(db_file) File.delete(db_file) puts "Database file cleared." end records_inserted = 0 inserter = RailsAnalyzer::RecordInserter.insert_batch_into(db_file) do |db| log_files.each do |log_file| puts "Processing all log lines from #{log_file}..." parser = RailsAnalyzer::LogParser.new(log_file) pbar = ProgressBar.new(green(log_file), File.size(log_file)) parser.progress { |pos, total| (pos == :finished) ? pbar.finish : pbar.set(pos) } parser.each do |request| db.insert(request) records_inserted += 1 end end if $arguments[:guess_database_time] puts "Calculating database times..." db.calculate_db_durations! end end started = inserter.count(:started) completed = inserter.count(:completed) failed = inserter.count(:failed) puts puts "Inserted #{records_inserted} records from #{log_files.length} files." puts "Parse warnings: #{inserter.warning_count}. Check the parse_warnings table in the database for details." puts puts "Requests started: #{started}" puts "Requests completed: #{completed}" puts "Requests failed: #{failed}"