require 'checks/base_check' #Check for bypassing mass assignment protection #with without_protection => true # #Only for Rails 3.1 class CheckWithoutProtection < BaseCheck Checks.add self def run_check if mass_assign_disabled? tracker or version_between? "0.0.0", "3.0.99" return end models = [] tracker.models.each do |name, m| if parent?(tracker, m, :"ActiveRecord::Base") models << name end end return if models.empty? @results = calls = tracker.find_call models, [:new, :attributes=, :update_attribute, :update_attributes, :update_attributes!, :create, :create!] calls.each do |result| process result end end #All results should be or Model.attributes=() calls def process_result res call = res[-1] last_arg = call[3][-1] if hash? last_arg and not @results.include? call hash_iterate(last_arg) do |k,v| if symbol? k and k[1] == :without_protection and v[0] == :true @results << call if include_user_input? call[3] confidence = CONFIDENCE[:high] else confidence = CONFIDENCE[:med] end warn :result => res, :warning_type => "Mass Assignment", :message => "Unprotected mass assignment", :line => call.line, :code => call, :confidence => confidence break end end end res end end