require './lib/ffi-gdal' require 'narray' #dir = '../../agrian/gis_engine/test/test_files' #name = 'empty_red_image.tif' #name = 'empty_black_image.tif' #dir = '~/Desktop/geotiffs' #name = 'NDVI20000201032.tif' #name = 'NDVI20000701183.tif' #name = '' #name = 'NDVI20000401092.tif' #dir = './spec/support' #name = 'google_earth_test.jpg' #name = 'compassdata_gcparchive_google_earth.kmz' #dir = './spec/support/aaron/Floyd' #name = 'Floyd_1058_20140612_NRGB.tif' #name = 'Floyd_1058_20140612_RGBNRGB.bmp' #name = 'Floyd_1058_20140612_RGBNRGB.jpg' dir = './spec/support/images/Harper' name = 'Harper_1058_20140612_NRGB.tif' #dir = './spec/support/osgeo' #name = 'c41078a1.tif' filename = File.expand_path(name, dir) dataset =, 'r') abort('No raster bands') if dataset.raster_count == 0 GDAL.log "raster count: #{dataset.raster_count}" def raster_stuff(band) GDAL.log "x size: #{band.x_size}" GDAL.log "y size: #{band.y_size}" GDAL.log "min: #{band.minimum_value}" GDAL.log "max: #{band.maximum_value}" GDAL.log "block size: #{band.block_size}" GDAL.log "color interp: #{band.color_interpretation}" lines = [] band.readlines do |line| lines << line end GDAL.log "line height: #{lines.size}" lines end bands = [] 1.upto(dataset.raster_count) do |i| GDAL.log "Checking band #{i}" band = dataset.raster_band(i) GDAL.log "* color interp: #{band.color_interpretation}" if %i[GCI_RedBand GCI_Undefined].include? band.color_interpretation bands << { band: band, array: NArray.to_na(raster_stuff(dataset.raster_band(i))) } end end red = bands.find { |hash| hash[:band].color_interpretation == :GCI_RedBand } nir = bands.find { |hash| hash[:band].color_interpretation == :GCI_Undefined } if nir.nil? abort 'No near-infrared band found!' end ndvi = (nir[:array] - red[:array]) / (nir[:array] + red[:array]) GDAL.log "NDVI array created" GDAL.log dataset.driver.long_name GDAL.log dataset.driver.all_metadata[:DEFAULT]["DCAP_CREATE"] dataset.driver.create_dataset('testie.tif', ndvi.sizes.first, ndvi.sizes.last) do |out_dataset| GDAL.log "raster count: #{out_dataset.raster_count}" out_band = out_dataset.raster_band(1) out_band.write_array(ndvi) # need to add metadata and raster data # end