require 'test_helper' require 'roar/json/json_api' require 'json' class JSONAPITest < MiniTest::Spec let(:song) { s = bla: "halo", id: "1", title: 'Computadores Fazem Arte', album: 9, title: "Hackers"), :album_id => "9", :musician_ids => ["1","2"], :composer_id => "10", :listener_ids => ["8"], musicians: [ 1, name: "Eddie Van Halen"), 2, name: "Greg Howe")] ) } # minimal resource, singular module MinimalSingular include Roar::JSON::JSONAPI type :songs property :id end class MinimalSingularDecorator < Roar::Decorator include Roar::JSON::JSONAPI type :songs property :id end [MinimalSingular, MinimalSingularDecorator].each do |representer| describe "minimal singular with #{representer}" do subject { representer.prepare(song) } it { subject.to_json.must_equal "{\"songs\":{\"id\":\"1\"}}" } it { subject.from_json("{\"songs\":{\"id\":\"2\"}}").id.must_equal "2" } end end module Singular include Roar::JSON::JSONAPI type :songs property :id property :title # local per-model "id" links links do property :album_id, :as => :album collection :musician_ids, :as => :musicians end has_one :composer has_many :listeners # global document links. link "songs.album" do { type: "album", href: "{songs.album}" } end compound do property :album do property :title end collection :musicians do property :name end end end class SingularDecorator < Roar::Decorator include Roar::JSON::JSONAPI type :songs property :id property :title # local per-model "id" links links do property :album_id, :as => :album collection :musician_ids, :as => :musicians end has_one :composer has_many :listeners # global document links. link "songs.album" do { type: "album", href: "{songs.album}" } end compound do property :album do property :title end collection :musicians do property :name end end end [Singular, SingularDecorator].each do |representer| describe "singular with #{representer}" do subject { song.extend(Singular) } let (:document) do { "songs" => { "id" => "1", "title" => "Computadores Fazem Arte", "links" => { "album" => "9", "musicians" => [ "1", "2" ], "composer"=>"10", "listeners"=>["8"] } }, "links" => { "songs.album"=> { "href"=>"{songs.album}", "type"=>"album" } }, "linked" => { "album"=> [{"title"=>"Hackers"}], "musicians"=> [ {"name"=>"Eddie Van Halen"}, {"name"=>"Greg Howe"} ] } } end # to_hash it do subject.to_hash.must_equal document end # #to_json it do subject.to_json.must_equal JSON.generate(document) end # #from_json it do song = song.from_json( JSON.generate( { "songs" => { "id" => "1", "title" => "Computadores Fazem Arte", "links" => { "album" => "9", "musicians" => [ "1", "2" ], "composer"=>"10", "listeners"=>["8"] } }, "links" => { "songs.album"=> { "href"=>"{songs.album}", "type"=>"album" } } } ) ) "1" song.title.must_equal "Computadores Fazem Arte" song.album_id.must_equal "9" song.musician_ids.must_equal ["1", "2"] song.composer_id.must_equal "10" song.listener_ids.must_equal ["8"] end end end # collection with links [Singular, SingularDecorator].each do |representer| describe "collection with links and compound" do subject { Singular.for_collection.prepare([song, song]) } let (:document) do { "songs" => [ { "id" => "1", "title" => "Computadores Fazem Arte", "links" => { "album" => "9", "musicians" => [ "1", "2" ], "composer"=>"10", "listeners"=>["8"] } }, { "id" => "1", "title" => "Computadores Fazem Arte", "links" => { "album" => "9", "musicians" => [ "1", "2" ], "composer"=>"10", "listeners"=>["8"] } } ], "links" => { "songs.album" => { "href" => "{songs.album}", "type" => "album" # DISCUSS: does that have to be albums ? }, }, "linked"=>{ "album" =>[{"title"=>"Hackers"}], # only once! "musicians"=>[{"name"=>"Eddie Van Halen"}, {"name"=>"Greg Howe"}] } } end # to_hash it do subject.to_hash.must_equal document end # #to_json it { subject.to_json.must_equal JSON.generate(document) } end # from_json it do song1, song2 = Singular.for_collection.prepare([,]).from_json( JSON.generate( { "songs" => [ { "id" => "1", "title" => "Computadores Fazem Arte", "links" => { "album" => "9", "musicians" => [ "1", "2" ], "composer"=>"10", "listeners"=>["8"] }, }, { "id" => "2", "title" => "Talking To Remind Me", "links" => { "album" => "1", "musicians" => [ "3", "4" ], "composer"=>"2", "listeners"=>["6"] } }, ], "links" => { "songs.album"=> { "href"=>"{songs.album}", "type"=>"album" } } } ) ) "1" song1.title.must_equal "Computadores Fazem Arte" song1.album_id.must_equal "9" song1.musician_ids.must_equal ["1", "2"] song1.composer_id.must_equal "10" song1.listener_ids.must_equal ["8"] "2" song2.title.must_equal "Talking To Remind Me" song2.album_id.must_equal "1" song2.musician_ids.must_equal ["3", "4"] song2.composer_id.must_equal "2" song2.listener_ids.must_equal ["6"] end end class CollectionWithoutCompound < self module Representer include Roar::JSON::JSONAPI type :songs property :id property :title # local per-model "id" links links do property :album_id, :as => :album collection :musician_ids, :as => :musicians end has_one :composer has_many :listeners # global document links. link "songs.album" do { type: "album", href: "{songs.album}" } end end subject { [song, song].extend(Singular.for_collection) } # to_json it do subject.extend(Representer.for_collection).to_hash.must_equal( { "songs"=>[{"id"=>"1", "title"=>"Computadores Fazem Arte", "links"=>{"album"=>"9", "musicians"=>["1", "2"], "composer"=>"10", "listeners"=>["8"]}}, {"id"=>"1", "title"=>"Computadores Fazem Arte", "links"=>{"album"=>"9", "musicians"=>["1", "2"], "composer"=>"10", "listeners"=>["8"]}}], "links"=>{"songs.album"=>{"href"=>"{songs.album}", "type"=>"album"} } } ) end end class ExplicitMeta < self module Representer include Roar::JSON::JSONAPI type :songs property :id meta do property :page end end module Page def page 2 end end let (:song) { } subject { [song, song].extend(Representer.for_collection).extend(Page) } # to_json it do subject.to_hash.must_equal( { "songs"=>[{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>1}], "meta" =>{"page"=>2} } ) end end class ImplicitMeta < self module Representer include Roar::JSON::JSONAPI type :songs property :id end let (:song) { } subject { [song, song].extend(Representer.for_collection) } # to_json it do subject.to_hash("meta" => {"page" => 2}).must_equal( { "songs"=>[{"id"=>1}, {"id"=>1}], "meta" =>{"page"=>2} } ) end end end