# English Language files for RwdTinker core
 msgid "error_message_id_unknown"
 msgstr "ERROR: Message-ID Unknown"
  msgid "applet_installed"  
  msgstr '"applet installed!"'
  msgid "application_version"   
msgstr  "Application Version"
   msgid "cancel" 
   msgstr  "Cancel"
  msgid "clickfor_version"  
  msgstr  "Click for Version" 
  msgid "clickbelowtoviewlistof_zip" 
  msgstr  "click below to view lists of zips"
  msgid "diagnostic_tab"
   msgstr  "Diagnostic Tab"
  msgid "documents"     
  msgstr  "Documents"

msgid "edit"    
  msgstr    "edit"  

msgid "file_name"   
  msgstr  "File Name:"
  msgid "fill_record"   
  msgstr  "Fill Record"
  msgid "help"    
    msgstr  "Help"
  msgid "help_about"  
  msgstr  '"Help About"'
  msgid "install_applet"   
    msgstr  '"install (rwdtinker) applet"'  
  msgid "jumptoapplication_location"   
    msgstr  '"Jump to Application Location"' 
  msgid "list_applets"    
  msgstr  '"Remove Applets"'
  msgid "listappletsinthegem_directory" 
  msgstr  '"List applets in the Gem Directory"'
  msgid "listappletsavailablefor_installation" 
  msgstr  '"List applets available for installation"'   
   msgid "list_files"  
   msgstr  '"List Files"'      
   msgid "list_installed_gems "     
   msgstr  '"List installed Gems"'   
  msgid "list_photos"   
  msgstr  '"List Photos"'
  msgid "list_zips"    
  msgstr  '"List Zips"'
  msgid "listzipdirappletsavailable"  
  msgstr  '"List (zip directory) applets available for installation"'
  msgid "localechangertablabel"
   msgstr  '"Locale Changer"'
    msgid "locale_changer_help"
    msgstr  "You can change the locale on this tab<br>Click on Show Locale Choices to fill in  the pull down options<br>When you click on Change Locale Now the entire GUI will be reloaded" 
  msgid "menu_panel"     
  msgstr  '"Menu Panel"'
  msgid "module_unknown"   
  msgstr  '"Unknown Module"'
  msgid "next"    
  msgstr  "Next"
  msgid "open"   
  msgstr  "Open"
  msgid "open_document"    
 msgstr  '"Open Document"'

  msgid "openselectedhelp_about"  
  msgstr  '"Open selected help about"'
  msgid "reload_variables"   
  msgstr  '"Reload Variables"' 
  msgid "remove_applet"  
  msgstr   '"remove applet"'
  msgid "return"   
  msgstr  "Return"
  msgid "rwdtinker_window_2"    
  msgstr  '"RwdTinker Window 2"'
  msgid "rwdtinker"   
  msgstr  "RwdTinker"
  msgid "rwdtinker_back_window"  
  msgstr  '"RwdTinker Back Window"'
  msgid "rwdtinker_help"    
  msgstr  '"RwdTinker Help"'
  msgid "rwdtinker_help_window"   
  msgstr  '"RwdTinker Help Window"'
  msgid "showjump_links"  
  msgstr  '"Show Jump Links"'

msgid "showdocument_list"  
  msgstr  '"Show Document List"'

msgid "showhelpabout_links"  
    msgstr  '"Show Help About Links"'
  msgid "save"
  msgstr  "Save"    

msgid "save_changes"     
  msgstr  '"Save Changes"'

msgid "selection_panel"  
  msgstr  '"Menu Panel"'

msgid "selection_tab" 
  msgstr  '"Menu Tab"'

msgid "tinkercoreshowlocale_choices"
 msgstr  '"Show Locale Choices"'
msgid "tinkercorechangelocale"
 msgstr  '"Change Locale Now"'

msgid "tinker_logo"
  msgstr  '"Tinker Logo"'

msgid "tinkerback_window"  
msgstr  '"Tinker Back Window"'

msgid "viewapplet_contents" 
  msgstr  '"View Applet Contents"'

msgid "viewalreadyinstalled_applications"   
msgstr  '"View already installed GEM applications"'

msgid "viewinstalled_text"  
  msgstr  '"View Install Text"' 

msgid "view_platform"   
  msgstr  '"view platform"' 

msgid "viewplatform_information"   
  msgstr  '"View Platform Information"'  

msgid "viewlogger_information"    
msgstr  '"View Logger Information"'  

msgid "view_event"   
  msgstr  '"View event"'     

msgid "viewinstall_text"  
msgstr  '"View Install Text"'   

  msgid "viewlistinstall_files"   
  msgstr  '"View List of Installed Files"' 
 msgid "view_photo"   
  msgstr  '"View Photo"'  

 msgid "window"    
  msgstr  "Window"   

 msgid "message_general_help"
 msgstr "rwdtinker is the core application for the
                       rwdapplications. On the front screen you can view
                       documents and make menu choices.  On the back 
                       screen you will find:<p>
                       You can work with Applets:  go to Selection tab, <br>
                                  On that back screen you will find:<br>
                                  List Applets:  you can see and delete installed applets<br>
                                  List Zips: you can see lists of applets that you can install<br>
                                  Edit Configuration: You can view the rwdtinker configuration and change it<br>
                                  Diagnostic Tab: You can view the environments variables that rwdtinker is running with<br>"