## Google APIs A thin layer on top of [Google::APIClient](https://github.com/google/google-api-ruby-client) for a more intuitive way of working (e.g. with BigQuery) ### Installation Add `GoogleApis` in your `Gemfile`: gem "google-apis" Run the following in your console to install with Bundler: $ bundle install ### Usage The easiest setup is to define an application-wide Google API connection followed by instantiating an API instance. Make sure you have created a Client ID (application type "Service account") at your projects API credentials page (https://console.developers.google.com/project/your_project_id/apiui/credential). Enable the API at your Console API page (https://console.developers.google.com/project/your_project_id/apiui/api). Do not forget to download the private key by generating a P12 key file. ```ruby [1] pry(main)> GoogleApis.connect :email_address => "lorem@developer.gserviceaccount.com", :private_key => "/path/to/private/key.p12" => # [2] pry(main)> bq = Google::BigQuery.new :project_id => "your_project_id", :dataset_id => "your_dataset_id" => # [3] pry(main)> bq.tables.list => {"kind"=>"bigquery#tableList", "etag"=>"\"Fo0B4r/LoR3M-1pSuM-D0loR-s1T-AM3t\"", "tables"=> [{"kind"=>"bigquery#table", "id"=>"your_project_id:your_dataset_id.awesome_table_19820801", "tableReference"=>{"projectId"=>"your_project_id", "datasetId"=>"your_dataset_id", "tableId"=>"awesome_table_19820801"}, "type"=>"TABLE"}], "totalItems"=>1} [4] pry(main)> bq.jobs.query :query => "SELECT * FROM [your_dataset_id.awesome_table_19820801] LIMIT 5" => {"kind"=>"bigquery#queryResponse", "schema"=> {"fields"=> [{"name"=>"awesome_column1", "type"=>"STRING", "mode"=>"NULLABLE"}, {"name"=>"awesome_column2", "type"=>"STRING", "mode"=>"NULLABLE"}, {"name"=>"awesome_column3", "type"=>"STRING", "mode"=>"NULLABLE"}, ... ``` #### Easy API discovery info GoogleApis quickly displays the resources and methods a certain API provides. ```ruby [5] pry(main)> bq => # [6] pry(main)> bq.jobs => # [7] pry(main)> bq.jobs[:query] => {"id"=>"bigquery.jobs.query", "path"=>"projects/{projectId}/queries", "httpMethod"=>"POST", "description"=>"Runs a BigQuery SQL query synchronously and returns query results if the query completes within a specified timeout.", "parameters"=>{"projectId"=>{"type"=>"string", "description"=>"Project ID of the project billed for the query", "required"=>true, "location"=>"path"}}, "parameterOrder"=>["projectId"], "request"=>{"$ref"=>"QueryRequest"}, "response"=>{"$ref"=>"QueryResponse"}, "scopes"=>["https://www.googleapis.com/auth/bigquery", "https://www.googleapis.com/auth/cloud-platform"]} ``` #### Application-wide API connections ##### Google::BigQuery.connection You can also configure an application-wide API connection. Let's say you also stored the connection configuration in `config/bigquery.yml`: ```yaml --- email_address: lorem@developer.gserviceaccount.com private_key: "/path/to/private/key.p12" project_id: your_project_id dataset_id: your_dataset_id ``` ```ruby [1] pry(main)> require "yaml" => true [2] pry(main)> Google::BigQuery.connect YAML.load_file("config/bigquery.yml") => # [3] pry(main)> Google::BigQuery.jobs => # [4] pry(main)> Google::BigQuery.select_rows "SELECT * FROM [your_dataset_id.awesome_table_19820801] LIMIT 4" => [["1982-08-01", "Paul is awesome", "Paul", "Engel", 19], ["1982-08-01", "GoogleApis is cool", "Google", "Apis", 82], ["1982-08-01", "Hello world!", "Foo", "Bar", 8], ["1982-08-01", "Try out this gem :)", "It's", "very easy", 1]] ``` Please note that `Google::BigQuery.connection` is provided with several methods resembling ActiveRecord: `#select_rows`, `#select_values` and `#select_value`. ##### Google::Storage.connection The following example demonstrates how to download a file from Google Storage: ```ruby [1] pry(main)> Google::Storage.connect :email_address => "lorem@developer.gserviceaccount.com", :private_key => "/path/to/private/key.p12" => # [2] pry(main)> metadata = Google::Storage.objects.list :bucket => "your-bucket", :prefix => "path/to/your/file/awesome.tsv" => {"kind"=>"storage#objects", "items"=> [{"kind"=>"storage#object", "id"=>"your-bucket/path/to/your/file/awesome.tsv/1425499569141000", "selfLink"=>"https://www.googleapis.com/storage/v1/b/your-bucket/o/path%2Fto%2Fyour%2Ffile%2Fawesome.tsv", "name"=>"path/to/your/file/awesome.tsv", "bucket"=>"your-bucket", "generation"=>"1425499569141000", "metageneration"=>"1", "contentType"=>"text/tab-separated-values", "updated"=>"2015-03-04T20:06:09.141Z", "storageClass"=>"STANDARD", "size"=>"5592792", "md5Hash"=>"od4vAFihlDLs1k9kgo+U4CXhQ==", "mediaLink"=>"https://www.googleapis.com/download/storage/v1/b/your-bucket/o/path%2Fto%2Fyour%2Ffile%2Fawesome.tsv?generation=1425499569141000&alt=media", "owner"=>{"entity"=>"user-00b4903a97b10389ce680ca45ba5999e068c4d0c8ccbbfbb7094238bc85a567", "entityId"=>"00b4903a97b20004ce680ca5f5aeebe068c4d0c8ccbbfbb7094266d1b9787457"}, "crc32c"=>"P4UlsJQ==", "etag"=>"EN93lyNu/j8QCEAE="}]} [3] pry(main)> Google::Storage.download metadata["items"][0]["mediaLink"], "foo/" => 5592792 [4] pry(main)> puts `ls -l foo | grep awesome` -rw-rw-r-- 1 paulengel paulengel 5592792 Apr 17 16:38 awesome.tsv => nil [5] pry(main)> Google::Storage.objects.insert :bucket => "your-bucket", :media => "path/to/your/local/awesome.file.gz", :directory => "awesome_directory" => {"kind"=>"storage#object", "id"=>"your-bucket/awesome_directory/awesome.file.gz/1429539088390000", "selfLink"=>"https://www.googleapis.com/storage/v1/b/your-bucket/o/awesome_directory%2Fawesome.file.gz", "name"=>"awesome_directory/awesome.file.gz", "bucket"=>"your-bucket", "generation"=>"1429539088390000", "metageneration"=>"1", "contentType"=>"text/plain", "updated"=>"2015-04-20T14:11:28.390Z", "storageClass"=>"STANDARD", "size"=>"5898192", "md5Hash"=>"82Pe0oFOTdC6nP86/K4fmA==", "mediaLink"=>"https://www.googleapis.com/download/storage/v1/b/your-bucket/o/awesome_directory%2Fawesome.file.gz?generation=1429539088390000&alt=media", "owner"=>{"entity"=>"user-00b49031947c40e21c1934ed03110ed7f71bfc2f8dd1982c257ad66d72e5d9a2", "entityId"=>"00b49031947c40e21c0e306d03110ed7f71bfc2f8dd1982c257ad66d72ea1934"}, "crc32c"=>"qPMe/Q==", "etag"=>"ENGluYyIhcUCEAE="} ``` Easy, huh? :) ##### Google::Drive.connection Please make sure that you also have created a "Public API access" server key and added your IP to the allowed IPs at the [API credentials page](https://console.developers.google.com/project/your_project_id/apiui/credential). ```ruby [1] pry(main)> Google::Drive.connect :email_address => "lorem@developer.gserviceaccount.com", :private_key => "/path/to/private/key.p12" => # [2] pry(main)> Google::Drive.files.list => {"kind"=>"drive#fileList", "etag"=>"\"4GaIn/LoR3M-1pSuM-D0loR-s1T-AM3t\"", "selfLink"=>"https://www.googleapis.com/drive/v2/files", "items"=> [{"kind"=>"drive#file", "id"=>"12-On3Tw0w4ntO0-0neTh0", ... ``` #### One Google API connection to rule them all If it isn't already clear, you can specify a global Google API connection and use different APIs: ```ruby [1] pry(main)> GoogleApis.connect :email_address => "lorem@developer.gserviceaccount.com", :private_key => "/path/to/private/key.p12" => # [2] pry(main)> Google::Drive.connect => # [3] pry(main)> Google::Drive.files.list => {"kind"=>"drive#fileList", ... [4] pry(main)> Google::BigQuery.connect :project_id => "your_project_id", :dataset_id => "your_dataset_id" => # [5] pry(main)> Google::BigQuery.tables.list => {"kind"=>"bigquery#tableList", ... ``` ### Using the console The GoogleApis repo is provided with `script/console` which you can use for development / testing purposes. Run the following command in your console: ```ruby $ script/console Loading Google APIs development environment (0.1.3) [1] pry(main)> GoogleApis.connect :email_address => "", :private_key => "/path/to/private/key.p12" => # [2] pry(main)> bq = Google::BigQuery.new :project_id => "your_project_id", :dataset_id => "your_dataset_id" => # ``` You can also define `script/config.yml` containing the connection config: ```yaml --- email_address: lorem@developer.gserviceaccount.com private_key: "/path/to/private/key.p12" ``` And immediately start instantiating a Google API: ```ruby $ script/console Loading Google APIs development environment (0.1.3) [1] pry(main)> bq = Google::BigQuery.new :project_id => "your_project_id", :dataset_id => "your_dataset_id" => # ``` ### Testing Run the following command for testing: $ rake You can also run a single test file: $ ruby test/unit/test_google_apis.rb ### Contributing Please feel free to fork this repository and send in pull requests to help improve GoogleApis ;) ### TODO * Add more Google API definitions (see [google-apis/lib/google_apis/api](https://github.com/archan937/google-apis/tree/master/lib/google_apis/api)) * Add more tests ### License Copyright (c) 2015 Paul Engel, released under the MIT License http://github.com/archan937 – http://twitter.com/archan937 – http://gettopup.com – pm_engel@icloud.com Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE.