# English Language files for RwdTinker core msgid "error_message_id_unknown" msgstr "ERROR: Message-ID Unknown" msgid "applet_installed" msgstr '"applet installed!"' msgid "application_version" msgstr "Application Version" msgid "cancel" msgstr "Cancel" msgid "clickfor_version" msgstr "Click for Version" msgid "clickbelowtoviewlistof_zip" msgstr "click below to view lists of zips" msgid "diagnostic_tab" msgstr "Diagnostic Tab" msgid "documents" msgstr "Documents" msgid "edit" msgstr "edit" msgid "file_name" msgstr "File Name:" msgid "fill_record" msgstr "Fill Record" msgid "help" msgstr "Help" msgid "help_about" msgstr '"Help About"' msgid "install_applet" msgstr '"install (rwdtinker) applet"' msgid "jumptoapplication_location" msgstr '"Jump to Application Location"' msgid "list_applets" msgstr '"Remove Applets"' msgid "listappletsinthegem_directory" msgstr '"List applets in the Gem Directory"' msgid "listappletsavailablefor_installation" msgstr '"List applets available for installation"' msgid "list_files" msgstr '"List Files"' msgid "list_installed_gems " msgstr '"List installed Gems"' msgid "list_photos" msgstr '"List Photos"' msgid "list_zips" msgstr '"List Zips"' msgid "listzipdirappletsavailable" msgstr '"List (zip directory) applets available for installation"' msgid "localechangertablabel" msgstr '"Locale Changer"' msgid "locale_changer_help" msgstr "You can change the locale on this tab
Click on Show Locale Choices to fill in the pull down options
When you click on Change Locale Now the entire GUI will be reloaded" msgid "menu_panel" msgstr '"Menu Panel"' msgid "module_unknown" msgstr '"Unknown Module"' msgid "next" msgstr "Next" msgid "open" msgstr "Open" msgid "open_document" msgstr '"Open Document"' msgid "openselectedhelp_about" msgstr '"Open selected help about"' msgid "reload_variables" msgstr '"Reload Variables"' msgid "remove_applet" msgstr '"remove applet"' msgid "return" msgstr "Return" msgid "rwdtinker_window_2" msgstr '"RwdTinker Window 2"' msgid "rwdtinker" msgstr "RwdTinker" msgid "rwdtinker_back_window" msgstr '"RwdTinker Back Window"' msgid "rwdtinker_help" msgstr '"RwdTinker Help"' msgid "rwdtinker_help_window" msgstr '"RwdTinker Help Window"' msgid "showjump_links" msgstr '"Show Jump Links"' msgid "showdocument_list" msgstr '"Show Document List"' msgid "showhelpabout_links" msgstr '"Show Help About Links"' msgid "save" msgstr "Save" msgid "save_changes" msgstr '"Save Changes"' msgid "selection_panel" msgstr '"Menu Panel"' msgid "selection_tab" msgstr '"Menu Tab"' msgid "tinkercoreshowlocale_choices" msgstr '"Show Locale Choices"' msgid "tinkercorechangelocale" msgstr '"Change Locale Now"' msgid "tinker_logo" msgstr '"Tinker Logo"' msgid "tinkerback_window" msgstr '"Tinker Back Window"' msgid "viewapplet_contents" msgstr '"View Applet Contents"' msgid "viewalreadyinstalled_applications" msgstr '"View already installed GEM applications"' msgid "viewinstalled_text" msgstr '"View Install Text"' msgid "view_platform" msgstr '"view platform"' msgid "viewplatform_information" msgstr '"View Platform Information"' msgid "viewlogger_information" msgstr '"View Logger Information"' msgid "view_event" msgstr '"View event"' msgid "viewinstall_text" msgstr '"View Install Text"' msgid "viewlistinstall_files" msgstr '"View List of Installed Files"' msgid "view_photo" msgstr '"View Photo"' msgid "window" msgstr "Window" msgid "message_general_help" msgstr "rwdtinker is the core application for the rwdapplications. On the front screen you can view documents and make menu choices. On the back screen you will find:

You can work with Applets: go to Selection tab,
On that back screen you will find:
List Applets: you can see and delete installed applets
List Zips: you can see lists of applets that you can install
Edit Configuration: You can view the rwdtinker configuration and change it
Diagnostic Tab: You can view the environments variables that rwdtinker is running with